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Should he be real?
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Tell me.
Come on bitches.
he is real. the punisher is obviously a Steven Seagal pastiche
yes as in a real world punisher.
he cucked daredevil by being way cooler than him in his own show
What does that mean?
>should vigilante justice be real?

it is, literally all over the world.

I live in TX and remember not long ago some guy caught some pedo scum molesting his 5 year old.

he beat him to death and got off free
it was just a prank, bro
Kewl, but was he as cool as the Punisher?
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I was raised in Hell's Kitchen. I was schooled in sniping techniques in the army. I was given the title of captain. They take a movie The Punisher. They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don't know. I don't care. He had never been to Hell's Kitchen. He doesn't speak New Yorker. He has never held a gun. They make him the The Punisher. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world saying, "That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?" Most of the people I know didn't like the film and didn't go see it. It's just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics.
Fine I will take the bait. you would have to be retarded to want a punisher in real life. 1 punisher undermines the government, he is a crutch. if your government sucks to a point that you need a punisher than you need reform.all his antagonists are caricatures, in real life he would be dead,not on day 1 buy still dead. in real world there is collateral damage and many other factors (stuff,basically the mistakes the elite,holy and others made) he will get innocent people killed and sometimes he will kill the innocent because there is no comic book sense telling him 100% guilt(same with batman and others).he would be a nightmare for an average citizen since you won't know if he may somehow fuck up your life or maybe you disagree with his methods, basically like having a revolutionary terrorists in your town blowing up the electric plant
>tell me
this isnt a fucking teenage blog,go hang yourself.
that is the key word. Do you recall that guy that got mobbed on a falls rape accusation?
If he were real he would be dead just trying to get the information for his first hit. Also, most people who are mentally unstable enough to go shoot people end up shooting innocents, and wouldn't have the wherewithal required to plan and carry out such a mission. The character is in a comic books for a reason, he's as much of a "superhuman" as the Hulk; his super-power is super-human mental fortitude and resolve. He's also a better shooter than any real person ever was or could be.
Nice fantasy to have and a Punisher may produce a good outcome in a truly dire situation, but the reason we have the legal system we do is because it is often very hard to determine someone's guilt of a crime. Watch something like The Thin Blue Line and see how disorienting it can be unfolding a crime scene and all its red herrings.

You can hardly blame a town that forms a lynch mob to kill a pedophile or rapist the justice system won't deal with. But what if they're wrong? Imagine some piece of shit with a lot of status lying about just some normal guy and getting him killed.

There's a reason Christ says "judge not, lest you be judged," and it is because humans do not have the omnipotence nor the benevolence to determine someone's ultimate guilt.
President Rodrigo "The Punisher" Duterte is the real life Punisher, faggots. Research his history as mayor in Davao. He openly admits that he uses vigilante killings on Drug Pusher with his so-called Davao Death Squad which he often denies connections with when he's interviewed by bigtime news agencies. He even killed multiple convicts in his lifetime as he admitted in one of his crazy ass tough-talking speeches to locals. SEARCH IT FAGGOTS
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Yeah its true
I quite like netflix punisher desu. I would want him in real life. But he has to be exactly like in the show and not limited to real life logic.
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