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Corey isn't gay edition

Past thread: >>71705282

>No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway

HoH (Head of Household): Paulie
Roadkill: Victor
Veto: Paulie

HoH Nominations: Bronte and Victor
Roadkill Nomination: Tiffany
First for Zakiyah's ass
there is a chance. vic is easy as fuck to manipulate, Tiff is a mixed bag, plus her sister was also in the house. it's kind of a no-brainier.
Assuming Victor is out tomorrow, and Jozea beats Glenn in round 1 of the comeback game, who would you root for in Victor vs Jozea?
>Assuming Victor is out tomorrow, and Jozea beats Glenn in round one of the comeback game, who would you root for in Victor vs Jozea?
Did they ever tell Glenn he's still in the game? He already got his payment and Jeff didn't even as much as drop a hint during the interviews.
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Straight Male.webm
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no there isn't showfag fuck off
Boogie Down Bronx making a comeback
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>mad that people watch the show
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kill le self
I remember a few nights back when Corey watched Frank shower in the HoH room. It was awkward as fuck. Wish I'd capped it.
the show has only caught you up until Sunday you're 3 days behind. Vic even started packing today
Just chill
If julie chen can suck her husbands wrinkled circumcised jew kyke wing wang then glenn still has a chance winning
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>it's a storage room cam
Did anyone else see corey nibbling james's ear lobes when he was sleeping?
What did he mean by this? Srsly tho
yes, Glenn knows he still has a chance
i wish they would show the HOH bathroom more often
Victor for sure! had enough of Jozea.
>Tiff subltly invite Paulie to visit her after the show
can the eviction vote end in a tie this time?
Did they fugg
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Also will this season be the first to feature homosexual intercourse? I am talking about Frank&Corey fuggin
What is the best strategy
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I hope Tiffany gets hoh this week and gets Davonne evicted.
Bomb squads
get an 8, 5 and 3 person alliance and dont be a dick
go home fanfiction.net
based james

>Wed 6:04 PM BBT James says "good talk. We got nothing accomplished and put a little more heat on us."
That's a lot of alliance!

Tell the entire house you hate them and ask to be voted out
James is a little creep, he was thatbkid in high school that befriended the girls to hopefully see some side boob or go to the mall with them
I bet he pulled his puddin in that trash can
100% success rate
>Bridgette will never jerk you off
why even live?

She's far too cute to do lewd things like that.
>Win the first HoH
>lets you talk to everyone in the house to get a read on people
>get in a good 3-5 person alliance
>lay low for the first 4-5 weeks being nice to EVERYONE
>get close to one or two people outside of that alliance just in case
>make a final 2 with a goat
>win the final 5 HoH (optional)
>win the final 4 veto
>win the final 3 Hoh
>confess to everything you did at jury roundtable
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omg James is fingering Natalie on cam 1
sup bro's I don't watch this shit but I would appreciate some Bridgette webms being posted
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I like the one on the left
god she looks like a pig
>tfw 8pack cannibalizes itself next week and Paul slips deep into the game when someone scoops him up for a new alliance and a vote
>tfw corey is going to get close to michelle and cuck nicole just like cody did to her with christine so she had to move on to hayden

He looks like Serj Tankian and Adam Levine combined to form one lead singer.
a CUTE pig!
She has to do something to make webms of.
That interview with the spoon mike was cute but NoSoundsAllowed
Who are we rooting for? The chink?
he really should get rid of his beard. it overpowers his face. hell, it overpowers his whole body.
Absolutely disgusting
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why? if she was just ugly or had that voice I could bear her, but the combination of those two is absolutely brutal

she seems like a decent person though
I kind of thought the same but she really grew on me.
Thats it, Im a #brontemissle now
Is this the first all gay male cast? I swear to god the only one that doesnt pack fudge is the viatnameese fucking shit
is she the only one to show titties so far?
whoa calm down buddy corey is extremely straight
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she is gone next week tho
>she seems like a decent person though
well her and Natalie are dead set on voting for a girl to win no matter what and Bronte was a huge bitch the week she thought Jozea had power
Why do they have that angle??
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dont cum in my beard.jpg
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BB UK 2004 already did that. The current year actually had gay sex on BB UK.
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Not sure, other than just to see boobs.
Paulies fruity dance during the intro got me like woah
Reddit had a nip slip
>the current year
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Bronte is literally the only likable one. And by likable I mean lickable
i genuinely didnt think a female housemate could sound slower and more retarded than elissa but michelle has proved me wrong jesus christ
Coreys a lispy homo
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just fuck my game up.jpg
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Natalie is pooping again.
Paulie has jungle fever
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>Defined abs
James spiked her drink
Nat spread her vagina for the feedsters
she needs to do some fuckin skwatz
so tired of the fish cuts
wouldnt be nearly as bad if they didnt pay that same retarded music loop constantly
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he likes cottage cheese
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headphone user rest in peace
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got some good screenshots last night I didn't make into better images yet
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just like austin and anyone else that's gone far after a bad first week

dan did it as well right? (although better)

everyone keeps talking about how they'll get to you later and you can just strategically float.
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>Michelle/Frank/Nicole: Frank heavily alludes to DR session clues/cues about upcoming comps and strategy

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well a plan of his was to give Paulie HOH this week if it was a physical comp so that michelle can play in next week's since its more likely to be a mental comp and vice versa.

obviously it was physical and Paulie got it so they probably asked him about his strategy and he thinks its gonna be mental
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shat bricks
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Nicole is low key the house dictator. She's a control freak who's playing really hard, but everyone gives her a pass because of her aww shucks routine
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2016-07-06-19.16.04-Cam 1.png
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She's so cute
>tfw maxing volume on to hear people whispering on cam 3/4
>someone on cam 1/2 sings
>deafening fish music plays

every time
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mnooooo uuuhhhh
Best last ditch effort plan for sure. I mean Dan pulled it off
she's got Corey on her side too because Day won't mind backstabbing her. Z has Paulie too but she isn't gonna win anything
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hate that feel
So, Natalie and Paul final 2?
>Nicole is low key the house dictator.

Nah, she's too wishy washy to be in control. Plus, her "showmance" with Corey is going to hurt her game in the long term.

Honestly, out of all the vets, at this point, James is in the best position.
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> Last ditch effort
Paulie just seems like the kind of guy who needs to get a few teeth knocked out on tv. He's super arrogant, and he's a small dude. Everything about him is calculated to, even fucking a black girl. He's trying to seem cool
Natalie is becoming one of my top most attractive BB girls of all time, the only ones more attractive are racist blondes!
he used to be in the MLS and he was too pussy to play soccer with Victor. he just said nah not worth it man I'd destroy him my feet are as fast as Brazilians
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you saying he is a giant virtue signal
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. He just oozes tryhard.
Who is she looking at?

She's in the bed having a conversation with James. The camera was zooming on her and she noticed it.
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tfw shushed.png
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>Natalie 3rd on jokers
>Frank 14th
>Tiffany at 6th even though all she does is moan and bitch and is intolerable by the 8pack
u silly
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Ghost of Devin
i don't see any of that at all. leave my boy, Paulie, alone.
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nat best girl
did they fugg?
he is the inferior calafiore sibling thats for sure
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that guys snapchat is gettin blown up now. dopestdope
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>tfw you just remembered that Steve won BB last season

t. tiffposter
Get that butter out of your kisser.
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>people ironically hate frankie
Who is that?
Why do normies like tinder?
I used it right when it first came out and this girl cheated in all her pictures to make her look good. after I got her number and saw she was fat I told her I got arrested and couldn't talk to her anymore and stopped using it.

thanks for reading
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>needs yeast for banana bread
>I told her I got arrested and couldn't talk to her anymore
beta af
where's Z when you need her?
she worked at a hospital and I told her it was for selling prescription pills. she was fat and had blue hair fuck that shit
was she hiding the blue hair from you as well?
yeah her tinder pics must have been old
easy pussy

Because if you're okay looking and have even a little social skills you can get laid.
if you're a 7/10 you can pick up girls easily
because you literally decide which girls you would bang and of those they decide if they would bang you back and then you get your pickings from there, whats not to like about it?

as long as your decent looking and not one of those disgusting betas you get a ton of messages
top kek Corey
>tfw /fit/ is going home
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bitch please.jpg
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>Bronti wants Anita S hair with red streak
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Who else is here HYPE for a girl to win?

finally they're getting fun
aw yes
what happens to the streams when they all go to sleep?
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we watch them
behead all who insult da'vonne
>james wants corey out

he is so in love with nicole
wtf lmao
first rule in an alliance is no showmances
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you can tell he's jelly tho

he's always talking about how nicole is the perfect girl and shit
Reminder that this is the LIVE FEED GENERAL and not a thread for episode discussion
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he's got Natalie wrapped around his finger m8
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taylor swift is his waifu

it caused this to happen
shut up
You must a special kind of retard if you think Tiff is not getting evicted

>4 pacts : tiff
>female chink: tiff
>hot latina: tiff
>bearded dude: tiff
>frank: tiff

Those are 8 votes out of the 14 remaining do the math niggas
Paul is running around doing hilarious shit and we still don't have a camera on him why the fuck not
first off watch the nbombs
second watch the cbombs

was it rape?
>bronte will never beat you up and force feed you cookies
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>you're going to hear the door break down
corey confirmed for devin poster
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check this chart and youll see why youre wrong
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It's fun
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Who is the target after tiffany goes home? Vic?
bronte is a movement
the guy in the hat is literally me

1994: The Person
vic is going tomorrow
They watch you sleep


we fucking get it they're mad at Frank show us something else
her name is donna martin
why did frank drop so low?
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all the girls in the house started bitching about him except bridgette
Frank slapped Zs bare ass while she was in the shower
girls think he's a chauvinist
>you me, that closet, NOW
O-ok bronte..
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>all the cameras right now
>they're yelling at Paul for doing something fun off camera

looks like I lied yesterday I do have a sleeping image
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its not closet its gas chamber
She know what she doin
>forcing us to listen to girls talk about makeup
Day is always either bitching about someone or somebody. She never seems to be happy.
>Tiffany- Why did Corey and Paulie think Frank is gunning after them? Said it came from Z and Z told Corey.
>Da'Vonne- Oh shit

Here we go
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and she never leaves her god damn room
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>someone or somebody
she wore that shirt 2 days ago stinky negro
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why is Tiff so awkward?
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Devin Profile.jpg
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that rousso charm
>tfw you'll never cuddle with train wreak Beck and watch Big Brother

daddy issues, social programming, prescription drugs, tumblr
all the roussos are gay crying aspie geniuses

all of them
Why does she look like she would shed a tear on the side of the highway if I threw my big gulp out of the window?
>everything about him is calculated

You know we're watching Big Brother right?

I just want her to stop trusting Da'Vonne. She's CUTE but Day is just feeding her paranoia and ruining her game :(
you mean Friend Hangout Simulator?
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so is Corey actually trying to bro out with Frank now and ride with him or is he fishing for info
Ok so lets say your in Brontes position right now, what do you do to make sure you survive the next three weeks?
I cant understand what they are saying when they whisper
hide. people are about to go to war she can just stay out of it
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Do you guys think bronte has a strong strap on game? I think she might
throw all the girls under the bus except Nicole/Bridgette/Negrotti and make peace with Nicole

At this point, she just needs to keep her head down and try to get in the good graces of the HOHes. I don't know how she would know this, though.
looks like she would do literally anything you want just for attention
Is Day now forming a new alliance to create a resistance to the alliance she just joined in 8 hours ago?

God damn, can't argue with those quads. Throw the girls under the bus it is.
he doesnt trust frank and wants him out so probably the latter
Pray that the big alliance goes after itself this upcoming HoH or that I win HoH and/or veto
try for this hoh, anyone who puts up 8-pack will completely reconfigure the game. these people haven't had any reason to worry and they're already bugging the fuck out
yeah Day isn't very good. She got mad at Frank for doing this and now she's doing the exact same thing that Frank is
Truthfully, I think she might be a dominatrix.
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Once people start to compare notes, Day's game is going to blow up.
paul get off of paulie's hoh laptop
I think the guys might be starting to see that the girls are exaggerating what Frank's doing because when they talk to Frank he's so laid back on the plans
This season is like season 16, but without a Derrick to take control.
there are just two guys like that though (Corey/Paulie, and Paulie can't play HoH)

James is definitely still anti-Frank
dont know if much has changed since just this morning though
paulie and corey both want frank gone unless they've changed their mind since talking this morning
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I want to cum inside bridgette.
That's a good thing.

If Derrick wasn't on that season, Cody would have put Beast Mode on the block early in the game because of the Amber thing and would have started an all out war that season.

T-thanks Derrick...
bridgette needs to grow up ffs
are they against Paulie's plan to get out bronte, bridgette, and paul first though? that's a lot of time for things to change
Is frank going to have a full meltdown when he gets nominated
>Cam on Tiff and Day silent in the have not room

Can we get production to change what's showing
It's weird because i can actually see a nominated frank falling pretty seamlessly into a day/tiffany/leftovers chaos alliance
he'll do what he did s14 and get tiffany out and maybe be able to get people on his side. if they get tiff and day out anything could happen for frank
>someone or somebody

What did he mean by this?
Victor is going to be evicted by a vote of 9 to 1

I meant to type "something or somebody" but my brain farted.
girls are so boring
A girl is gonna win this year
Uggo. She looks like she's been hit by a train or something.

These girls are worse than Tiff and Day silent
Better enjoy it because cam 3/4 is going to be all you will see on feeds in a month
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perhaps he'll pull a funeral as his mentor once done
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I'll stop watching probably

True story: last year after BB17 ended I mailed her a short letter saying that I enjoyed watching her play (and appreciated her being the only damn person to try to get Vanessa out). She wrote me a thank-you note back and included a signed picture.

Becky is awesome.
why is Rutgers hat subjecting himself to that hell hole of a conversation?
>tfw having dreams of myself having a showmance with Bridgette
I really wished I had finished season 16.
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Thread images: 97

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