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this has set a new standard for horror movies and is a future
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this has set a new standard for horror movies and is a future classic.

it follows fags BTFO this is how you make a real dread-soaked slow burning horror. take that hipster trash out of here.
>retards fighting over who's shit stunk the least
you nailed it. fucking shit movie.

sorry its too """boring""" for you, i think the new paranormal activity is coming out soon?
It Follows was good for what it was, so was the Babadook. This is next level though, an excellent film, not just a horror film.
I liked it a lot but didn't love it as much as a lot of other people. I am looking forward to seeing more from this director though.

the babadook is not comparable to even it follows. it had some moderately original scares with the book and all but mostly it was a generic overrated mess.

it follows at least tried something different, albeit being a bit boring.
>"The Witch," a feminist narrative that focuses on an American colonial family as they undergo what seems to be an otherworldly curse, is more like a sermon.
>And it is about women, and the patriarchal stresses that lead to their disenfranchisement.

what was the point of the devil taking the form of that captain morgan looking dude?

why not just stay as the goat?
it isn't even a horror movie you pleb

>movie that involves a baby being grinded into a pulp is not a horror

Proof that the devil was a shape shifter.
Oh god don't start this.

/pol/ tried this shit with Mad Max and Authentic /tv/ still loved it in the end.

you can shoehorn a narrative into any of your favorite movies
I feel like it could have been so much more, it was maybe a little unfocused, weird structure with showing the witch and such at the near start. But still fairly good all things considered.
thomassin a qt

he had to guide her hand to make her sign the book and yknow, probably wanted to show off his powers a bit too.

why did he kill the dad though? just because he was about to kill thomasin?


he was in full on rage mode and was about to grab his axe
Go to bed Caleb.
This is literally what the movie is about though.
It's about how in those times , being born a woman was to be born the harbringer of sin.
ThomaSIN caused her entire family to become overwhelmed with it.
Brother felt lust
Mother felt wrath
Twins felt sloth
Father felt avarice
The dad accepted that he was a sinner due to his self-pride and accepted his punishment.
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>feminist narrative
>she becomes Satan's slave in the end
What is Mr. Abrams trying to say?
I would have called the Order of Reason the instant a fucking Apple came out of my son's mouth.
this movie felt like a fairy tale. are there any other horrors that play out like this? like i can imagine reading this in some brothers grimm story.
The title card does in fact say "A New England Folk Tale"
My only gripe with it is that it never really climaxed
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It's really not horror, it's more like a shitty Rosemary's baby
>it's a laugh manically at the end like it was your plan all along episode


i want this meme to end. look at the fucking content of the movie. it's about a witch that murders a baby and spreads the pulp all over her body, cursing a family and beginning their descent into madness. just because there's no jump scares or spooky monsters does not mean a fucking psychological horror is not, in fact, a horror. people like you are exactly why horror movies suck now.

a paranoid isolated family collapsing in on themselves in an incredibly fragile and mysterious time period is definitely a horror.
Was the

>I'm the witch

scene with Thommasin at the river her getting possessed a little bit? Or was she really just trying to scare her sister so she'd shut up?
The Witch has nothing to do with feminism. It's literally just a story about a witch that's trying to feel like an old folk or fairy tale.
I think at the moment she was simply messing with her sister.
But there was clear foreshadowing, obviously

Caleb's death?

Even if you don't accept that as the climax, it didn't really need one. The epilogue explained that it was a collection of folktales. It's basically a historical document about witch hysteria transposed to film and made to look true.

That's why it's so cool. It's unique in that regard.
Yes. The director said he wanted to take a Puritan of that era's nightmare and put it on screen as if we are experiencing what they were afraid of. Pretty neat

she was sick of the twins' shit

making covenant with black phillip and shit. damnable he-goat
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>you'll never ever be loved by someone like this
Isle o' Mao

>you will never corrupt a sexually repressed puritan qt

why live
Because the creator completely refutes that.
Ahhh i get it. So obi-ONE means theres like, only one obi. or maybe it means he's number one. did he ever race anyone in the movies? maybe thats why his name is obi1
>ThomaSIN caused her entire family to become overwhelmed with it.
Fuck off
She did nothing wrong
But The Witch IS hipster trash. I don't understand.
This movie was so boring holy fuck
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>I suspect you have become The VVitch in this New England Folktale, Thomassin!

That's when this movie lost me.
it sucks and it follows sucked too. teen fags and their reddit horror movie taste need to leave

Because the devil had to completely kill off the entire family to get Thomasin in the vulnerable poisition where she was stranded in the woods with nowhere to go, so that she would sign the book and become a witch.
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What does the title card say? "A New England Folktale". It's not meant to be ambiguous or complicated. Think of it like you're being told a story at bedtime or in a classroom. The movie has a very straightforward lesson.

What's the first scene in the movie? William think he's better and more pious than the village counsel, and says he's happy to be banished. This leads directly to his baby being kidnapped. He ignores this and ignores that his wife is beside herself with misery because of his actions.

The movie is mostly a catalogue of his lies and hypocrisy and how his poor example spreads to the rest of the family. He lies constantly, about the cup, about hunting, and encourages also his son to lie, even as he tells him to memorize how his soul is riven with sin. Even his baby is filled with sin, in his mind, yet the sin we witness is his constant hypocrisy.

Things spiral out of control. The children accuse each other, but only because they've learned how to lie for their own safety when convenient, and out of a sense of real danger that their parents will harm them if they're found to be consorting with the devil. They're right to turn on each other! It's only natural in a house as mad as this.

The father dies, killed by Black Phillip. Why does he accept his death? "Corruption, thou art my father".

And so Thomasine, left with nothing, turns to the only source of authority and shelter left to her: the evil present in the house. But they had every chance to turn away from evil, to scorn hypocrisy. They didn't.

So what's the moral of the story? False piety is no substitute for moral substance. Very straightforward, very unambiguous.

Movie was beautiful to watch.

Decent horror. Both movies you mentioned are good. Just didn't really stand out that much.
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Oh, but she did
What do you mean by this?
I liked both this and It Follows. No need to have a competition.
Babadook didn't really catch on with me though.
>What do you mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
>What did he mean by this?
What do you mean by this?
>>What do you mean by this?
>What did he mean by this?
>>What did he mean by this?
>What do you mean by this?
What did they mean by this?

I don't really give a shit what people call it. Horror, drama, comedy... Whatever, it's just a very good movie at the end of the day.

That's not the only interpretation. One could just as easily point to the fact that thomasin's acceptance of a very real Satan (within the movie's reality, that is) at the end is supposed to mean feminism and the breakdown of the nuclear family is bad. As with many good movies, each interpretation has supporting and contradicting evidence.
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The breakdown of the nuclear family in the movie is objectively the fault of the patriarch.
>>What do you mean by this?
>What did he mean by this?
>>What did he mean by this?
>What do you mean by this?
>What did they mean by this?
What did you mean by this?
Everyone is at fault in the movie.
some people seem to think creep with mark duplass is a great standard of modern horror but i thought it was bollocks


Read >>70054373
Great movie, but I couldn't understand half the stuff they were saying.
This movie is poser bait. The whole movie falls flat on it's face. The ending was good and that's it.

>The Babadook
>It Follows
>The Witch
The ultimate trilogy of overrated horror. Modern horror is just so shitty that when three okay to downright bad movies come out they look like masterpieces compared to ultra shit horror films like The Purge or horrendous remakes like Evil Dead and Carrie
Yea yea I've read that shit. Thomasin chooses to go with Caleb and accuses the twins of witchcraft to try to save herself and kills her mother. Caleb gives into lust.
Take the survey (>>70056741), hombre.

And why do those things happen?
The longer the note, the more dread
>Not scary
>Not creepy
>Not even tense
>Just boring

Yeah real tour de force
What're your top 3 favorite movies?
The Witch was boring and not scary. i feel like the people saying it was a good horror movie are paid shills
you haven't heard of them
What if I don't scare anything?
wait none of you actually watch horror movies to be scared right?

horror relates to subject and atmosphere but you shouldn't expect any horror movie to scare you unless you're a 15 year old girl

Try me
I don't think so. Some kids here really proud of
"I don't scare hurr". Glad it easy to scare me. Horrors are best emotional experience.

Why? Good comedies still make me laugh.
no "horror" movies have scared me since watching nightmare on elm street back when blockbusters were still renting out super nintendos. But I will at least admot that even though it follows ultimately fell flat, that one scene when she is in the college class and sees it ealking towards her did give me a feeling of dread that i havent experienced in a lot of horror movies for the past decade or so
too bad for you
There was this one scene in the babadookie that i remember scared me. The babadook is climbing the ceiling i think and it sort of does this fast-slow zoom in and its like a slow jump scare. its like experiencing a slow-motion crash. you know its going to happen and you cant stop it.
Babadook was decent, it was brought down by a lot of the obvious stock sound effects and that rubbish ending. DUDE WORMS LMAO ITS DEEP

VVitch was absolutely fantastic, but its not a movie to see in a theater with others at all. Mostly because most people would be fucking retarded to appreciate it. The flying witches were fucking spooky, and I prefer it better if you don't just go "IT'S ALL A DREAM BRO", but if you see it as a film adaptation of actual tales that puritans told each other about witches and how you should follow the religion and NOT deviate or you'll end up like this family

I have not seen It Follows, yet. I hear mixed as fuck things about it, but I don't think that will stop me.

What other actually good horor movies came out, or are coming out, recently?
>this has set a new standard for horror movies
Is this a shitpost? It better be.

Not really the same thing, but Green Room is tense and terrifying as shit.
It Follows>The Witch>The Babbadook
I believe it, though I prefer watching stuff with elements of the fantastical. Films that try to be too grounded in reality aren't really my thing, personally.
this is the mentality you have to resort to after watching so many shitty horror movies that are not scary at all. yes, the goal of a horror movie should be to scare you, at least a few times, or at least unnerve you in some way. The Witch fails hard at this, whereas some movies, for example, M. Night Shyamalan's first few movies succeeded.

It doesn't "fail hard", that's completely subjective. I saw it in a theater, and you can believe I was unnerved by a grotesque woman smearing herself in the gore of an infant, and the piercing tension of a family being torn apart by lies.
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>It's another Witch shill thread
Every day until you kick the bucket.
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VVitch isn't horror, it's a fucking folk tale movie at best.

It's horror like The Shining and Repulsion are horror.
Holy shit, it's not. Kill yourself, you idiot.
>people prefer It Follows over The Witch
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Nice thread :^)
Why do you think he had her remove her shift? He fucked her.
This reminded me of The Shining like another Anon said. Just eerie throughout, soundtrack reminded me a lot of The Shining too.
I think whether or not this movie actually gave you the creeps depends on a few things
>Were you a nerdy kid who liked to read about witches and the Salem witch trials?
>Do you like historical fiction?
>can you relate to this family dynamic?
>Do you give a shit about the family dynamic?
If you're not able to relate to these characters, or imagine what it would be like to move into the creepy ass wilderness with your insanely Puritan religious family (the religious aspect is creepy imo also)
I suggest watching it with subs. I also went back to some of my old books I had as an edgy teenager and read up a little on Witch lore, and really appreciated the movie even more afterwards.
If it didn't scare you, fine. Go watch Saw or Scream, or Paranormal Activity or whatever. But if you're going to try and say its not horror, that's just going Full Retard.
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Well, to be fair, one must be naked to attend a ceremony like that. It's a rule. Here ar some of the other rules.
fornication with satan is what makes you a witch. The book is just signing your soul over.
>Thrillers and horrors are the same

THIS is the meme that needs to end. People really need to learn to distinguish between horror and thrillers. The Witch is a psychological thriller at best imo. Especially with the whole set up that you cant really know if everything is really happening or the family is just going crazy
Is grinding up a dead baby horrifying? Or thrilling.
You are a fucking dumbass.
You barely saw it. Not like it was explicit


>judging the entire movie based on scene
I forgot I was on /tv/, sorry
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>normie's first non-jumpscare "horror" movie
>not like it was explicit
That was a pretty gnarly and dark scene to start out with, and it managed to still leave a lot up to the imagination.
It doesn't have to be explicit. Blair Witch was praised as one of the best scary movies ever, and you literally see nothing.
It's called using one instance as an example, but as you seem to need it written out in crayon
>demon possession
>ground up baby
>literal witches
>man gored by demon goat
>shape shifting
>literally the devil
>healthy amounts of blood
This is not a thriller. Something like The Devils Advocate, I would say maybe you can call a Thriller, but not The Witch.
It Follows would be nothing without the OST. That being said the OST God-tier and it alone makes it a great watch.

I absolutely agree with what you said about The Witch though. My FOTY.


Repulsion is a horror movie, and it's just closeups of faces and rotting meat.
This a million times. She forgoes one "patriarchy" for another so... huh? Feminazi's BTFO. They truly try to shoehorn their ideals into everything. Fucking idiots
Why do we have to bring feminism into every fucking film that has a female main character?
Anyone else thing the twins were played by little people (midgets)? Not adults, but child little people. Mercy especially had that telltale waddling kind of walk when your legs are little too short for your body. Really added to the creep factor for me.
I do feel like they looked a little weird, but it might also have something to do with all those clothes they were wearing. We don't see kids dressed like that anymore, I'm sure those long woolen dresses with underclothes and aprons hinder your movement.
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>i met people who've stare at me like that but they're taken
also nice 2009 get
Well what the fuck does the creator say so we can stop having these threads?
So you're saying horror films have to have only graphic violence to be considered horror?
Just finished this. It was much better than I expected. A thousand times better than Babashit or It plebs.

The acting was fucking amazing, especially the mother and the boy, holy shit.
Caleb was great, best kid actor I've seen in a while. His whole monologue before he died really spooked me
You tried, honey.
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