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Will we ever get a 40k movie?
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File: grimdarkgrimdark.jpg (102 KB, 620x744) Image search: [Google]
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Will we ever get a 40k movie?
That picture is so painfully tryhard lolsorandom edgy

I have nothing more to say on the subject and consider this matter closed
>8/10th crew are dead
With every instellar trip?
Thats so edgy it makes the universe sound impractical
Hopefully, if vidyakino does well
That's a warp jump gone bad, but still successful. A really bad jump would be the ship getting lost in the warp or over taken by Daemons.

40k is supposed to be beyond comprehension and edgy. It probably wouldn't translate well to film unless it was a horror movie. Event Horizon is probably the closest we'll get to a ship being over taken by Chaos and the warp.

40k is the bastard chimaeric child of every cool 80s movie ever, so it already has movies.

The animated movie was shit, and I was dumb enough to buy the collector's edition when it first came out because I didn't know any better. How the fuck do you make a movie about your iconic faction and fuck it up so badly? And with one of your best writers behind it? (Get your shit together GW.)
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Who /TheGreatDevourer/ here?
40k is for edgy baby-men, it's shit and gay

They should just tell the fall of it.
It would have to be R rated with lots of CG which no one would ever attempt.
I think it will depend on the success of the Warcraft movie.
I will make it OP, you have my word
Will you make it try hard grimdark edgy? Tell me.
File: ultramarines.jpg (256 KB, 1126x1600) Image search: [Google]
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It would work either as 2d animation or live action if it got CGI'd the fuck out of it.

Either way it would be most likely terrible.
We already do, watch Event Horizon.

Nice buzzwords you have there. Maybe you'd like something more light-hearted? Like Care Bears? Or Cabbage Patch Kids? Or My Little Pony? Oh wait, you'd probably call those tryhard grimdark edgy, too.
There's a bunch of possessed spaceship movies. They vary in their quality of course. Superficially they could all fill in for this warp jump nonsense. You can skip the space marines and shit, because judging by OP pic the logistics of 40k are retarded beyond comprehension.
I hate that pasta so much. It's just plain wrong. Losing 8/10th of your crew is a major failure and not a 'successful jump'.
I'd love a 40k movie that managed to capture the scale of everything. The immediate kneejerk reaction seems to be "it's too complicated, there's too much background law, people wouldn't understand/be interested and it would require a huge budget"

Only if it is done by Jodorosky with Blanche as the main concept artist.
it's not even correct
leave vidyawarhammerkino to me

Yeah, I feel the same. If Warcraft makes a ton of money, I can see studios taking a chance on other big geek properties and I think 40k would be close to the top of that list. It's a tough sell though because it'd have no female audience at all.
real feminists praised space marine for having a good woman that don't need no man
sjws hated it tho because of the whole "women can't be space marines" thing, they hated it so much that they made special headcanons in where female space marines are the toughest space marines
they don't even care that SoB exist
40k won't be done.

Many many people from Hollywood have approached games workshop over the years and they always get turned down because games workshop are fucking idiots.
probably because the warhammer lore is very strict and hollywood would just try to fuck it up like they always do
>implying deathwing will ever come out

seriously though, strenom is de facto kill
streum always deliver
>get turned down because games workshop are fucking idiots.
More like fucking heroes.

I would also tell Hollywood kikes to fuck off if they wanted to come in and force some love story, stereotypical hollywood bullshit into my universe. They'll just keep rejecting shit ideas until they get an actual good one. Otherwise we get shit like >>69907373
What would the story be about? Horus Heresy? Tyranid invasion? Birth of Chaos Gods?
I want a story about a movie about a Space Wolf who struggles with the temptation to turn to Khorne.
ciaphas cain TV-series
considering the main character is heavily inspired by blackadder and the stories are some of the less grimderp ones it could work
The Lord Inquisitor will come out one of these day... soon... eventually... r-right?
>missed the destination by thousands of light years
>overwhelming majority of the crew is dead

Yeah nah this is fucking stupid.
>a psychic field of pure FUCK YOU XDD
>daemons made of RAPE and LEMON JUICE XD!!1

>not tryhard
actually i like the idea
Am I the only who thought OP was talking about a 40k resolution movie?
It's impractical to the point of ridiculousness. If that was what Warharmer 40K life was like, there wouldn't be space travel or a civilization or anything left.
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