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shitty players edition

why didn't Jason ever get far?
1st for Corey being the most boring houseguest since howard
halp please >>71380883
>michelle complaining about other houseguests eating too much while she stuffs her fat face full of shitty junk food for the 38th time today
shes got to go
i want her to get fat, last to around 5th-6th place, think she's gonna win, get evicted, and get a lukewarm reception from r/bigbrother
jeb is a big fat mess
Why does Jason look like a male version of Rooney Mara?
joze is doing the same shit as jason, he thinks hes the elected king of whoever, and alienates himself.
Who /missian/ here
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Day and James
Michelle is a cutie, she can be a hypocrite all she wants.

Shitty social game. Just wanted to lay around on the couch and talk shit about people all day instead of making social bonds. Gave up pretty much as soon as he was nominated.
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I think some weight will look good on her.
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>reading up on cast
>james' mom died from cancer when he was little
>dad wouldn't raise him
>put in boys orphanage
>adopted by some white hillbillys

Fucked up childhood man that's sad. At least he seems to have turned out alright.
painfully average is the best way to describe her
>jozea making sure to say person and them rather than boy and him
uk version is best

us version is shit
This year there's a phone that goes from the hoh room to the bedrooms.

I think it was added for strategic gameplay but it hasn't been used yet.
Jason was a huge BB fan. He would talk about BB UK, CAN, and AU. His chats weren't always shit.
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BB will never be as good as season 9
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> Women are discussing the diva cup
>Michelle cute

But I didn't expect much from a tripfag

He's still a manlet though.
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Thank you, sounds dumb. I hope somebody leaves it off the hook and uses it to spy on people's conversations
for a huge BB fan he shouldve done better
>why didn't Jason ever get far?

He shit talked too much. If he bit his tongue more, he could have made it far.
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I wonder how much pussy this guy gets.
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Legend of Tarzan will be refilmed with Jozea as the lead, so it draws record opening crowds
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Steve gets zero pussy.

But Stefan on the other hand
Did they get in to porn after the show?
>tfw high sparrow won't let you leave and cersei blows up the building
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>jozea talking about "my language in Europe"
>he's from New Jersey
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Season 9 had the comfiest looking house ever. Too bad the season as a whole was a shitshow.
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was it the writer's strike? how can a writing strike effect a reality show?
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You just won big brother! what are you going to do with the money?

I got big plans julie.
writers strike rushed the casting, and the success of Evil Dick in BB8 made CBS think they should cast a bunch of mean people.

It turned into a bunch of mean people and a bunch of unlikable people. There was honestly nobody to root for that season.
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Big Brother finalist Sheila Kennedy, who voted for Jasinski during the "jury house" portion of the show, stated she felt betrayed by him for using his prize money to fund a drug ring, as he had promised to donate $100,000 of it to an autism charity

Honestly, I think it was the fact that they had to throw a show together super quickly led to some questionable casting choices.

Also, there was some Grodnerball going on with some of the comps.
lmao Jose is making plans for him to be in the final 7 right now
>Da'Vonne- I told Jozea if I was him I wouldnt even pack my clothes

It was because of the writers strike. But because the writers strike affected other shows, nothing was on TV except re-runs. So CBS decided to throw together a season of BB rather quickly.
damn I can't wait to see his sendoff
bless her
>You will never be double teamed by both Cody and Paulie

Why live?
>he didn't watch the james and paulie chess match

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Evel Little Dick is really fixated on this 'Michelle looks like Buzz Lightyear' thing.
>tfw the feeds are still fucked
were they talking? i stopped cause they didn't say shit

they didn't say shit, that's why it was so cool
>I know so much about Big Brother

what did he mean by this?
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Yea but don't forget he's straight though okay? Totally not gay at all

>it's a women and gays pretend
>that corey is gay episode

I know that if he's gay it makes you guys feel better but he's going to rail nicole the second he gets the chance too.

t. chad


sorry for that one lads, here is jozAYYLMAO wearing the "cute" hat that tiff has been wearing

paulie is going the distance
I'm not saying he's gay you mong, I'm making fun of how often he feels the need to clarify he's straight.
>tfw no gf who tells you how to get the feeds again
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tea and crumpets :3
did anyone just see bridgette caressing paulie? it was so cute
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tfw no bridgette to stay up and pretend to flirt with you
alright I'm gonna watch some BB which season should I start with
2 through 18
2 through 18
There are so many great moments and memorable people. I'll probably watch it again after this season.
Bridgette 'Stunning' Dunning
2 is full of great memes, i'm currently watching it
>yo would you be mad if i cracked your fuckin head open?
>would you be mad if i killed you?
>mad bants
>fag hate
>nigger hate
You must be legitimately retarded if you believe Big Brother to, not only be worthwhile entertainment, but to unironically watch this shitty staged bullshit for a second time.

You are fucking scum.
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>if you believe Big Brother to, not only be worthwhile entertainment
Why won't CBS take my dirty Aussie money?
Too many words?

You're a fucking moron, go neck yourself you lower class twat.
>Calls me retarded for rewatching shows I like
>Reads an entire thread about a show he doesn't like
Tiffany sounds EXACTLY like Vanessa.
Feels like I'm re-watching Season 17.

How is not everyone on that already?
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learn to use commas you fuckin shithead, then maybe your sentence wouldn't be intelligible
>assumes I read through this drivel to get to your post

As I was scrolling my merry way down this cesspool of a board, I came across your post, and until that post I had believed that the people here were moderately intelligent underachievers.

Now I know that you're mostly cancerous retards.
Who else watches all of Dan's youtube videos?
He's saying that when you put a statement in commas, like this one here, it's supposed to be a separate statement. What you said essentially reads like this.
>You must be legitimately retarded if you believe Big Brother to (not only be worthwhile entertainment) but to unironically watch this shitty staged bullshit for a second time.
>You must be legitimately retarded if you believe Big Brother to but to unironically watch this shitty staged bullshit for a second time.
For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him

You may not be native English speakers, so I'll let it slide, and hope that some of the words from our Lord will help you realize how fucking stupid you are.
I always get 9 and 10 mixed up in my head.
What a curse this is.
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bridgette mesmerized by paulie's philosophy lesson
Something about Bridgette makes me want to put a baby in her.
Use the catalog to find your hardcore threads.
Escape while you can waifu
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>o-oh no, everyone knows that I'm a dyslexic retard
>better call him reddit

You are the epitome of cancer.

Eat a dick, retard.
Half the people in the house didn't watch 17, they have no idea about Vanessa.
All this over 2 commas.
Just explain why you used commas the way you didn't in the original post. Maybe we can go from there.
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no anon, YOU are the cancer
tfw the only way I can watch season 10 is with Chinese subs
I meant to write did, but my phone autocorrected to didn't. Nobody freak out.
Don't worry, it's not hard, you can filter threads you don't like and pin the ones you do, or reverse this so you can maximize your posts in threads about things you don't watch.
>unironically watches Big Brother in his spare time
>literally designed for bottom of the barrel retards, who both watch and participate in it
>unironically enjoys "reality" tv

If you can't see how large of a fucking pillock that makes you, then you're truly lost.

Because it's grammatically viable. But like you know shit about grammar, when you spend whatever time you have watching absolute horsepiss.
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>goes on 4chan in his spare time
>he's a pseudo-intellectual on 4chan
>coming to a big brother thread to argue about grammar

maybe you should watch more big brother so you can learn to act like more of a normal functioning human bean :^)
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S-Sankyuu, autism san , for bumping the, thread ,back to life,
>those commas
just stop dude
>wasting his time with shit that even most functioning normies despise

Were you dropped as a child, or does your retardation stem from genetics?
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>he projects on 4chan

i'm posting all these molyneux's, you would probably enjoy him
I got a virtual credit card to hopefully buy CBS access.
Hope this works tbqhwyf
post ur account so we can use it
do it for the lads
Hold on I want to buy access first then Ill let you cunts use it
Thread replies: 104
Thread images: 32

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