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I expected a confused mess of a movie with some trippy visuals
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I expected a confused mess of a movie with some trippy visuals and stupid message, instead I got American Beauty: The Animation.
Is that a good thing?
Was she actually punched by Kurt Russell in Hatefull 8?
It's pretty good, yes. I watched it right after Knight of Cups so I was surprised that those animatronic models have more humanity to them than fucking Christian Bale.
Why does she only star in Kinos
She says that Kurt made it look believable, but she felt extremely safe while handcuffed to him. She's said actors before would accidentally sock her in a movie/play, but not Kurt.
She tries to avoid boring movies like rom coms, it really helps her filmography (not all the time)
I'm glad to hear!
Holy shit, she's in new Twin Peaks!
Based Kurt
american beauty is fun and anomalisa is cringy so no. it's watchable though.
It's cringy on purpose though.
Also, how long ago have you seen American Beauty? It's also cringy.
white people problems the movie
Couldn't make it past 15 minutes

The mindset driving the film was too Jewish. His conversation with the cab drivers was excruciating and I sat there wondering what kind of mind would want to create art that represented this. Then I just turned it off.
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