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" You are not a God , you were never even a man!!"

That line from Batfleck was just hair raising.
>that image
This is a high school students first movie project not film you sophomore
Gospel of Snyder 1:1

Look and behold, for Kino is all around you. Alas, true Kino itself can be found once a lifetime by those who can truly see. For vast knowledge, far beyond those of simple minds can comprehend, is required to seek Kino. My works alone are not the only Kino to be found, it is found unnoticed by the public, it is found in the depths of what the weak mind call trash, it is found in the most secluded pieces of arts and cinema; ranging from grand films to simple animation. Look and wonder, for one's own Kino is to be found within oneself. Amen.

Gospel of Snyder - 1:13

When the sun set in the east, when the clouds turned black, and the world was devoid of art and beauty, of life and meaning; the people were given one last chance. Snyder died on Easter for the betterment of all of cinema. The public hated his works, the critics speared his masterpiece to the ground. Yet the believers stood strong and stout, for they knew, they knew the world would be reborn. And unto this land would come a new age of cinema, the dawn of Superkino. Hark, for he will return, and despite our hate, our sins, he will make Cinema Great Again. Amen.

Gospel of Snyder - 1:52

You dare doubted the works of Zack Snyder? Was it not he who led the revolution from shitty 2000 camp movies into manly movies like 300? Was he not he who changed how the world views superheros with Watchmen? Snyder is our lord of directing, his vision of the DC Cinematic Universe must be untainted by the likes of Disney quips. Do not doubt him for he will grace us with Kino of all genres. With Man of Steel and BvS, he did not simply introduce great superheroes to mankind. With those movies, mankind was introduced to Superkino. Do not fall for the sinful works of capeshit as created by Disney and Marvel, but bask in the glory that is capekino made by the lord and savior of cinema. Amen.

"Jar of Piss". The vulgarity in such a simple phrase to invoke disgust was masterfully done.
"I can't piss standing up."

- Wally "You're the boss, boss." Wallace
- Le Luthor
Stay plebeian.
>its an entry level imdb buff stepping up to his cinesuperior episode
Nice projection.
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