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>It was probably for the best that the tape was lost, but it seems this is no longer the case.

>Mollie Nelson, the widow of Chubbuck’s news station, confirmed to Vulture this week that she has the video - it having been passed onto her by her late husband Robert Nelson who apparently had kept it all these years though did not say why.
I want to see it. Seeing people kill themselves has become a recent fascination of mine.
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>In keeping with Channel 40’s policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts and in living colour, you are going to see another first - an attempted suicide
What happened?
Hopefully it's as good as pic related's
fucking finally
>the widow of Chubbuck’s news station
the what?
She was pretty cute, why'd she do it
They took her
News' station owner's wife.
>the way he tries to calm down the reporters

I didn't ask for these feels.
She was a 29 year old virgin
Your subconscious is contemplating suicide.
Be careful.
Her husbando rejected her and she was turning 30 with no kids.

In Burgerland it's possible to marry whatever the fuck you want.

Some dudes marry their cars and fuck em.

I guess the station doesn't exist anymore so that makes her a widow.
Oh, it's not my subconscious. I am terminally suicidal.

It's a matter of time, really. It's just waiting until I have nothing to lose.
>Her focus on her lack of relationships is generally considered to be the driving force for her depression; her mother later summarized "her suicide was simply because her personal life was not enough." She lamented to co-workers that her 30th birthday was approaching and she was still a virgin who had never been on more than two dates with a man. Her brother Greg later recalled several times she had gone out with a man before moving to Sarasota, but agreed she had trouble connecting socially in the beach resort town. He believed her constant self-deprecation for being "dateless" contributed to her ongoing depression. She had her right ovary removed in an operation the year before, and had been told that if she did not become pregnant within two to three years, it was unlikely she would ever be able to conceive.[8]

Wow, if she was alive today, this would have never happened.

She'd literally just make a Tinder account and have THOUSANDS of men willing to go on a date with her/fuck her, etc.
well i'm sorry to hear that..
Not really. She could have gone to any beach bar in that age and been laid.

It's a problem of motivation. She would have been actually much more miserable in our day and age than before.
>Apparently, she had an unrequited crush on co-worker George Peter Ryan. She baked him a cake for his birthday and sought his romantic attention, only to find out he was already involved with sports reporter Andrea Kirby.

>Kirby had been the co-worker closest to Chubbuck.

I would have eaten her cake...

Going to a beach bar is a lot more effort then making a Tinder account and having the guys come to you
Wait she was a virgin yet married? What?

You're not Chad.
How many times are you going to make this thread? Just curious.

She looked old for her age but I'd hit it.
One year from Witchdom. What a shame.
So it's been confirmed to exist but hasn't been released?

How the fuck is this news
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This is the first and only thread I've made about this.
Anyone have a description of the video? Any idea what it supposedly shows?

She was socially awkward and couldn't connect with people. She wouldn't have been able to meet someone she just met.
>During her years at Laurel, she started a small tongue-in-cheek group called the "Dateless Wonder Club".

>it having been passed onto her by her late husband Robert Nelson who apparently had kept it all these years though did not say why.

He was jerking off while watching it non-stop every night.
It's in the article
I really like to watch women die.
this isn't true i tried to marry my anime pillow but they said no :(
Is there going to be a bidding war?
what site will get it first?
Not really. She could've easily slutted it up and fucked any guy at a bar she wanted. It was clearly a mental or personality thing. No different then a lot of the dipshits on this site.
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Don't do it lad. I'll miss you.
That exists in other countries. Stop being so obsessed with America.
Bait, but you're still a dumbass faggot.
This. Can someone explain? Was her husband a secret fag?

If I matched with her on Tinder, we would have met. I'm great at Tinder

Literally would have saved her life t b h
>On the morning of July 15, 1974, Chubbuck confused co-workers by claiming she had to read a newscast to open Suncoast Digest, something she had never done before. That morning's talk show guest waited across the studio while Chubbuck sat at the news anchor's desk.[6] During the first eight minutes of her program, Chubbuck covered three national news stories and then a shooting from the previous day at local restaurant Beef & Bottle, at the Sarasota-Bradenton Airport.[14] The film reel of the restaurant shooting had jammed and would not run, so Chubbuck shrugged it off and said on-camera, "In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in 'blood and guts', and in living color, you are going to see another first—attempted suicide." She drew the revolver and shot herself behind her right ear.[6] Chubbuck fell forward violently and the technical director faded the broadcast rapidly to black.[15]

>The station quickly ran a standard public service announcement and then a movie.[16] Some television viewers called the police, while others called the station to inquire if the shooting was staged.[17]''
After the shooting, news director Mike Simmons found the papers from which Chubbuck had been reading her newscast contained a complete script of her program, including not only the shooting, but also a third-person account to be read by whichever staff member took over the broadcast after the incident. He said her script called for her condition to be listed as "critical".[16]

>“She had written something like 'TV 40 news personality Christine Chubbuck shot herself in a live broadcast this morning on a Channel 40 talk program. She was rushed to Sarasota Memorial Hospital, where she remains in critical condition.' ”— Mike Simmons, TV-40 news director, quoted in The Dallas Morning News[16]
Actually I misunderstood and she wasn't married.
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Remember when this guy was live twitting murders? Crazy morning. Sadly I deleted all my webms of it on accident.
Trust a woman to commit suicide for attention. What was she thinking writing a script for events after she shot herself.

When she says "attempted suicide" did she actually mean to only wound herself? I imagine that is why she wrote the critical condition part. Maybe she wanted to freak everyone out so she'd get some pity husbando.
>remains in critical condition

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It's what happens when women can't find a Chad/BBC bf.
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The real question is, are we gonna get to see it?

>Chubbuck was taken to Sarasota Memorial Hospital, where she was pronounced dead 14 hours later. Upon receiving the news, a WXLT staffer released the information to other stations using Chubbuck's script.[17]

They actually used her fucking script.
ahahaha dumb attention whore
butthurt amerifat
I remember being on /pol/ when they found his twitter. Then I see the +1 tweet pop up with him posting a video. It was nuts, you had no idea what you were about to watch.
I got you fami
By saying she was in critical condition, she meant she didn't die on TV, thus saving the station.
Budd > every other suicide caught on tape
usa is such a third world shithole
Well, it's true.

She died in complete and utter agony for 14 hours, just as she prophecised.
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wow look at this rebel
take a time machine and go back to 2008's /b/ you faggot
only because of blacks
>guy standing a few feet away with a drawn gun
>no one notices

They think we are stupid enough to accept this as genuine.
Good instincts on the girl. Shame she died.
How incredibly unfortunate.
>why aren't they looking at me?
>tfw no qt local news reporter gf
>my feet hurt
>i hope my glock won't explode
kys redditor
he was way closer before that, they new him as he worked at the same news station or whatever that's why they thought he's fucking around because interview was about some gun policy or something like that
She died? Looks pretty fast on her feet. I thought he missed or its just fake. Post an article or something, before I believe you.
>She died in complete and utter agony

She shot herself in the head. There was no way she would be conscious.
He was gay though.
>had a big flowery speech planned out
>ruined because everyone panicked at the gun and someone moved towards him

that gets me. I wonder if he could have been talked down if they hadn't panicked
No the reason is severe depression, getting zoned by her husbando and cucked by her BFF is only the trigger.
summer sure is here
This desu
people like you literally make me fucking sick

I was at a party watching the video of ISIS entering a cafe and mowing people down with AK47s, they murdered alot of civilians and then went over to blow some girls head off but the gun jammed and the ISIS gun ran away before he could kill her. I was at a party watching the video when someone wise ass immediately was all 'fake. fake. FAKE'. and we showed him again them all dying and her lucky surviving and he still smugly said 'fake.. bullshit!!... and theyre fooling you too!!'

Smug asshole was watching people dying in a real video while smiling saying 'fake' and calling us all idiots for believing it. Made me fucking sick, the double whammy he was pulling.

Sick thing is you think youre smarter than people who believe this is real. People know a real video of someone real dying is real and you think youre smart for thinking its fake. Its fucking retarded, and disgusting desu.
Dude... It was on live tv.

Because now...

with sound
So you are using another faked video as an example and that is supposed to convince me. Try harder.
Dang I remember when this happened and this actually put me a funk that day. I know 4chan likes to be edgy and everything but it was so senseless and stupid.
I read her story and she was pretty and nice but she could not make friends and was depressed because she was alone.

If there is a heaven or life after death i hope you are happy now.
rejected by chad
women would rather kill themselves thanh marry a beta
Lmao, what is this?
>If there is a heaven or life after death i hope you are happy now.

All suicides go to hell so I can assure you that she is not happy now.

I'm immediately a newfag because I somehow missed some shit? Do you spend the entirety of your time here? Is your life really that hollow?

Not an american. Thanks though.
>did not say why
You just know he fapped to it
People like our friend here get carried away with everything on camera and in the media is staged/fake meme.

Some things are staged sure but these guys get confused and assume by extension EVERYTHING must be fake.
how do I know you're not fake?
That's fucking hot. Love seeing white women out in their place desu
>She lamented to co-workers that her 30th birthday was approaching and she was still a virgin who had never been on more than two dates with a man. Her brother Greg later recalled several times she had gone out with a man before moving to Sarasota, but agreed she had trouble connecting socially in the beach resort town. He believed her constant self-deprecation for being "dateless" contributed to her ongoing depression.

it was literally on every channel in every country because journalists hate each other unless one dies then they praise them in hope someone does it for them if shit goes down.
Damn they were both pretty young when this happened. She was only like 24
*breathes heavily*
Because it would kind of ruin the impact if she just said suicide, thus implying that she intends to die and then end up surviving, saying attempted means that if she survives or not she got what she set out to do.
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>You couldn't save her.
she wouldn't want you anyway
she would've killed you too, beta
Seems like she had a fixation on relationships and being a virgin. Reminds me of Elliot Roger
google visionbox crisis actors you monolithic faggot
So what do you "women can never be lonely" faggots have to say now
I want a suicidal witch gf
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>tfw it was found out years later that he was set up by some asshole
Budd did nothing wrong but gave us a powerful video
Stfu shill
They're women, they deserve to die.
Great ass
Fresh meme.
Wrong again liberal media
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>those toes
>the guy in the morgue probably gave himself a footjob with her cold grey soles
Stop trying to bait so hard, you "omnipresent" autist.
>No hit markers
Fake and Gay.
I hope your mother dies soon :)
I still find it so weird that she was only a year older than me, she definitely looked 30 but it's weird seeing this shit happen to people around my age.
There are people that can remain conscious during massive brain trauma. Not saying that's the case with her, but it happens, and it's pretty fucking horrible.
>i hope my glock won't explode

fuck, my coffee.
lmao kys grandpa
kek I think like this

i would have fucked her daily and gave her a better outlook on life.

Is because something is unbalanced in your brain. Don´t listen to that, someday a dude will create a cure.
>we were watching people getting murdered
>it's the guy who thought it was fake that was a sicko

How ironic.
>"I don't want anyone to get hurt"
>he gets cleared of his accusations like two years after his death

so fucked

No, just that she couldn't know if she was actually going to succeed or not. Headshots are notoriously variable in their effect. Bullet goes one way, you're dead before you hit the floor. Goes a little differently and you're a vegetable, a little more differently yet and you make a full recovery.
>tfw no bf
I will snatch every motherfucker birthday
>point blank
>multiple shots
>she ran away
but how
The article claims she shot herself "behind the ear." Sounds to me like she was half-hoping she wouldn't actually die.
9mm meme
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Christ reddit
Guns and people don't work like they do in your video game and movies son
Headshots are 'instant kills' because your muscles just go dead, so you just collapse on the spot and most likely die a few seconds later, anything less than that and the adrenaline of being shot at point blank will get you running and keep you going for a little while, even if the wounds are actually fatal
Also, she said "attempted suicide" when she announced it before she shot herself. I think it's very likely that it was a cry for help and she was seriously intending to hurt herself but survive.
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yeah this, i don't think most men even realize how easy it is for women out there - even the fat ones.

she should have just realized that you can be happy without kids, guess the woman assumed some alpha was gonna rescue her at some point.
If he was filming at the same time he probably missed with most of the shots. Also, contrary to what the movies and tv sometimes show people, you don't always just fall down after being shot or stabbed .
Women usually look for a different kind of sexual satisfaction than men. For men it's mainly about the act itself. Being able to just blow a load in a girl is enough for most men, at least in the short term. Most women also want and even need some kind of emotional connection with the guy they sleep with. Some women just sleep with a fuckton of men in the hope of finding a connection or thrive on the attention as an emotional stimulant. Some, like this woman, don't put any effort into finding someone or are unable to be satisfied with someone below their standards and end up alone.
>t. psychology pro
Can't wait for suicide kino.
she died 14 hours later in hospital

why is 4chan threads filled with such retarded cunts who would rather argue and post and fill captcha than just use google in a few fucking seconds

people will complete the form, complete the capicha, ask a question, await a late response for the most simplest of questions instead of google
You and half of 4 chan duh....
First few shots hit her arm and chest, adrenaline kept her moving until he caught up to her, he also killed the camera man.
What are you talking about? Shooting yourself behind the ear is way more likely to cause death than shooting the temple like a retard.
Who were you replying to? I didn't ask any questions.

A 9mm shot or two isn't going to drop you. It could take minutes or hours to die from those wounds.
I'd say at least 90% of the news is made up whole cloth and when it comes to the big international events, things about terrorists, etc, that number is closer to 100%. The world is a pretty mundane place, despite what the electronic Jew would have you believe.
I know that feel bro. I tried to do it earlier this year but it didn't work.
What kind of weird parties are you having where you're watching Isis videos?
>t. psychology pro
How's that job hunt going
ISIS parties, stupid
I'm not the guy you responded to, nor am I student of psychology, but licensed psychiatrists make fucking bank, jus sayin
There's a brilliant pseudo-documentary about her coming out called Kate Plays Christine and it stars Kate Lyn Sheil

A true fembot.
If they are good

That guy is probably just a professional Cheeto eater though
Exactly, how saturated do you think that market is by psych grads
100% job guarantee so it shouldn't be a problem. I should note I'm not actually studying psychology.
ok yea sure
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Poor bud. A real guy.
>tfw you were born too late to save her...

why... she was such a qt3.14...
>emotional connection
Hilarious because look at women today, they are "proud" to be 30+ and childless... At least they pretend to be.
I've got the video but be warned before clicking on it

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Culture changed, women don't have to define themselves solely on having a husband or kids. She was born late enough to be a successful career woman but too early to be happy with just that, in addition to her clinical depression
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Let me guess, shill, the Boston Bombing and Sandy Hook attacks were real too?

Don't leave us. Anons are the only place I can share my secret autism with.

Lost media = autists
>Christine Chubcock
>attention to detail


Shit roll m8
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>She baked him a cake for his birthday
>all these retards who think they're gonna release it
Fucking morons.
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>tfw when the media buried this story when we found that the shooter was a gay dindu with a persecution complex
Why blame that when she literally told everyone why she did it? Jew news studio don't want to be held accountable?
sure it wasn't your pillow that rejected you?
How did she kill herself?
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>people literally don't realize all of human history has been faked by the Jews
Don't do it anon it gets better trust me.
stuck a gun to the back of her skull and her head violently slammed forward and hit the desk is the report I hear.



Let him go you selfish normies.
Holy shit. The thing /x/ has been obsessing over for years is actually here.
gunshot to the head
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That pose seems familiar.
29 Virgin, who was also told that she had only 3 years to have kids.
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A girl back in high school did this for me. I think she liked me, but I was very cold and standoffish with her advances because I'm still in love with my ex
>Somebody call a doctor
Literally female: the gender
>Report the news
>Get shot
America yes!
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Get a load of Chad over here
is this actually the video orrrrrrrrrrr?
>tfw you'll never worship this hairy Jewish goddess
>1 year away from magic powers
>ywn know what her asshole tasted like the morning she killed herself.
That's what they do with prison death reporting. "He died on the way to the off-site hospital" so they don't have to record it as a prison death.
She clearly sounds like a psycho. She had all her eggs in the basket of one guy, he didn't reciprocate and she offs herself. This is for the best had she lived she would have cheated on whatever poor schmuck she settled with.
How egocentrical someone needs to be to demand people to keep living unbearable life just to amuse them?
>29 years old
>looks 40

Kinda looks like the lady from House


guys I graduated college, I haven't made any friends the entire time there, and the only social contact I got through that period was shitposting about chili in beans on 4chan. am I destined to face her fate? I don't have a job either
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Why not become a serial killer? That's what I'm planning to do.
>I deserve better!!!!
>where is my prince!?!?!?
*kills self*
Those eyebrows are intense

actually he is correct

Just went to a conference concerning paina nd ion channel disfunctions due to genetic factors and we came to the conclusion that it might be able to explain further disfunctions not jus tpain but also certain mental illnesses... I mean fuck I might loose my job but whatever I can still work as a coach.
Your words are falling apart.
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>might be able to explain further disfunctions not jus tpain
>not jus tpain
>jus tpain
Just like how math majors make 200k right after graduating, sure.
if this were a lost media board i'd demand a sticky
>when you realize you've been lurking in this thread for over an hour because you want to watch a woman kill herself

whoops, there might be something wrong with me
For you.
How hairy was she? Any forearm hair pics?
>I was at a party watching the video of ISIS entering a cafe and mowing people down with AK47s,

They did that?
that joke is fresh out of the oven too, good for you
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Why would she even confirm she has it? For attention? What does telling the public that now there's a chance they'll see it do?

Not to be that guy, but this is someones death.
Do it already faggot. Think specifically of how horrified your family will be.

She's probably fucked in the head.

What, you thought this woman had the best support system of friends/family she could ask for? She blew her brains out on live television.
what an oddly funny response
I Reached point where I don't give a fuck about anything pretty much.

It's kinda nice but on the other hand I can feel that one day the indifference will lead me to my demise.

She's obviously trying to drum up interest for someone to make her an offer, she's acting like she doesn't want to sell it because that would look bad and if she milks that angle she can get a higher price.
If this post gets 100 replies, I will convince her to release it.

I already have her work email. Given to me by a friend earlier this week.
you dropped out of high school, didn't you?
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I always wanted to make this inspirational picture and post it somewhere.
>He did it to save his family

He was actually an hero
That's dumb
What the heck is suicide.
@ 70687405

no you don't
hey when the bitch made suicide on live TV she obviously wanted someone to see it
So why feel bad about being curious
After his suicide, they changed the rules.
does this stock photo model realize how famous he is on 4chan
>tfw left school to become apprentice in carpentry
>tfw am now 26, own two houses (one is in Spain) and have 37 men working for me
>tfw half the people I went to school with who went on to do business degrees/law/med in university are 50+ grand in dept and work at McDonalds etc because there are very few jobs and a degree means nothing these days
Feels pretty good man.

Also cousin who was a basement dwelling NEET taught himself to code and now makes twice what I do designing websites for foreign advertising companies. Higher education is a con, desu.
>could not make friends and was depressed because she was alone

so when is most of /tv/ gonna kill themselves?
Holy shit is this actually real?
How can this be happening now after all this time? If this is real this is kind of blowing my mind a bit lads.
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>tfw am now 26, own two houses (one is in Spain) and have 37 men working for me
Hey your new is showing
She was mentally ill

Any woman on this planet can have any man

>study math
>graduate high school
>start working with a $200 million salary

Sure feels good not buying into the education meme.
She was a fembot.
>strengths: physical defence
>physical defence is 52.8, far less than physical attack at 96.7
fuck sake uli
That guy was totally fucking innocent of what he was accused of. What a fucking shame.
watch "the bridge"
>tfw couldn't even last five minutes
Out of all the replies to that post this is what it most likely and accurately was I suspect.
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>they are "proud" to be 30+ and childless... At least they pretend to be
Given the number of twentysomething single mothers living off of welfare and looking for betas to take care of their children I'm not that surprised other women would be proud of not breeding.
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god, these people
it's one of the most infamous pieces of lost media
Is that an older picture of him? I thought he was going bald.
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Finally a woman who would truly understand Taxi Driver
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 43

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