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>Lord Tully fear not a massive Vale army is marching North
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>Lord Tully fear not a massive Vale army is marching North as we speak, so Sandra will be okay. On the other hand if you mange to hold Riverrun long enough once we dealt with the Boltons we might aid you against the Lannister armies. Oh and please don't forget to tell this Edmure, before he gives up the castle for no reason.
>littlefinger crafts amazing plots and masterfully schemes the best intrigue the world has ever seen
>fail because people don't tell each-other about letters they get

Imagine CIA's face when he arrives at the Bastard Battle to see Jon already defeated simply because Sansa never told him about the Vale reinforcements.
>Vale declaring war on the Lannisters, Tyrells and Freys

I dont think CIA is that fucking dumb
Literally every GoT thread
Boltons no longer had the support of those houses since it was tywin that made the agreement with roose.
Brienne was sent on her way to Riverrun before Sansa wrote to Littlefinger accepting his help.

She didn't write to Littlefinger until the Glovers and every other house in the North said "fuck no, lol"

Yes but he would be if he marched to Riverrun
Seems like he should have called in his fight plan himself like he said he was going to.

Brienne doesn't know about the Vale army. Sansa kept it a secret (although every fucking House along their path should spot a huge fucking army of mounted knights carrying Arryn sigils.).

How would he tell Edmure? Nice "corrections".
CIA got to bring friends.
>Imagine CIA's face when he arrives at the Bastard Battle to see Jon already defeated simply because Sansa never told him about the Vale reinforcements.
He would actually be happy, he probably wants Jon dead.
Edmure likely would have given it up anyway, considering the Tullys are all complete incompetents.

were they certain that little finger would turn up?
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