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File: twilightbvs.png (266 KB, 747x325) Image search: [Google]
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People hate what they don't undertsand
twilight is underrated kino tho
there was literally nothing complex about BvS.

also, learn to spell.
So by posting this, you're basically confirming why RT does not actually matter.
Under 180 IQ you can't enjoy BvS

We proved it with IQ tests
>googles for Hitler's Rotten Tomatoes page
>finds nothing
What is even the point
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>tomato based site
>monies based critiques
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No SJW themes
No quips every 10 seconds
fights dont take place in an airport/parkinglot
Twilight is the best romantic movie of the 21st century.
Twilight is perfectly fine though.
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he right.jpg
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>Womyn protecting man
> only a womyn can help beat doomsday
not sjw? hmmmmmmmm
>Im a journalist not a female
Twilight at least it's understandable in it's shittiness

If i have to be honest actually, at the time i found the first movie to be enjoyable to some extent. Once you get over the sprakling and shit you just get a love story with a monster gimmick. It's from the sequels on that imo it went full retard, starting with the "I HAVE TO BE SUICIDAL TO SEE THE GHOST OF MY BF" bullshit, that shit's dangerous for little girls to see
That's embarrassing for rotten tomatoes though.
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checkmate anon
pic unrelated
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>2 months
>OP is still mad

In that pic. The thumbnail. Is that what I think it is?

Superman smiling?

Hot damn, too bad it wasn't in the fucking movie.
that's a pretty solid, fair opinion senpai
I love Twilight tbqh
It is very sweet and people saying that it's an abusive relationship are dumb
It's a film
File: BLACK widocok SLUT.jpg (1 MB, 1025x2949) Image search: [Google]
BLACK widocok SLUT.jpg
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At least they are not pretentious or slutty.
I liked twilight, honestly.

So it's girl-Transformers then?
Social media was a mistake. i fucking it it so much.
Thread replies: 27
Thread images: 7

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