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Women wanting to be James Bond
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Why do I keep seeing a new article every day about some actress saying "I don't want to be a Bond Girl; I want to be Bond!" like they're doing something revolutionary by wanting this? I've seen this same story about Angelina Jolie, Gillian Anderson, Priyanka Chopra, and Elizabeth Banks now. Why don't male actors ever do this shit? Like you'll never here a male actor say "I don't want to be Charlie, I want to be one of Charlie's Angels!" Why don't actresses just focus on making their exist female characters less shit instead of trying to co-opt male characters?

because nothing annoys women more than men having fun without them and if they see an opportunity to ruin that shit with their petty bullshit then they will
Lmao how would a female James bond even work? He's a hyper-masculine character. Maybe if they made her a lesbian I'd go for it.
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Smug Bond.png
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pure fantasy
Id go for a female badass detective played by Jolie
But changing Bond to female is pure retard
>Not being that guy who wants Charley's Devils
>I want to be the Jacyln Smith character or Drew Barrymore
Fuck yeah, a hot lesbian Jane Bond who acts just like James Bond. That'd be awesome.
>caring about this at all
ey bruhs i want to be the president of the US, u mad bruhs.
Yeah, that's literally the only way a female James Bond would work out.

Maybe not a real James Bond but like an apprentice? But that probably wouldn't work since JB likes to fuck anything with a vagina.

I'm just saying it's weird, there have been four different actresses I know of now who've done this same exact thing with the "I'm not going to be the Bond girl, I'll be Bond!" line. It's like how they're trying to force-meme the wage gap into existence. I think they're going to keep doing this until they inevitably end up making the next Bond movie star a woman.
Women are programmed to want everything and absolutely drain men of everything they have and are.
misogynist lesbian who slaps girls around, connery style

somehow i don't think the sjw would like that, though

Why would it have to be a lesbian? Couldn't it just be a straight woman who seduces men?
why not a sassy single black mom from compton?
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>Now I KNOW you didn't just stir my martini instead of shaking it after I specifically told you what I wanted *snaps fingers* mmm mmm Mama Bond ain't got no time for this
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