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In your opinion, what's the worst casting decision ever
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In your opinion, what's the worst casting decision ever made for a movie?
How would that make sense for an Amazon warrior to wear this stupid man's wet dream costume on the left!?
Because it's superior.
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Eh she is far from the worst casting ever.

Jlaw as mystique is much worse in capeshit alone.
It's like he was playing Woody Allen as Lex Luthor.
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I don't think that's one of them.

But I think Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan Noonien Singh was a pretty poor decision.
Gal Gadot as Wonder woman is worse than JLaw as Mystique.
Dyejob Alba in Fantastic 4
Fuck you she was perfect.
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Sauce on the girl on the left?
nice shoop senpai
that casting was fine tho
Massive tities
I wish this was real
boob armor on both lol
He confirmed it was a Max Landis impression

has 2 tits

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he's plying his son you retard
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Fuck you senpai.
>> That blue space suit tho...
tough choice but I gotta agree.

That's a drawing, son.
You can't be this retard....r-right?
Toss up between Halle Berry as Storm or Kirsten Dunst as MJ
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It was probably just bad character writing but this whiny guy was NOT Kyle Reese!!!!

>tfw no Michael Biehn
>wonder woman supposed to be a giant tittied FUCK YEA AMERICA character
>cast a jew with no tits
that comes close to the worst, maybe only beaten out by another choice in the same movie with eisenberg
There is a version of that image with Gina Carano's face shopped onto it and it looks about the same so anon can be forgiven for getting confused.
The John & Sarah Connor castings were just as bad.
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I didn't mind Daenerys and Tarantino but Kyle was just soooo whiney and completely out of character with badass Michael Biehn Kyle.
Besides, tiny Emilia Clarke was pretty cute next to Arny.
in DC, it is definitely Amy Adams as Lois. Fucking hell she is depressing to see on screen. Also, Jimmy fucking Olsen as a muscular, suave ladies man with women drooling all over him. And that's before you point out that he is black or that they have someone in the role of a proper Jimmy Olsen with a different name.
>Also, Jimmy fucking Olsen as a muscular, suave ladies man with women drooling all over him.

you mean flies buzzing all over his corpse
>nuclear physicist

Even putting that aside, she had poor chemistry with Bronsan and is just a shit Bond Girl

did he die? I stopped watching just before the flash crossover.
>Khan Noonien Singh
>played by a mexican and a white guy

I thought we were talking about movies, not TV shows, Jimmy Olsen in Batman V Superman was a white guy, a CIA agent who gets his brains blown out in the Afghanistan

oh right. I didn't notice OP said movies. Why was Jimmy a CIA agent. Fucking Snyder.
Brandos Routh as Superman, He is now TV actor.

Chris Evans for Captain America
That movie had a lot of problems and Big Dick Cucumber Penis did a great job making it watchable in my honest opinion to be honest
She has a pretty but completely inexpressive face. Also not to mention is a revolting skeletor.
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>Ashley Benson will never play Sue Storm



You should be glad she will spared their twisted vision.
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Never thought anyone would gi e enough shits for me to say it but here we are, never change /co/-/tv/ mongs.

>not muh Jimmy Olsen

Also Eisenberg was great plebs.
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Yeah, I know...it's awful when you actually hate the villain, bra.

> hot girls cant be smart

Though the dress and style didnt cohere with intelligent
Kickstarter Bitch was the best part of that flick.

You will be ashamed of your words and your deeds
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Yeah I realized my mistake after I posted.
I think they had a problem with finding good hot black actresses. That aside I think she was a good cast

Halle berry was fucking hot m8. She wouldnt get cast nowadays.
have a jolly rancher, faggot.
Iceman on the x-men movies, the actor is cute and all but he looks nothing like bobby
Never said she wasn't. She should get cast though. Storms suppose to be all old and shit anyways.
I mean look at her she's still got it
after watching Spaceballs a lot of times, I could not take Bill Pullman's role in Independence Day seriously at all.
>I think they had a problem with finding good hot black actresses.

Angela Bassett was a top pick for Storm around that time, definitely a better actress too.
Adam Sandler in Funny People, when it should have been an actual comedian. Would have turned the film from one with a good supporting cast and shit stars to an overall great film

Even someone as basic as Billy Connolly or Bill Burr would have pulled off the role better.
wow she's a lot cuter than the last X-men movie she appeared in.
But I just really hated the way she looked with short hair.
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These are 5 people that were being decided on for the roll of Kyle Reese. Which one looks the least like Michael Biehn? The fuckin guy they picked.
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thanks mr skeltal gal gadot.jpg
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Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor.

Also, the end scene in this last GoT was her most horrendous performance yet. She delived the dothraki lines in the flattest/most mundane inflection. I turned to my lib-tard friends saying "she is the absolute worst actress ever." One of them goes, "When you're riding a dragon, anything you say is super badass." Clarke gets away with being absolute shit and having undeniable plot armor in every scene she's in. I hope her plotline ends when she tries to siege.
I'm gonna have to beg to differ
Yeah that dyke hair cut was a mess
>I'm gonna have to beg to differ

That's okay.
Yeah she was hot, but the shitty dialogue tho....egh.
well, since he was an supersoldier and since he was an alpha warrior leader and since all other have chins of hollywood cocksuckers , he was the least of all evil(im not sayan he is good pick, not in any way)
The boob cutting thing is false, though.
are the dates real? if so fuck! she didn't change worth shit. i mean, im just happy we have a WW on screen, but FUCK THE JEWS this shit is out of hand. i honestly don't care if a person is jewish or not, but at least cast someone who looks the fucking god dam part REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
MB's Reese was sooo much better. He actually looked and behaved like he came from a doomed, desperate future.
>well, since he was an supersoldier and since he was an alpha warrior leader

is this sarcasm? Yeah Kyle was John's most trusted lieutenant but he wasn't anything like a super soldier, and it was John that was the leader, not him.
Amazonia doesn't exist so none of it is real
"Smart" in not enough to be a nuclear physicist.
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Fucking hell, she is the worst

her dead rat eyes piss me off the most.
Leslie Jones in Ghostbusters , or Michael Cera in Scott Pilgrim

If I can think of others ill post them
Kevin Conroy as Batman. He was great in TAS, but all his Batman voice work since has been atrocious. Star Wars man still holds up, though.
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>Ywn see a Javier Bardem Khan in your lifetime


It's OK, nu-Trek sucks anyways, doesn't it?

She's a Jew, she can't help it

I have two nuclear physicist mates who i would describe as just smart, nothing abnornal

Hollywood is run by paedophiles and left wing numales. So get used to all women cast being androgynous skeletons. Only time feminine girls get cast is in period pieces pointing out sexism like hendricks in mad men.
>a thread about worst casting decisions of all time
>Kirsten Dunst as MJ

Uhhhh, Anon?

Were we watching the same movie?
get on my level
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>In your opinion, what's the worst casting decision ever made for a movie?

Gal Gadot
Because Amazons don't care about what you thinking
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Even a porn parody is better than gal gadot.
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>Lex: Boy, do we have problems up here, mmh! Aah the...mmh, the problem of...of shitposting in the world. Aaamh, the problem of absolute memery.

>Evansposter: I'll take you in without breaking you, which is more than you deserve.

>Lex: The problem about you above everything else. You above all. Ahh, 'cause that's what memes are: quips, company wars, capekino, Evans, Anon...the autist...NEET. See, what we call cringe depends upon our tribe, Anon. 'Cause cringe is tribal, cringe takes sides. No screewriter on Hollywood intervened when I was a boy to deliver me from Marvel's quips and abominations. Mmm, I figured out way back. If memes are all-shitposty, then they cannot be OC. And if they're all-OC, then they cannot be all-shitposty, and neither can you be. They need to see the fraud you are...with their eyes: the ban evasions on your hands.

>Evansposter: What have you done?

>Lex: Mmm...And tonight, they will. Yes, because you, my friend, have a date...mmm...across the site. The ripe fruit is hate. Two months growing, but it did not take much to push him over, actually. Little baits, copypasta spam, YOU LET YOUR MEMES BECOME STALE! And now, you will fly to me, and you'll battle me...to the death. Black and blue. Fight night. The greatest shitposter match in the history of the world. Manchild vs. NEET. Day vs. Night. Evans of Reddit vs. Jannie of 4chan
>Evansposter: You think I'll fight him for you?

>Lex: Mmm...yes I do. I think you will fight, fight, fight for that special movie in your life.

>Evansposter: It's safe on Rotten Tomatoes, How about you?

>Lex: Close, but I am not talking about Civil War. No, every Marveldrone's special movie is his favorite. Ahh, GotG, GotG, GotG. Mmm...well the favorite movie of a pleb must be a flick. The punishment for flicks, what is that? That's right, banned from /film/.

>Evansposter: WHERE IS IT?

>Lex: I don't know! I would not let them tell me! Now rrraaa, if you ignore him, GotG is banned from /film/. If you go to Reddit, mmm...GotG also is banned from /film/. But if you timestamp your cuckshed, GotG is kino. There we go, there we go. And now Evansposter bends to my will. Now the cameras are waving at your ship for the world to see the holes in the pleb! Yes, the shitposter comes clean about how dirty he is when it counts. To save GotG post a pic of your cuckshed. Ahh! Mother of Hiro, would you look at the time!? When you came here, you had 20 minutes!...Now it's less.
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Why hasn't this been posted yet.
Women need to realise being a skeleton is not sexy at all. Look at the bones in her chest. Disgusting.
Hell, there's a porn star who goes by Diana Prince who would have been a better fit.
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they couldn't bother to say one fucking line saying that khan underwent surgery to look like harrison/new identity

the fuck jj?
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And still has one of the best moments of Flash S2
One on the right looks like she needs to take a stinky shit

One on the left looks regal
look at the top of her BONES
>They almost wrote the Riddler in this
>he would have been a perfect Riddler
>he's Lex
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That fucking costume triggers me
>no color
>everything is brown
Wasted chance.
>yfw ginger wally is back in the comix
>Why was Jimmy a CIA agent. Fucking Snyder.

Jimmy's Olsen's entire character in the comics is based around idolizing and idealizing Superman and only tolerating "Mr. Kent." In short, he's a fanboy.

It's Snyder's way of telling fanboys to fuck off.
Such fucked up decisions
Pullman's never been a really convincing actor to me either. His delivery kind of sucks, even when given a pretty decent motivational speech.
Bad cast, not bad adaptation.
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very hawt and all but i figure she can suck a mean dick, because why else would you cast her? can't act for shit
why do people sperg about wonder woman ? she literally look the same as the comic one l

all super women are canon dyel in the first comics anyway
>she literally look the same as the comic one

Not all all true.
That Skins skank as Gilly in GoT. I just can't stand her for some reason.
She was hot, but literally nothing like Invisible Woman.
Kill yourself
This was my first boner I used to hang upside down and try to convince neighborhood girls to kiss me when I was a kid because of this
Dang girl got some fucking meat claws on her
I think you were hanging yourself at the wrong end

All racewashing?
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>the worst casting decision ever made for a movie?
Not even close you retard. Yarp guy is the hound from GoT. The guy in the picture is from titanic

It was a joke man, come on
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Do NOT mess with the Gadot you silly sissy goyim.
He was great in The Mummy.
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For fuck sake Reagen would have been perfect. I will never get over Gadots casting. Just looking at this picture fucking sums it up. Bridget actually looks like a "Wonder" Woman.

Little girls today are running around pretending to be Lynda Carter. If Bridget was cast, girls all over would be loving Wonder Woman as much as they do for Lynda. Gal Gadot put no effort into the role, and JewBros and DC are throwing her into our faces with a stand alone film and the main story in JUSTice League being around her. NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT THIS SHIT UGLY ACTRESSSSS
Too bad he was nothing like Birthright Lex, and the writer of this particular Lex hated MoS and BvS.
Noone gives a flying fuck you idiot, 99% of the crowd will hear "Lex Luthor" and think it's the Lex Luthor they've been used to. Not "Lex Luthor" Lex Luthor's son who has a nickname super close to his Dad's actual name.

Wasn't he in Twin peaks as the dude who took best girl's virginity?
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exactly my face >>70395059
ill never get over the casting of her when there's people like bridgett out there.

they should have literally just put out a casting call for blue eyed black haired, decent tits and good body and random sluts off the streets would have been great for the part. why not just do that, if you're going to put no effort in and cast some terrible ugly chick who has one shitty role in a car movie.

I could probably pick her up and break her back and i'm an average dumpy guy that doesn't work out. She was a perfect stick woman.
how in hell is it possible that they thought casting a 40Kg woman to play wonder woman was ok?
there is plenty of athletic, beautiful actresses...
not calling gal gadot ugly of course, but c'mon for this role? nope...
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Objectively wrong
But, is that picture an official one? Ho-ly fuck that lame ass photoshop
Meanwhile she has stated her own daughter can't watch it
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I's not just "no effort cast"
It's literally zionism+illuminati. I'm not even kidding.
>could have picked any light eyed dark haired actress
>some subhuman skeleton gets the part
Goddamn, Black Siren makes me diamonds.
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They even released a prequel comic that did absolutely nothing to set up the movie in any significant way. The '09 prequel comic actually gave some pretty good background info on Nero and his motivations, but they couldn't do that for Into Darkness for the sake of their cringeworthy twist.
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Shes looking pretty good desu
>few minor details
Is she spending the summer as a Mossad agent?
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>We need a very tall, jacked-as-fuck blonde guy
>Get Tom on the phone
>bulking on palestinian babies
He's a Sikh Mongol. Just go with it.
same thing >>70394487

Shes probably got more muscular arms than most /tv/ posters

>Mrs Skeletal they said


And strangely enough, he still came off as a fucking badass in the movie and was owning dudes left and right.
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>i dislike them jewish girls as superheroes
>yfw SJW went apeshit due this
Their tears are delicious
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Supergirl aka Helen Slater is Jewish too.

Who gives a fuck?
It would matter if she got big muscles.

Nothing can fix that rodent like face that doesn't look aesthetically pleasing or like Wonder Woman at all. Her face is round. Eck.
I was pretty angry at the casting decision, didn't even go watch it at the theater because of it, watched later on DVD, it was actually pretty good.
Ozymandias in Watchmen
would not*
The fuck, the only similarity is the clothes, they share zero physical attributes.
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literally the angle. look at her other arm.
Who cares? Wanked.

Like that makes a difference? It was still the most cringeworthy performance of the fucking decade

She's still hot as hell, but one thing she has never looked is white.

Sue Storm is white a fuck.
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>not casting this greek goddess as wonderwoman


Yeah and the other arm is hiding her muscle retard
Bendthatdick Cuminsnatch was the best part though.
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>see OP image
>see artwork on the left
>wish it was Gina Carano in the same suit from the artwork on the right

She honestly was the only logical choice but, it's too late now.

Fuck 'em.

>as if none of you maggots wouldn't pay hard currency to be this guy in this scene from Haywire
>she just kicked his/your ass
>dropped you like a bad habit
>straddles you after pummeling you with her fists
>grabs a pillow and covers your face
>puts a bullet in your skull
>you orgasm helplessly as you die
>yeah, you know I'm right
Yeah, because the one on the left makes a lot of sense.
0 muscle, no tits
>few minor details
I heard the director refused to let her actually cry in the second movie and insisted on just cgi'ing some tears in
wew lad
Topher Grace as Venom/Eddie Brock was a bad choice. Didn't even put on any muscle for the part.
Were we? I'm pretty sure Mary Jane is supposed to be attractive.

because if you control a man's boner, you control the man
That whole movie was a mess
Fucking this.

Luthorberg was not a fucking thing like Luthor has ever been. Fuck everything about that casting decision.

My nigga. I've wanted Billy Zane as Lex Luthor for the longest time.

Cuba Gooding Jr as OJ Simpson.

Sorry but OJs intimidating physical presence is an essential part of who he is.
She might be pretty but she definitely doesn't have that heroic figure. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking.
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