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just made an IMDb account. recommend me some movies for my watchlist
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Thread replies: 16
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just made an IMDb account.
recommend me some movies for my watchlist
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Pootie Tang
The King is Alive
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1 MB, 2414x3632
Bring It On: All or Nothing
Irrational Man
Surviving Christmas
letterboxd is better
then cinemos once it's released
>letterboxd is better
>retards actually believe this.

Stick to your containment general, kiddo.
The Black Hole
Neverending Story
The Last of the Mohicans
The twilight series
Date movie
Epic movie
Meet the Spartans
Xmen 3
Amazing spiderman 2
Indianna Jones 4
Mission impossible 2/3/5
Die another day
Saw part 3/4/5/6/7
Shrek 3/4
Quantam of solace
The love guru
Grown ups 1/2
Oceans 12
Jack and Jill
The avengers 1/2
The scorpion King 2/3
American psycho 2
RoboCop (2014)
Total recall ( reboot)
The expendables trilogy
Taken 2/3
The grey
Gangs of new York
The quick and the dead
Batman and Robin
George of the jungle 2
Dr Doolittle 3
Stuart little 3
Titanic, Harry Potter Series, Avatar, Avengers, etc. They're hidden gems.
>Gangs of new York
>The quick and the dead
But these are good, how do they fit in with the rest of those?
Bubba Ho-Tep
Go to Brendan Frashers discussion page and tell ChamCham hes a smelly bastard.
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