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Why didn't Mr. Moseby kick out the twins if he hated them
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Why didn't Mr. Moseby kick out the twins if he hated them so much?
Because then he wouldn't be able to molest them
Mom was a pretty good singer and I don't remember if they even had a dad desu.
He was fucking they're mom.
Why didn't he just hit them with his car?
They did, he appeared a few times.

Because he's crazy.
Because London is gonna freak
He was a rare cuckbull. Carey needed his bbc but he knew he'd get tied up and assfucked if he messed with her little boys.
Because he was cucking their dad.
He secretly loved them.
>In late December 1991, Lewis was arrested after he crashed his car, head on, into a car driven by 21-year-old Isabel Duarte, in Potomac, Maryland. Duarte, a resident of nearby Bethesda, later died from her injuries. Lewis was charged with drunk driving.[6][7][8]

>In 1993, Lewis was convicted of manslaughter with a motor vehicle and driving while intoxicated in Montgomery County, Maryland Circuit Court. The court sentenced Lewis to five years in prison, but suspended four, citing Lewis' work after his arrest with a prison-based theater troupe which performed in jails, schools and churches, to highlight the consequences of drug abuse. Lewis was also ordered to serve two years' probation after his release and to perform 350 hours of community service.[6][7][8]
Because a galaxy far far away is actually hell
Didn't the guy who played Mr. Moseby kill someone?
He owed their mother a life debt after killing their third twin in a car accident
Delete this
>Careful, the AC isn't working so the hotel is very hot!
man hooch is crazy
Hooch is crazy
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What did he mean by this?
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