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Post your best pleb filters
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Post your best pleb filters
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Anything Capeshit
The Perfect Match
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
The First Time
How to Be Single
Mr. Right

Game of Thrones
Orange is the New Black
Better Call Saul
House of Cards
damn, it's like a rule that if you think of a movie nobody ever talks about during the day there'll be a /tv/ thread on it that night.

>muh snake
>wut's it mean?
>it's so slow

These are generally great ways to tell if somebody's a pleb. Also on the other side

>it's got REAL science and shit
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Salo is pretty gr8 pleb filter.
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people should specify what type of pleb filter they are talking abt

Is this a "plebs won't get this movies" type of filter or

" this movie sucks but all the plebs will praise it as the second coming of christ" type of pleb filter ?
Always the first. That's what a filter is
Interstellar should get credit for the use of science, doesn't make it a great film (even though it is) but should get credit.
>pleb detected
What does it do for the movie?

> Impliying a filter doesn't work in both way.

> you pass orange juice on the filter discard the pulp drink the liquid

> you pass muddy water on the filter, discard the water recolt the gold

+ this guy >>70886763 use th ewrong definition or he really thinks that capeshit movie are a good plebfilter
it adds realism. also for those who are interested in science I think they made a few discoveries as they had a huge budget to simulate back holes etc.

would you prefer a more science-fiction-fiction approach?
>it adds realism
you say that like it matters. Not saying it doesn't really but I don't think it's much of a strong point. I think it can serve as one of many background things that overall makes a movie strong but a movie can't ride on something that minor. It's a marketing gimmick. During the experience of watching the movie what's added by the 'realism?'

Interstellar is such a boring, thoughtless, aimless piece of shit.
is your name interstellar?
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>Interstellar is such a boring, thoughtless, aimless piece of shit.

Phew lad spotted the true pleb.
the leftovers, my dudes
This isn't cringe thread.

This scene is fucking amazing, I don't understand why it's so divisive. There's layers of humor at work here. I particularly love that absolutely NOBODY in the street takes him seriously.

"Who the fuck is that douchebag ?" they all seem to think. It's great. One of the only good things the movie has going for it imho.
Absolutely. If they like it you know instantly they're completely sub-human.
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