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What are some great films about prison and prison escapes?
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What are some great films about prison and prison escapes?
The one where I eventually escape my autistic brain's limited capacity to not be a shitcock.
>Scorpion: Female Prisoner 701
>Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky
>Midnight Express
A Prophet
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Riot in Cell Block 11 54
The Big House 30
Each Dawn I Die 39
Punishment Park 71
Brute Force 47
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang 32
The Hill 65
Brubaker 80 & Cool Hand Luke 67
Birdman of Alcatraz 62
In Cold Blood 67
White Heat 49
La grande illusion 37
The Great Escape 63
Escape from Alcatraz 79
Stalag 17 53
Riot 69
A Man Escaped
tango and cash is pretty fun
A Man Escaped

It reminded me a lot of Le Trou
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runaway train.jpg
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my personal favorite... by far!
also good:
I take that back, just remembered: Cool Hand Luke (already mentioned above) is also awesome.
I understand how pathetic it makes me but listening to the RLM-crew mock Canon films without bringing up the greatness of Runaway Train always rustles me. Once, I think in a Pre-Rec stream with Jay, they were bringing up the best ones which were all shit, and no one mentioned Runaway Train. Sad!
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The Rock
The Shawshank Redemption
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