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Joe Pesci appreciation thread

The most untalented one trick pony shit actor. Star as same shit character in shit jewish "martin scorsese" flix. Ugly brutish man in ugly brutish films
You're a funny guy
Scorsese isn't Jewish, he's an Italian. Which to be fair are Jews turned inside out, but still.
>Casino was 21 years ago

Damm, hope he's still alive next year when Scorsese's The Irishman finally became real.
>Who was there too?
>Michael Jackson... bunch of kids

He already passed on it unfortunately

Damm sad to know that, that means he'll never be in a movie again.
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>You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna kick the shit out of you.
>If I kick the shit out of you, would I get the money?
>Merry Christmas, mudafucka
>Who the fuck knows, you jew motherfucker?

He's an American treasure you cucklord
>Jews with better food
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