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Reminder that they made this and some anons paid money to see it.
Who's the actress of Jill? Kinda cute imho
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I was one of those anons.
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Who /Dunkaccino/ here?
Burn this
Reminder that this is the last American movie ever made that made fun of transgender people in such blatant manner
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>Adam Sandler’s comedies are not “dumb fun,” maybe that’s why they’re not in critics’ favor. Sandler’s hilarious new film Jack and Jill (in which he portrays both male and female fraternal twins), brings to mind the great line that Ernst Lubitsch’s classic 1946 female plumber comedy Cluny Brown “upset people who didn‘t like to admit they have plumbing.”

>Sandler’s real dare is to defend ethnicity–not piously but through comedy that has social and political effect: When Jack’s WASP assistant (Nick Swardson) boasts that he’s almost Jewish because “I’m an atheist,” Jack looks nonplussed. Yet, Sandler isn’t. His comic introspection has a moral core. Appreciation of roots and background is what gives the film’s overlong but uproarious Al Pacino subplot its basis–it’s both crazily romantic and a professional salute. That’s because Sandler knows how our plumbing works.
I thought Jill was just a woman, but played by Adam Sandler? Wouldn't that be drag if anything? Seriously asking.
Pure Sandlerkino
In a sick, twisted and perversed way, we all /Dunkaccino/ in here
>he actually wrote this
armond never ceases to amaze me
Thread replies: 13
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