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GOT was the best show on TV until this came along. Prove me wrong.

You can't
If you think game of shit is the best show on tv, then I'm sure you'll enjoy this abortion
It was fun. I enjoyed it.
His speech at the end felt weird and forced but the rest was fine.
I thought it fit just fine. He's a shit Preacher, remember?

Fair enough. GOT is pretty shit. Especially this season. What are you watching?
The Americans, Veep, Penny Dreadful, and that's about it for current shows
Oh fuck, the Americans actually looks pretty good. I'll check these shows out, thanks anon.

Did you not like Preacher?
It needs to do more than it's currently doing to differentiate itself from all the other flawed character dramas out there. I kind of feel like AMC isn't a good platform for the type of show Preacher needs to be. It should be on something like HBO.
That's a fair point. I'm hoping they step their game up this time round and make this the best thing they've done, but I've been disappointed before. So far I'm liking it.
breddygud first episdo I M H O
I've read all preacher's comics 10 years ago, and from what I remember the show changes a fucking lot, even some "little" things like Cassidy not wearing sunglasses all the time, but I don't really care because from the little I've seen it has potential

my biggest gripe is with arseface, he just doesn't seens right to me, also Tulip's genius, but it can work if they don't go full "strong independent womyn"
watching this pilot is like going back in time to the 90s, when everyone was making their edgy Tarantino clones

but it was okay. sometimes the sped up fight scene footage was too obvious and annoying
>my biggest gripe is with arseface
I never read the comics, but I know what he's supposed to look like. Is he dumber in the comics? Also already looks like they went stronk woman who dont need no man bullshit with the dialogue with the kid.

The scene in the bar was lacking something, I thought the plane fight was pretty gud though.
dominic cooper is ... just meh
this show is syfy tier
I'm just not "feeling" arseface, in the comics nobody could understand him so he was subbed, he was grittier, dunno, this ones looks too clean
>syfy tier

It's not THAT bad, anon. I can see why people wouldn't like it but it isn't complete garbage
>How Seth Rogen Made Preacher Safe for TV -- Vulture
Might have to do with budget, having an actor with as much shit needed to make him look right might get costly over time. I liked Cassidy quite a bit.

Should I go read the comics?
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>thinking GOT is the best of anything
Cassidy is the best thing so far

Its hard to say if you should read the comics, I liked a lot when I was a teenager, it have a great roadtrip feeling, and the three finding all sorts of fucked up situations in the way was really great.
Who makes this? Is it network or basic cable, that is to say will we not see tits in it?

Saw the pilot, meh. Think it will porably pick up, will suck without full frontal nudity though.
>watch this show guys
>it's totally better than Game of Thrones
Penny Dreadful is the best show currently, and last episode blows every episode of every show out of the water.
Got a tl;dr for that?

It guaranteed replies, anon. Welcome. Did you see it?

GoT is looking like it's becoming shit though. Not that it was amazing to begin with, this season in particular is trash so far.

AMC, so I don't know. Probably won't be full frontal, there was a naked woman butt but the crack was hidden by a shadow
It was dearing what they did there, similar to the witch mentor episode in episode one
GoT is heading the way of Lost and you have to be 12 or very retarded to think its anywhere near good.
safe for tv isnt enough for you?
Ahh, the usual contrarian opinion /tv/ is known for. Thanks for stopping by! Did you see Preacher?
I guess it's okay. But the source material calls for a bit of nsfw stuff, and I wanted to see that butt.
I watched this and I am still confused as fuck. It seems like babby's first edgy drama with a bunch of random nonsensical bullshit forced in to make it seem different. I'll give it another episode or two but it seems kinda weak.
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>best show on TV
I have to say that I have very mixed feelings about it.I spoke to the writer of the comics, Garth Ennis, a couple of years ago and he told me that read the script of the pilot and he said that he loved it so my fears were assuaged a bit. After seeing the changes to the series made in the Pilot, I have to say they range from sensible to baffling. I believe that the most important aspect of the series that the show should get down is the three main characters of Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy and the series has about half of them right. In the comics, Jesse Custer is a disillusioned preacher and is basically a Western Cowboy stereotype who has a strong sense of justice, honors his marine corps veteran father, values friendship and brotherhood, and protects women to a fault. His mission is to find God and have him answer for the crime of abandoning his Creation. In the television series, Jesse Custer is a preacher who has trouble with his faith and seems to be preaching in order to atone for some past sin and uphold a promise made to his father. He knows he's not good at his job, but does his best to protect his flock like a woman who was being beaten by her husband. The first season seems to be focusing on Jesse helping his parishioners as a preacher, but I suspect it will end with him abandoning this role once it has been revealed God abandoned his creation and he will set out with Tulip and Cassidy to find God. This makes sense for television since they could film all their scenes in one location and they can allow for episodic content. It can also add some character development for Jesse and show different facets of his personality. This change I'm fine with if they go the route I think they're going with since the character is basically the same, but with potentially more development.
However, Tulip was probably the worst character that has been changed in the series. In the comics she was Jesse's girlfriend who was very good with guns, but hated them because her gun-nut father was killed in a hunting accident. She and Jesse had some wild times when they were dating and did several criminal activities together which were mainly grand theft auto. However, Jesse had to abandon her suddenly after members of his family threatened to kill her and she resented him ever since until they reunited. After the series began its road trip parts, Tulip acted as the more level headed member of the trio and frequently clashed heads with Jesse over his overprotectiveness of her because she was a woman. In the t.v. series, Tulip is now black(which I don't mind) and is Jesse's ex-girlfriend, though they meet regularly. She is also still involved in the criminal underworld and can Macgyver a bazooka out of bean cans that can take down a helicopter. I believe the writers are trying to turn her into a badass woman stereotype, but their attempts come out as schlocky and over the top and have Jesse and Tulip already be established ruins the emotional impact of the Family Reunion arc (if they go that route).
You missed the post where I said that was guaranteed replies!

It was a bit of a weak pilot and the pacing right now is really slow. I hope it picks up and you stick with it, I see it's flaws but I like it and want it to keep going
Cassidy is the final member of the trio and was originally an Irish vampire who is Jesse's best friend who saved him and Tulip on more than one occasion and is generally a wiseass. However, it's later revealed that he's another kind of vampire that drains people by ruining their lives through drug addiction and manipulation. He also always wears sunglasses because his eyes are ruined by decades of drug use. The show keep's Cassidy's humor and has Cassidy use drugs(but not in a negative light), but he doesn't always wear his trademark sunglasses. He now is hunted by vampire hunters and is part of some secret vampire society that sends him money. While Joseph Gilgun is perfect as Cassidy, I don't like the direction they're going with the vampire hunters. Cassidy always struck me as a parasite who not only lived by sucking blood of his victims, but survived by getting others hooked on drugs and leeching off of them. The vampire hunters could be nothing more than a B-Plot and the sleazier aspects of Cassidy can be shown later after he establishes his friendship with Jesse, but we'll see. Plot-wise, the thing I'm most worried about is the implication that Genesis is extra-terrestrial in origin. In the comics, Genesis was born from the consummation between an Angel and a Demon and fell from Heaven itself which is somewhere in our atmosphere, but the opening shot shows it comic from somewhere in our Solar System. Deblanc and Fiore in the show--who are originally angels in the comic--also seem more like men in black than hosts of Almighty God. In an interview, Garth Ennis said that an adaptation of Preacher shouldn't be so beholden to his comics. While I agree with that, I feel this show has many changes that are antithetical to the spirit of the original comics. I'll still watch it to see how it progresses, but I'm not sure I'm going to like what i see.
>though they meet regularly

Was that established? I thought the point of him saying "thanks for the warning" to the black guy was because she just showed up in town to get Jesse to help her with a job.

Otherwise I was happy to read your thoughts about it, and mostly agree. I hope they don't stick to Texas the whole first season, but the preview made it look like there will be another episode or two set there. The helicopter part really fucking bugged me.

Cassidy was great though. Maybe I'm just a sucker for Irish accents though.
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I agree with most of what you said. Really nicely put. Cassidy is my favorite character in the comic and what I loved about him was his carefree attitude while still caring for his friends. One of my favorite scene is in the first volume was when he is going back to try and save Jesse from the Saint of Killers. The conversation he has with himself in the truck was very heartwarming and hilarious. Hopefully as the series progresses, it starts to pick up momentum. Arseface getting bullied at the end of the episode seemed a bit weird to me. I don't know, I always thought people were more disgusted and afraid of him.

>pic related
another scene that both made me laugh and broke my heart.

It's literally on its first episode. Why is every god damn thread pointless bait?
I found the beginning to preacher to be one of my favorite comic beginnings of all times, I was really hoping they'd do the route where jesse calls the town on its shit before the being inhabits him.

Im not sure I like it, I like the tulip changes (it was a bit much though with the chopper), The cassidy changes are nice, jesse seems okay. I'm just not really feeling the annville beginning.
Do you know what website you're on?
>best show

pick one

Yeah, the general consensus from this thread is that it feels off. I like it, and I hope it finds it's footing.
This marks the third time that I've had to tell someone that it was bait to bring people like you to bump the thread. So, thanks!
>GOT is pretty shit
You are correct there my good friend

>Especially this season

This season is actually one of the greatest
Last episode was pure time-kino

This entire season of /tv/ has been "Hohoho I was actually pretending to be retarded" filler episodes

Someone needs to be fired
I understand you have a different opinion from mine regarding this season. Are you ironically into this season because it's bad or did you actually like the I can warg into this dude, who wargs to the past, then I can warg into that dude over there to warg back into the future to hold a door for a couple minutes shit?
I wasn't even talking about just /tv/, I meant the whole fucking thing, famajamma

I guess it just brings out the worst in me on /tv/ specifically because it's what I'm most familiar with
There are others just like you on all boards, anon. I feel it too. Won't stop hurting.
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