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Did anyone else find this scene incredibly arousing?
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Did anyone else find this scene incredibly arousing?
her voice didnt fit at all
Why didn't she just throw the ball instead?
It would have had the same effect.
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> mfw I could've ended the WW threat if I had slightly better throwing skills.
She bought them about 3 more seconds by having them swarm all over her briefly
WW can't be killed by fire my man
True... Also, damn she gots stabbed all dirty style. It looked pretty real
Its funny how this scene is an almost 50/50 blend of GRRMs good writing and DnDs retarded TV logic writing. In the same scene that we have the setup and conclusion of Hodors character leading to an impactful and satisfying death we have Summer jumping to his death for no reason and this slag sacrificing herself when it wasn't necessary.
>When it wasn't necessary

Sure it was necessary, they ran out of Children of the Forest CGI money
>I'm tired
>My feet hurt
>I should've thought twice before creating these godlike beings
>wow it took a million of you to kill me LMAO
>I wish I was back in the forest playing with tress
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Give me some incendiary grenades with 20 good men and I'll kill the bitch.
No. It looked like she was being stabbed on fast forward.
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watching women get hurt is my fetish
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Why did it look like she was orgasming?
thats what women do when they're being penetrated by men who aren't their own race
forest children fucking shits
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