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>no amber heard threads >barely any got threads Is this
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>no amber heard threads
>barely any got threads
Is this bizzaro /tv/? Are burgerlards asleep?
/tv/ is now a even slower board now that the janitor has taken a more active role
Is that why the quality is slowly ticking up.
>t. gigantic faggot
the amber heard threads are getting removed/deleted
the got threads are up
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yanis varoufakis did nothing wrong
yes but not nearly as many as over the last few days. it's just the generals atm.
Neckbeards are still asleep
are you illiterate or something? seen two GOT threads and two amber heard threads in the past 5 minutes
got is just generals (like it's supposed to be), the amber heard ones were both created after this thread.
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Wow I can't believe her audacity...
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There was a huge one on the trailer park bitch, but some faggot moderator deleted it.
Thread replies: 13
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