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How does this show manage to win an Emmy, and stay on air so
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How does this show manage to win an Emmy, and stay on air so long, when it is hardly funny?

>Look, it's Seinfeld's Elaine being a clumsy politician

That's whole joke of the show, and it isn't even clever.
Whose watching this?
Well supposedly anyone who watches it is too busy watching it now to defend it.
Yes, it's a shit show.

>I'm an autistic spaz who can't separate an actor/actress from a character!
You're talking shit, while unable to find any redeeming quality to defend about the show.

its funny m8. there are lots of jokes. probably one of the highest joke per minute ratios of any comedy right now. i bet youre a neocon

>5 replies
>3 posters

fuck off
I get the jokes, but I still don't buy into it. The humor seems predictable, as if a person saying:"I'm funny." and because they've said that we're supposed to acknowledge, and agree even when they aren't. Lots of pretending to be funny isn't always funny. The jokes are obvious, and again I simply cannot buy into it being realistic, or even funny as a comedy.
idk it's pretty hilarious, and nothing like seinfeld
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And then Congressman Furlong shows up.

it's hilarious and is constantly and consistently funny
I've only seen a handful of episodes, but what I've seen is amazing. That mother episode alone is one of the biggest mindfucks I've had the pleasure of watching in a long while
the fist two seasons were good
Word. It has been a long time since a comedy has managed to last 5 seasons with no characters being flanderized, retaining the same humor as in the beginning, and managing to keep fresh.
>nothing like seinfeld

Correct, Seinfeld was funny. The comparison to Seinfeld, is that Julia Louis Dreyfus is basically portraying the same character of Elaine in Veep as a ditsy politician. Some of you seem rather dense, which might explain why some of you like this show so much.
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I can think of two reasons
>shut your mouth you fat girl
curb your enthusiasm is way better

veep is ok but the humor is nothing like seinfeld - it's more like arrested development type humor to me.
>tfw Ianucci stopped doing The Thick Of It for this shit
fucking America
elaine is not ditsy

elaine is sharp as a tack
>elaine is not ditsy

I disagree. Most all of the cast of Seinfeld were ditsy in some form or other.
This show is actually funny. It is also the most accurate in terms of reflecting politics
It triggers /pol/ because the protagonist is a female democrat, but in reality the show is about portraying all politicians as wastes of oxygen
>george: the idiot
>kramer: the eccentric
>elaine: the earnest
>jerry: the jerk

dramatic irony always makes characters seem a bit foolish because they know less than we do. seinfeld was so ripe with dramatic irony that I can see how one might misattribute this side effect of the humor as character traits
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Same with Orange is the New Black.

They hear "Black Lives Matter" and sperg out not realizing the people in the show saying it are total retards.
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>that episode where Selina wanted to fuck Dan and they got all cozy on a couch together and then Dan told her he killed a stray dog as a child

who /mike/ here?
Personally I don't have any issue with a female lead protagonist, or any of that. I simply haven't found it funny. I understand the jokes, yet much of which attempt to be funny, but not quite there.
It is comedy, very mild, but never quite there.

Mike is based

also this show is top comfy
Also isn't Selina point out to be a terrible person and incompetent as hell in her job though. Amy rant to her in s4 pretty much sum her up.
So is the show over with now?
>It is comedy, very mild, but never quite there.

I enjoy the show, but if you don't enjoy political stuff you won't like it.
YOU'RE never quite there
That was funny, how's the rest of the show
No, apparently it was renewed for another season.
Are they going to find proof that the President was born in Mexico?
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>seinfeld was funny
What happens in that case? Do they kick the POTUS out and make VP POTUS?
both statements are true, curb is by far one of the best comedies out there. Veep is pretty good too.
>humor seems predictable
>he jokes are obvious

yeah sure comedy genius, most jokes are based around references, not even pop references like trump, or justin bieber, like other guy pointed out , the jokes are more in the A.D style, than actual set up + punch line.
Feel free to point us in the right direction and tell us which show current , or past you think is the most funny op, we can take it from there.
Jonah's journey from s1 to now is so fantastical it cancels out my growing hatred of Selina
>emmy voters
>actually watching the shows

lol, you just vote for your friends of the company you work for.

I got 10 minutes into the first episode, then 360'd my way out of that bitch and never touched it again.
I agree OP. Maybe I just don't "get" it but I just don't see anything funny about it.
>that episode where her mother dies and they all break down at her funeral
Most People are too used to boring mindless repetitive shit-corn material like seinfeld,frineds,how i met you mother,big bang theory(new addition),etc.
Funniest show on television

and this is the funniest season of the show

That episode 3 weeks ago where Selina is trying to figure out who on her staff called her a cunt and it turns out that everyone on her staff has called her a cunt was fucking hilarious and perfect. Last week's mockumentary was brilliant too.
Who team /Splett/ here?
>[email protected]
makes me a sad boy to know there's a long wait in store
Okay, how the fuck can you get the whole show so wrong? The point is that all 4 characters are shitty people. It's like the proto Sunny, m8.
best character

Conditioning by the MSM for Hillary's election.

Same reason CBS has that melodramatic piece of shit, Madam Secretary, starring Tea Leoni.
Is this a meme or are you stupid?
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>being this new
you do realize that Selina Meyer is completely incompetent right? And that there's an episode where every single member of her staff calls her a cunt right? She's completely unlikable and incompetent

She's basically a Trump advertisement
It is also a comedy.

a comedy about an incompetent and unlikable female president. it serves to disarm the public about their ideas of a female presidency.

While Madam Secretary serves to make TOTALLY NOT HILLARY CLINTON Secretary of State look like a heroic figure.
Season 6 is probably going to have a time skip where she's running for president again.
Thick of It series 4 had Nicola as the leader of the opposition. There's no equivalent in the US government right?
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>this finale

holy shit, one of the most depressing fucking finales I've ever watched, good god. Just one calamity after another with minimal jokes in between.

Also not feeling this whole Dan tv thing or this Amy cowboy boyfriend thing.

I agree with (you) >>71326962 even though I hate timeskips. I was also thinking the new President was going to have some sort of illegal birth thing going on because they touted the spanish thing so hard.
>I was also thinking the new President was going to have some sort of illegal birth thing going on because they touted the spanish thing so hard.
The Spanish thing looked like a joke. She just took her husband's ancestry and ran with it as a political boost. She was just a white girl who pretended she was Mexican to get the hispanic vote. Obviously a thing that every politician does.
Oh. I guess that kills that theory then.

I was also expecting an assassination desu, they set it up pretty perfectly. I was thinking there was no way they'd do it on a comedy show, but I was also countering that with the lack of true shock circumstantial humor there's been on the show
No, not really. Not anything that would follow the core of the show, her being VEEP.
Yeah I was waiting for some loop hole shit like an assassination or unfinished inauguration or even that senile man at the end saying Selina won Nevada. But yeah it's a comedy. I don't think they'd even have the balls to do some birther or assassination thing as a plot. Just hope they find a way to bring the bang back together in the next season.
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>montes gets credit for Tibet by literally seconds
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>catherine finally gets her shit together and stops being worthless
>charlie baird gets treasurer
>montes gets tibet
>chopper goes down
>it fucking rains on them as the parade goes by

they really laid it on fucking thick at the end, it was too much
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>tom james gets absolutely blown the fuck out

small victories
Sure, but it's still better than Game of Thrones.
Silicon valley is pretty funny.
>Gary's freakout

>le women can be funny too xD

That's really the only reason it wins any awards
You're a cuckold.
>not funny

LOL you should write for tv shows.
>Armando Lannucci left

Hopefully no one. Why can't you americucks just end shows?
Brexit thick of it special when?
I just fap to it

>no quickie in the Oval Office
This. I couldn't say it better.
All I can guess is that you either don't know what ditsy means, you don't actually watch Veep, you've barely seen Seinfeld, or some combination thereof.
Richard T. Splett. I don't know why I said T, my middle name is John.
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I just want to tell her everything will be ok.
>ywn as happy as Richard
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>That's whole joke of the show, and it isn't even clever.
go back to the hundreds of GoT threads you reddittor plebian
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