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Is this show any good? I'm looking for a new show to watch. I've heard it's like a lesser version of Got.
Same here anon. I may give this show a watch too if others suggest it.

Do we get to see Colosseum fights?
Its fantastic
The only downside is that it was cut short
Much better than GoT. Watch it.
>Do we get to see Colosseum fights?
No its not really that kinda show although there is lots of violence its much more about the politics of ancient Rome and all the cloak and dagger shit that came with it
He was a good wildling leader.
What? Whaaat??
Name me a show with Colosseum fights please

>Much better than GoT
This is 100% bait. Nothing is ever better than GoT
>Name me a show with Colosseum fights please
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Spartacus, F that's what you want. The first 5-7 episodes are awful, but after that it gets fucking epic as fuck.

As for Rome, it is definitely not for plebs. It has spectacular acting, writing and production value,must it isn't blood and tits. Although there is a good amount of both.
please be a faggot nigger or troll, no one can be this stupid
There's just one thing you need to know: The main snek girl from got (Oberyn's bitch) appears in Rome, she plays an unfaithful wife/whore who cucks her blonde super soldier husband, you decide if you want to see that shit.
True Roman thread for True Romans, barbarians not welcome
Nah first 3/4, episode 5 onwards it picks up steam. Episode 5 is shadow games
That is not even fair. They told her her husband died a year before he came back home. His pay stopped coming. They told her they don't make mistakes. She lied because she knew herself and her baby were subject to honor killing if she didn't. Don't hate.
I was thinking it might have been 5, but it's been a while. The episode where you find out about Spartacus' wife is where it finally starts getting decent. It builds from there. Never has a show made such a magnificent transformation from shit to kickass.
Watch I, Claudius after Rome. The plots line up surprisingly well.
Binged the entire first season today. Maybe it's "better" then seasons 5 and 6. That's it. It's good though.
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This is bait.
Spartacus is 100 times better
Which is hilarious given it's decades of timeskip between the end of Rome and the beginning of I, Claudius.
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Rome suffered for focusing far too much on the boring plot of the fictional characters.
I have to disagree, good sir. The pleb plot lines really gave a grounding to the stuff that was going on with the senators and Caesar. Pullo was a spectacular character, and his evolution from drunk soldier, to leader of the Aventine during the famine was legit interesting.
I, Claudius is told in flashbacks, you idiot cuck faggot.

The first episode is a flashback of Augustus choosing his successor after consolidating power after Mark Antony's death.

Go play with your wife's son.
>naked dudes yelling in slow motion in front of a green screen while cgi blood flies all around

yah nah
Pullo wasn't fictional, but mildly fictionalized. He was a real soldier of the 13th legion, however when he is involved in historic tasks such as the gold scandal in the first season, that could have been any member of the 13th.
You're not telling me anything I don't know. Pulls was mentioned briefly historically, but 90 percent of his role in the show was fiction. That's the fucking glory of historical fiction. And the fucking glory of Rome.
you made this thread yesterday, clown
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Watch Black Sails. Better writing then Rome and better acting then GoT
>The main snek girl from got (Oberyn's bitch) appears in Rome

oh my god, i see it now
i never ever even thought about it because most women are so generic to me.
Brutus is one of the Tullys
It's very pro-white and traditionalist yes
>lesser version of Got
i hope you die in your sleep
It's absolutely awful, season 2 might be the worst season of any (respectable) television program ever
however, if you enjoy(ed) GoT than you might like this

Dont worry bro, the only punishment for this kind of plebary is to torn apart by lion on the arena
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If you're interested in history and not fantasy dragon tits it's an amazing shows, very well put together, great actors, the story of Ceasar, Mark Anthony and Cleopatra is all great.
Even stories of the legionaires Pullo and Vorenus have their roots in history.
The conflicts and scheming in the senate and the Julia family with people like Cicero is also very comfy besides what went on all around Europe at that time you get a great show and a real history lesson
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>tfw going from hot Livia playing out your masochistic fantasies to cold Machiavellian Livia murdering all your heirs
Season 1 is kino.

Season 2 is the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.

Just watch season 1.
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