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well fucking done DD
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well fucking done DD
Autism: The Post
I'm over here now
I was over there
Now I'm over here
dany's starting to get some wrinkles

might have to drop her
First of all, it's not Slavers Bay anymore, it's Bay of Dragons.

Second of all, some long time has passed between Varys in Dorne and Varys in Mereen as proved by fucking Golden Dragons carved into battleships. That shit doesn't happen quickly, but you can't have the actual process in real time can you, autist? You have to take certain liberties and get to the point.

But I suppose you idiots would've loved if we had 3 episodes dedicated to Varyis traveling across the sea, wrapped in his gay robe and looking at the distant sunset.

I'm sure you have the money to make that happen too. Maybe produce the show? Retards.
>the show happens in real time
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Wow, it's almost like a large amount of time passed in the show during this episode. Wow, such amazing revelations OP!

Fuck off contrarian shitposter. At least contain your bullshit in the general thread.
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Post yfw its revealed that Varys has a twin/clone
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Shes a qt

No bully plz
I understand Temporal Ellipsis in narrative. But this of the charts and inconsistent with rest of the show. It clearly jump out.

>get famous off a part
>can't even workout to stop the armfat
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>defending bad storytelling
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>being a full blown autist

I can't wait until most of you commit suicide already. Fucking hell, do us all a favor.
Obviously a lot of time passed before the final three or so scenes of that ep. Jaime went down to KL, Olenna to Dorne. All through that time Dany's ships were already on their way. During the final shot of Varys there were Martell and Tyrell ships in the fleet. So Obviously they joined together near Dorne and that final shot is on the way to KL No continuity errors.
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2016-06-27 16.02.41.png
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You've discovered his ultimate.
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British teeth
American chin
Didn't expect a picture this bad from them
>wanting 3 episodes of dur dur dur hur hur boats
thicc in all the right places
This isn't the Simpsons where things can just keep happening months apart forever without anyone ageing. Dany's story must be taking place over the course of over a decade at this point.

And if so much time has passed, what have these guys been up to?
i thought that was the point. it was supposed to be magic. he seems like the type of guy to secretly know some magic, especially when you know he has that sorcerer that cut his dick off locked up in a box

also those warlocks(or was it 1 guy with clones i forget) when dany landed on that island could teleport like that
waiting for bran to do something and waiting for winter to come
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They've been youtubing
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>Emila will never tell you to clean her asshole with your tongue because she's out of toilet paper

Why even live?
how can HBO allow this to happen? seriously

He leaves before she's back, and when she comes back they spend time dealing with the Masters and retaking the city and then they start production of ships, and by the time he's back they've finished building their ships and have the Dorne fleet. You know that each episode isn't a consecutive day, right?

Probably he just waited Dany and her ships in Dorne. Dany parks in Dorne and pick him up.
Real talk.

Where the fuck are the dragons supposed to rest?

Rest is for pussys or fat men. You're talking about dragons m8
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Dorne Ships.png
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I don't know much about how dragon's are supposed to work in this lore. Can they just legit fly across a sea without needing to stop and rest?
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I've never complained about dany but she looked really weird in that final shot, what is happening to her face and neck
Birds can. Dragons should be able to as well.
Still no motive for Dany to side with Tyrells and the Kingslaying bastards in Dorne.

You know how in the early seasons, things had a backstory, characters had motives for their actions, alliances were tense affairs with lots of politrickery? It's called good storytelling. Now we are simply supposed to accept that Dorne, the Reach and Daenerys magically turn allies after a throwaway line by Varys just on account of them hating Cersei.

Mediocre as fuck.

What are their war goals? What do the Dornish snakes want out of the war? What do the Tyrells want? Fuck that, we are just told to accept it because it's what the plot demands.
Did someone shit all over Feelguy?

Birds can when they can move at their own pace. The dragons are probably going to be limited by the fleet's speed.
I believe that stupid bitch at Dorne only wants her revenge for Oberyn. Literally nothing else. Queen Olenna also wants her revenge on Cersei for obvious resons but she also has motives not shown yet. Probably allegiance with Dany and the place of Tyrells secured in the new world.
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Varys is a faceless man from braavos.
Oh but she DID get thicc this season my dude

>licks lips
Are there even any Tyrells left, show-wise?
The Tyrell army? Hurr durr.
Okay, I believe that, but the way it was done was garbage, he was even out of focus in the second shot!
Olenna would be enough on her own (given she lives long enough) but there should be more realitves etc in Highgarden. Plus they still have their entire army.

How about a fucking army and save territory to land their fleet?

>just by accepting bla bla shitpost

Their relatives and families were murdered by the Lannisters. That is enough for a war.

Its not just vengeance. Its also getting rid of Cersei and prevent her from further fucking up the 7 kingdoms. Additionally Cersei would have attacked Dorne sooner or later because of the dead daughter.

It all makes perfect sense.
>Wildfire propelled dragon
>A clone made by a red priest
>D&D saying "fuck common sense, we hipster series now"

That's my only explainations
It's DRAGON'S Bay now
It's a faceless man or something right?
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Uhh...you don't get to bring friends
I would imagine like birds they can land in the water and float as they rest and then catch up to the fleet or fly ahead then rest as the fleet catches up to them.
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By the time she gets there, there will only be winter.
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Meanwhile, Arya made it across the sea and way the fuck inland within one episode.
they've been chilling

This. People keep forgetting that the ending to the show was basically revealed to us.
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Not everything you're seeing is happening at the same time. Not everything is in real time. There can be weeks between episodes, or even between scenes in a single episode. This isn't 24. Jack Bauer isn't taking a shit during a commercial break.

You have to be a very concrete thinker not to understand this concept. This is basic stuff.
>> time
>> how the fuck does it work?
>> the post
Varys has been going back and forth between Essos and Westeros multiple times this season and you guys think this is what Kings Landing will look like when Dany actually gets there?
If these were medieval times, you'd get executed just for saying that. Fucking idiot.
lol I can't believe they forgot to have him take off his watch during this scene hahaha
i'm really starting to appreciate jennifer aniston through all this, that big bang theory girl and this one are already deteriorating while she's like 45 and looks better than all of them
Either bait or you're a fucking retard.
like on the chin
Jesus fucking christ
Would you prefer that every time a period of time passed they put a message like "FIVE WEEKS LATER YOU DUMBFUCKS"

Do you need to be treated like a literal retard to understand, or can you infer things like "Oh, her fleet is ready now, at least a month must have passed" like an adult with half a fucking brain.
I think you mean "The Bay Of Dragons".
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>Varys travels to and from fucking Mereen in the span of two scenes

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This is not by the time she gets there, maybe eventually. But there is a lot in between.
good meme
How much time has passed exactly? Because Gillys baby hasn't done much growing up in the space of time that all the events of season 5 and 6 have happened.
you're a retard for thinking even for a second that this might not be bait
not him, but it apparently took you an hour to figure out what was wrong with the picture.

good job and valiant effort at damage control, tard
>implying he isn't secretly a wizard like the guy at Qarth
>implying he cant do whacky teleportation/multiplication shit
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