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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex_ hn73ap0c >mfw hes ge
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File: vapetolife.gif (902 KB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
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>mfw hes getting on the show
>mfw they have to judge him
What the fuck is this for real
>a walking talking meme
Lets get peta on this shit!
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Pretty based tbqhwy.
sounds like satire desu senpai
You can know everything worth knowing about somebody based on their opinion of vaping.
The vapers in the comments are so fucking butt hurt

Oh my god he's actually gonna be on the fucking show
Get h3 on this shit

2016 in a minute and 30 seconds
This is clearly a brilliant satire
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Dubs decides what he does on stage
Every other country is gonna hate america now
Let this be real

These guys are legends
classic troll, to bad most the internet is to brainless to understand shit this well written
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>Make America vape again

lets get to this before reddit

>that whalefu
>blowing smoke on a dead bird
"You're a wizard harry"

Nah man Im a vape god

>get h3 on this shit

so he can see what funny satire looks like for a change
Im beginning to feel like a vape god vape god

but are there really people like this? vaping isn't popular here. tobacco companies must be fuckin laughing that a tool that could be used for quitting smoking got hijacked by such an autistic group of people
instead of just reviewing other peoples videos
well done well done
>walks straight to the judges and blows clouds on them
Ive been seeing articles written all over the internet talking about how well this video mocks 2016s culture
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lets make this happen

Agreed, sending it to h3
this is gold!
>gets an enema while vaping
4 Chan Attack!!!!
Look at all those butthurt comments from vapers kek. It is quite obvious he is joking.
weed is for pussies, get on the vape train

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Fucked up the link
Why can't muslims go mass murdering vapers instead?

Leave fags and kinophiles alone Jamal

vapers are gods decipals

blow vape in a girls pussy
well it's going to be interesting seeing his "performance", if he makes the show.
Kills himself, followed by you killing yourself
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>as soon as I found vaping I knew it was for me
Holy fuck we need to push this guy
Are there any videos showing cool vape tricks? I have no interest in ever vaping but I feel like it's one of those things people collectively scoff at without ever forming their own opinion. Please no faggoty h3 shit.
Did you even watch the vid?
the best vapetrick is lowering your standards
If you can't admit this is impressive you're a bigger tool than you would say he is
>that fat qt being all over his chad dick

God, I really need to get back on the chub train.

huh really makes you think
he looks like a fucking swole idubbbz
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