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The agenda pushing in this one is overall cringy and stupid.
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The agenda pushing in this one is overall cringy and stupid. It uses the exact same codes its fighting.

I literally wish i could unsee it , ranting on /tv/ is th next best thing i guess.
cool. go whine about it on your safe space, you will get a lot of upvotes from your fellow triggered fedora al-right faggots.
>hating something with Rogen in it
The gay marriage story was pretty forced. So glad i pirated this movie and it lost tons of money.
I enjoyed the first one. Are there any redeeming qualities about this one?
>LE AUTISM, this will show him!
>dat straight to dvd quality cover

rogen's hands crack me up, and the little piggy on the right is pulled right from a google search
only /pol/blerinas would hate on this mindless, enjoyable comedy. these faggots literally live to find stuff to be offended about.
hey seth


Everyone in that movie is a degenerare loser and if you take your morals from not only a movie, but a movie about this crap, then you went full retard.
luckily they released it in absolutely unwinnable time period and the film swill struggle, only pulling money from fools like you.

It will be quickly forgotten
>agenda pushing

10 IQ from /pol/ detected. Go die you worthless piece of shit.
I never even heard of the first one, watched the trailer, didn't even smirk once. It looked like boring ass shit "comedy" like The Interview. I'm not a fan of Seth Rogen either.
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The first one was quite funny from what I remember. This one however was just wierd forced SJWisms like OP says.

It really was just strange and so unrealistic that there was no immersion whatsoever. Even the main characters motivations made no sense at all. Like they went from being the good social outcast girls to suddenly heartlessly terrorising a family next door for absolutely no reason. Everything in this movie was forced. I've actually never sat through anything quite as awkward on the bigscreen.
It was garbage, only saw it for Chloe. Also, Rose Byrne is looking haggard as fuck these days at only 36 years of age.
>Rose Byrne is looking haggard as fuck these days at only 36 years of age.

I always thought she was quite a good actress. Like does totally different personalities well. But in this it was really phoned in. Like down at your local improv group phoned in.
why does Chloe look like a pig. seriously
The first one was seth rogen improvising badly and rose byrne repeating what seth said literally line for line
>small group of women band together to support each other
>believe only men can succeed because fraternities only allowed to party
>start to fail because they have to do what men do to be successful
>do what men do to succeed by throwing parties
>hate themselves for it
>do it anyways because it works
I thought the message was to be like men
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>ranting on /tv/ is the next best thing

Your first choice must have been shitty as fuck
None. It s "Stronk independent woman, pot and gay mariage" shoving in a very blunt way

Zac Efron and sadfu are it.
Although I hate modern feminism, it would not have been so bad if it was a least consistent.

>complain that "no means yes" is sexist
>have the girls literally trespass on Seth Rogan's property and tear off his clothes and sexually assault him

>claim that it basically sexist that men want to fuck women
>throw the girl a "lose your virginity" party

This movie might as well have been written by Buzzfeed.
This is unironically why they make faggot movies nowadays. Males pirate media more than women. Women still pay for movies. Hollywood follow where the money is. You want more hetero movies? Stop pirating. Its economics, stupid.
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