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Turkish ISIS-Killers
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Where were you when Turks made the first anti-ISIS feature film of our time?

Where I'm from "Dag" is a technical term used by sheep farmers for a piece of shit that has dried in the fleece around a sheep's arsehole.

ya like dags
theres already a film about ISIS ant its pretty fucking good. its called Timbuktu you should check it out
>Trying this hard to imply they're not funding ISIS
>Turks make better films than American capeshit directors

Fuck us all.
They didn't mention ISIS
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>he didn't see Gerard Butler kick their asses all the way back to Fuckheadistan
>Military Drama
ğ is silent but sorto carries a sentence. So it's "Daaai"
go back to rt news

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Oh Erdogan is against Isis all day every day as long as that means he can buttfuck the parliament with his anti-terror laws.
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Fucking burgers and roaches because of you scum whole europe is paying the price, hope you get eradicated by your nigger and faggot right warriors
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>secular-fetish turkish military
>liking erdogan
t. """enlightened""" rt subscriber
looks alright, I might watch it

Meanwhile our people enjoy BvS
t. turkroaches
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