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What the fuck was his problem?
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What the fuck was his problem?
Are you frustrated?
To remove any chance of reprisal. This used to be fairly common practice, wiping out your enemy's entire family line to make sure that one of their kids who was old enough to remember you doesn't grow up to take revenge.
When does he do this?

In the aftermath of his coup against the Kaiser.
>What the fuck was his problem?
The Goldenbaums
The sneaky aristocrats
The ISIS in space cult
The jews of Phezzan
Abducted sister
Iserlohn Fortress

All in all, he did pretty good.
After he's all on his own in ~episode 28 he and his jewish snake advicosr decide to arrest chancellor Lichtenlade and his whole family

nah man das wrong
He orders the aristocrats executed? I can't even remember this.
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then he got space cancer.jpg
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You forgot space cancer


Shit, you're right


Yeah I was mistaken. There was no threat from the Goldenbaums because the only survivor member of the coup was an infant girl.
You're wrong again. Reinhardt was poisoned. It was that Felix kid. Reinhardt doesn't start to fall ill until he drinks the poisonous tea. The fox of Phezzan says that if Reinhardt had waited just one year, he would've been dead. This implies that Rubinsky already had set the poisoning in motion slowly killing Reinhardt.
I don't remember this. I remember his tenant clearly but I have no hint of poisoning in mind memory although I have clear remembering that he died of illness (implying natural).

They never confirm it was poisoning and the Felix thing was always fan speculation. The reason it's always so vague in the books about what is wrong with Reinhard is because Japan has a taboo about using real-life diseases by name in fiction because they believe that people suddenly getting better from that stuff makes light of the suffering of real people. Though considering they called it "The Emperor's Disease", that generally means it was either porphyrias or hemophilia since that's historically what that term referred to.
I did not know this. I guess it also mirror's Alexander the Great's death. A man despite his greatness fallen to simple disease.
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He was gay for Kircheis but Kircheis died and homosexuals were shunned in the empire

>jewish snake advicosr
You talking shit about based Oberstein?

Its allright, I thought he was a bad guy at first too

It's why anime is so fond of the vague but lethal cough. Yes if you're coughing up blood, then odds are you have tuberculosis, but it's extremely rare they ever say it's TB unless it's a historical character who had it (Okita Souji being the most famous one among the Japanese). It's just a cultural thing for them.
The last two are comedy gold.
Bittenfeld's forceful breakthrough isn't bad either.
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What did he mean by this?

He thinks it's sadder to kill people that leave a widow behind.
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Since we atleast have to pretend that were discussing TV and not anime, lets talk about whom we would cast in a hypotethical LOGH movie
>Reinhard - Leonardo DiCaprio
>Oberstein - Steve Buscemi
>Schenkopp - George Clooney
>Mittermeyer - Owen Wilson
>Reuenthal - Ben Stiller
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>Reinhard - Leonardo DiCaprio
I'm out.
Did anyone else hate how ridiculously over powered the Rosen-Ritter were? They were cool at first but they became a lot less so when I realized that as soon as they showed up they were 100% guaranteed to win whatever fight they were in. It removed all dramatic tension because they were the only invincible characters in the show.

I kind of feel the same way about the plucky Free Planets Alliance fighter pilots too. They were just too invincible to be enjoyable to watch. Both of these problems could have been offset however if there was an imperial counterpart to the Rosen Ritter and the plucky pilots.
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It was offset by the Empire having a lot of qualified leaders and more resources.
I dunno. The Rosenritter didn't really do enough for it to become annoying. I did really enjoy them BTFOing the alliance and empire when they tried to execute Yang, and kidnapped the prime minister. Then I felt bad for the prime minister. After that, I don't think they did much until they all got killed on Reinhardt's flagship.

Though I agree, imperial counterparts for the rosenritter and fighters would have been nice.
This image alone makes my dick hard.
Damn that whole "the empire's generals are the best in the universe" thing was so satisfying.
If I wanted to get into LOTG do I just start with the anime? I remember someone once saying to watch a movie first
But the Rosenritter got owned lots of times. Like when they tried to kill Reuntal and he fucked them with a knife. Or when they tried to kill Reinhardt and like 90% of them died.

Sure, they kicked ass when they were bullying green newbies on Iserlohn, or glorified cops in Heinessen. But that's to be expected since they're basically alliance special forces. But whenever they went up against elite imperials, they got rekt plenty.
Yeah the thing is they were not done in chronological order. But there are a lot of jumps to do between movies, OVA and anime.
You can just enjoy it in release order too, it doesn't ruin the story especially since OVA and movies are actually more like side stories.
That said I'm totally biased by the fact that I went with release order, I would have been nice to see them in chronological order.
Watch My Conquest is the Sea of Stars and Overture to a New War, then skip the first two episodes since they're covered by the movies.
The movie rendition of events in the first two episodes are just better.
Overture to a New War first, then the main OVA.
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the non-meme ones are 20 years too old.
DiCaprio would have been great tho
shota are sexy
don't worry about that shit

but give it 4 or 5 episodes to get to know the characters, the historical background and get invested.

I loved those 'history of the galaxy' episodes.
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Reminder that people hate Oberstein because they can't counter his arguments.
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Probably that /a/-rejects don't stay in /a/ and spam the boards where he lurks.
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>You will never experience space Napoleonic wars
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Remember to avoid previews at the end of the episodes if you don't want spoilers.
There's pretty much no way Hollywood would do this justice.

best OP
Don't worry. It's too politically incorrect and male-centered for Hollywood to care to begin with.
get this cartoon shit off my board
Please tell me about it. It Loks good. Why do you like it? What happens?
It's some old show with shit animation and tacky space battles that shoolboys who decide to graduate from moeshit pretend to like. I've tried to watch it but almost died from cringe. It tries to be deep and smart, but only succeeds if the viewer hasn't read a book in their life. Some connoisseurs probably watch it just for the boipussi. It's scheduled to get a reboot in 2017, but perhaps the reboot will also be shit, like the Berserk one.
Democratic shitters vs based autocrats: space edition
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>space Napoleonic wars

Personally I like it for the characters, it has a big but well developed cast
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Forgot link
Stay salty, schoolboy. And don't forget to take your shit to /a/ next time.
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