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What's /tv/'s opinion on Marlo Stanfield? Also, The
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What's /tv/'s opinion on Marlo Stanfield?

Also, The Wire thread.
>muh name
He's cool
>muh name
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He was fine but Slim Charles was the best and most real nigga on the show desu
he would have been happier working at the DMV than being a drug captain
I dunno, he seemed too one-dimensional compared to Avon and Stringer.
Best Hbo show, it beats the sopranos by a little
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>mfw Marlo and Chris lose their shit for the first and only time

They were both cold heated killers, but always kept a cool demeanor, even when the killed people(except when Chris killed Michael's step-dad). Scary.
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>Proposition Joe dead
>Avon in jail again
>Stringer dead
>Omar dead
>Bodie dead
>Dukie is the new Bubbles
>Michael is the new Omar
>Randy lost to the system
>McNulty lost job and pension
>Freamon lost job and pension
>Monk is locked up for a while
>Chris got life
>Snoop is dead
>Marlo gets away with it all, and leaves the game with $10,000,000
>Nicki Sobotka is a schmuck
>The "Greeks" are still up to their dirty Jewish tricks
His name was his name

>[Efige, Efige intensifies]
There are one dimensional people in life too.

Marlo served as a interesting comparison to those who preceded him.
Freemon retired you nigger, he had plenty of time on the job. They even said down to the day during McNultys wake.
i dont think mcnulty and freamon lost their pensions. they were forced to resign. Daniels wanted them fired, but it was too suspicious.
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where tf is wallace HUH.png
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>Marlo gets away with it all, and leaves the game with $10,000,000

Nigga, did you watch it all? He ain't leaving the game.
McNulty wasn't on the job long enough to get a pension.
This except McNulty hadn't been on the force long enough to get pension.

Though it would be pretty easy to blackmail them into giving it to him.
His name = his name
In a better place with a career.

Where Poot and Bodie at?
Poot works at footlocker.
You never got to see Avon when he was young coming up carving out his territory

Marlo is an example that the game hasn't changed "just got more fierce"

Objective season rankings:

S4 > S3 > S1 > S2 >>> S5
I actually agree. Good job.
But Stringer had values and principles beyond the game, for him it was a means to an end. And so did Avon, nominally at least, he cared about things like community.

For Marlo the goal was to sit on top of a throne of skulls and call himself king, just for the sake of being able to say he was king.
Retarded. Objective is:

S2 > S4 > S1 >S3 >S5

But all of them are based.
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>Bubs finally stopped taking drugs after leaving his dark place because of Sharod's death
>tries to improve his life
>regains the trust of his family
>has dinner with his sister and niece at the end

Did anyone else's ending beat Bubbles'? His story was by far the most saddest, with the most triumphant ending.
Only little dick white bois think season 2 is the best
How do you know that wasn't Avon's attitude when he was coming up? He was just a more ruthless version of Avon. What both of them cared about was the same thing: respect, they needed it. The key difference was the Marlo HAD no respect for anyone else, or even the rules of the game, whereas Avon was stuck in the same mentality of his father's generation, he inherited the drug trade, Marlo fought his way up.
2 inches of blue steel my friend
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>mfw this little shit killed Omar
>mfw Omar is remembered
>mfw Omar is rumored to go out in a blaze of glory
>mfw no one remembers or even knows who the fuck Marlo is by the end
Best arc (told in one series), its the arc that shows the underlying cause of every other season, best characters, best episode in The Wire, "Bad Dreams", the only thing it lacks is EPIXC GANGSTASS DOING OMG EPIC THINGS ^___^, though it also has the best D'Angelo scenes and many of the best Stringer ones in there too.
Little dick white bois can't appreciate the real niguhs shit
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>cheese is dead
>damn Kenard, cool it

That kid was too hard for even the grown corner kids
The real niggas shit is great, but the best scenes are spread out throughout the entire show. S2 tells several whole stories contained in it.
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Yes. Well done well done.

What even is this meme
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