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ITT:post movies you never see posted on /tv/ >watched this
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File: excalibur.jpg (213 KB, 960x1440) Image search: [Google]
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ITT:post movies you never see posted on /tv/

>watched this when i was 7 all the time
>quite possibly my first rated R movie
>it's badass

lurk moar chum
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i like this more than ghostbusters
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I bet you enjoy the films of Zack Snyder.
I like ghostbusters message better. but i like the humor in stripes better.
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Doesn't this movie become a serious war movie halfway through?
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pretty damn influential to modern film surprisingly
Hardly, there's some comical russian vs bill murray combat but it's pretty damn goofy from start to finish.
Damn I got that shit on vhs at the thrift store, I dont know shit about it but it looks cool, i havent seen it yet cause the girl keeps poopooing it.
The only thing i can think of as remotely similar to ND are Paul Wes Anderson films, ie more hipster shit

Granted, this movie is hilarious and i love it and do not think of it as a hipster movie.

Just has the similar awkward style with peppy weird music and pale colors mannnn

'bout a week or so ago, I made a comment in a fantasy thread about Excalibur.

It was cool as the thread devolved into a Boorman discussion.

Here's the movie nobody talks about.
Everyone knows about the one where Sean Connery is in a red spandex jumpsuit, are u fucking kidding me, its next to troll 2 in terms of famous bad movies l, ur not special bro
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GOAT tier children's fantasy coming through
I wish I could have watched this movie without having heard anything about it. Roth does so many fake - outs about exactly what kind of horror you'd be dealing with. Is it gonna be a redneck slasher movie? A crazy killer clown movie? Psycho cop who just wants to party? Murderous drifter with a big-ass dog? It's all those things and none.
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Saw it for the first time recently, I thought it sucked desu. Felt like Rammis wrote a plot summary got some funny people together and a camera then hoped for the best
it was originally written as a cheech and chong movie, really it was.
Man I agree, hearing from my cousin about the dog eating a girl and shit really fucked up my perception of the movie before seeinv it, but man did it sound fucked up
So fucking insane
Nothing more terrifying than the idea of running out of a burning building into a firing squad

Fucking love this movie. It captures that dark fantasy aspect almost perfectly. Its so fucking dreary and depressing. More movies need to be like this, instead of cgi filled bullshit
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>red spandex jumpsuit

maybe you should watch it sunshine
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