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What went right?
Was actually scary. I am to this day afraid of houses out in the middle of no where like that.
Everything. The only example of horror kino.
tied with Exorcist for scariest movie ever
tobe hooper was a great talent before cocaine burned him out and the production's limitations ended up giving it an amazing atmosphere and simple, pure intent
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That hard cut to black
>Is Funhouse any good?
It was grimy and you felt dirty watching it. The low budget made it more so. Shit was scary and you didn't know where it was going. You totally believe everyone was going to die. Takes the spot of scariest movie over The Exorcist for me.
>sore containing just sounds of instrument played incorrectly
>shot in the blistering heat
>actors weren't allowed to see Gunnar Hansen as Leatherface before their scene for genuine reactions
>great source material

a lot.
Probably the most legitimately scary film.

It isnt like other films where you anticipate some clown jumping out at you from a closet. It's so visceral and real that it scares the shit out of you.
well, no. not really. the chick from amadeus does a nude scene though

lifeforce, however is underrated kino
Everything actually. The whole film feels hot, humid and dirty

It's a 10/10
>The scene when the guy or girl gets hit on the head with a hammer and their foot goes crazy

I was just a kid but that left me disturbed. Same with

>she makes it outside the door only to be grabbed and carried inside and stuck on a meat hook
when i first watched it i thought the chainsaw chase around the house dragged on too long, but after rewatching it later realised that that it was makes it effective. The buzzing of the chainsaw is relentless, whether its on screen or not, and it stresses you out. Same with the dinner scene. Constant laughing and screaming and intense close ups of her eyes. Really stressful stuff.
hmm, I'll check it out
One of my favorite horror movies. It's a real slow burner though, the horror parts of the movie only occur in the last 30 minutes, but the buildup is worth it imo, the whole first act with them wandering around the carnival has a sense of unease the whole time. Plus I really love the monster's design.
all the horror stuff happens off screen
and I really love the original trailer, pure 80's cheese.
ugh stop it with this kino shit you're all so pathetic

but I agree
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