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Thread replies: 255
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The greatest swordsman who ever lived edition.

Previous thread >>69811879
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Who should play Jon in the inevitable timeskip?
3 for (farts)
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You know it's accurate.
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This man.
god he's hot
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Reminder that Maesters are causing the woes of Westeros.
Take the Ironborn pill, see what the Maesters have wrought! Break yourselves free from the Maesters chain of manipulation!
stfu and gtfo
>Glen Beck is Melisandre
Fuck off LARPer
OMG who cares
Richard Armitage is actually a solid choice for any Stark.

>Cregan in a Dance of Dragons prequel

All of my money.
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I tried my hardest, but Kit Harington genuinely looks too retarded at times.
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>tfw stopped reading Storm of Swords for 2 months because too busy
t. underage edgy /pol/ack
Looks like a M&B character
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There are people who seriously think Stannis is dead.
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first for the King who Cared
I hate this show. I only watch on the vague hope Sandor will show up.

How will he explain his lack of shoes in the next episode?

>more backstories than the Joker
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You know someone already made that shoop you faggot.
I want /pol/ to leave
Already been answered fucking hell.

It's Episode 7 so stop asking.
>second worst father in westeros
Vote or Die
spoiler from a spainfag here

we've seen the cast in our small town, theyre with a woman and a guy I havent seen on the show yet, fucking protected by heavy security too, always with a fucking umbrella to hide their faces.

probably Jon's mum?

also Bran actor probably retarded irl, fucking smiling all the time
He was truly the righteous king, how he let all his men eat while they were starving before he took a bite for example, truly would have made a great king
I know, faggot. Are people not allowed to make multiple shoops now?
who is the worst?
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What would ISIS do if they were suddenly transported to the game of thrones(show) universe?
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the eternal maester v2.png
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I see that the Maester Internet Defense Force is here

I hate this self righteous assfuck so much.
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bow to the true queen
CIA for ever
Gotta love his belt loops
>implying he will burn her in the books
Fuck children most likely
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Jon Targaryen.jpg
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If someone put more shadow on the face of this picture, it would be perfect.

worst fight scene in the entire show

>lmao dual wielding
>dude stay back, i'm holding my swords pointing out to either side of my body with my wrists fully flexed. dont try to knock the sword outta my hands or approach me or anything
>you cant block or parry my unbalanced 1 handed swings with 2 hands on your sword. lol dont be silly. superior skill

it was just goofy. it was literally star wars or power rangers tier stuff
His father was a peach cobbler.

A delicious dessert.
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>Fuck my knees up in car crash
>Start putting weight on, go see doctor
>Tells me to go to the gym and do stationary bike cardio as it's apparently low impact
>1.5 hours at a time, fucking hell
>Load every ep of Game of Thrones on my phone so I have something to do while I just sit there like a faggot, peddling away
>Mfw seeing how good the show used to be compared to now

Go back and watch the first season, it's night and day in terms of quality.

>Actual properly composed music, not generic meme fantasy shit
>Proper actors
>No leftist agenda being pushed
>No stronk womyn
>Tits and gore

Were the earliest seasons more qualitative due to the fat man being heavily involved, or is it just franchise fatigue and everyone working on it not giving a fuck anymore?
Wreck their immediate area for about a week before they run out of ammunition.
haha exactly, wish he would have Dawn only and fight really well
>implying he won't
He'll take Winterfell, fetch his bitches, possibly find dragon eggs in Winterfell crypts, but certainly end up under heavy undead and other siege. That's when she'll burn to fulfill the Nissa Nissa role and it will be terrible.
Don't compare the worst character to God emperor trump.
Sanders is Tyrion. In general he has positive agenda, but goes in the wrong direction which helps the actual villain (Trump/Dany).
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>he doesn't want based Geralt on the throne
I guess harranhall is off the table too then
Geralt would never want to sit on a throne.
Predict new TWOW POVs
>Crow's Eye (no shit)
>a fucking White Walker
>melisandre tells jon about the prophecy
>jon refuses to kill sansa
>ww take over the north
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Dabid and other man have taken over and think it's fun to have helicopter men with 2 swords
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CIA sitting on the throne while salsa on his lap.
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Harrenhall isn't off the table, I am the table
What are you 5?
Is it just me or is there weird sexual tension between Davos and Melisandre?
GRRM said there wouldn't be any more, so...

dumb marvelnigger
No new PoVs, from the mouth of Georgie boy.

He's got to cull them down to six or so.
>trusting the fat man
Is Tyrion a Targaryen?

>Jon Targaryen in his 50s.jpg
who else doesn't really care about who sits in the iron throne in the end? i just want to see how the characters and their stories develop

If any of the Lannisters are Targs it will be Jaime and Cersei.
Yes, he's also Euron in disguise
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Nigga there was even sexual tension between Selyse and Melisandre.
>wheres my sister
>I wish you good fortune in the wars to come
>and now it begins

what did he mean by this?
The table is a laddah!
Fuck off, nobody cares, holy shit.
good job /pol/, nice and edgy too
weak bait
hillary clinton is such an amazing cunt with all the shit she's done, you can fill a 35 minute video with all the scams and corruption she's had a part in
Geralt isnt much for leadership. The dude can barely run a gang of 4 people.

He wouldn't want to sit on the throne, not would he be particularly good.
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How is Missandei so smart?

She's only 10 years old
she is faceless man
/r/ based maces
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>cock merchant
can faceless men turn into children?
She's a woman, idiot, they're naturally smarter, even without education
Autist savant
ask arya
>le big cock dwarf xD
Well Kelly C is 14 and she rules half the world.
i would bow down before her if in return she would pee on me
Why do people here always say tywin was such an amazing guy, he was a sick fuck who was obsessed with cucking his dwarf son
>She's only 10 years old

in the books :^) the show is canon
Wasn't she very educated because her master wanted her to be educated and so had her taught?
George really fucked up with her. How can she remember her adult brothers before they were unsullied? It makes no sense unless she's a stunted freak like the waif.
>rules half the world.
She nominally controls a single city, and is purely a figurehead at that
I don't think anyone pretends he's not a massive cunt, he was just really good at his job when he was hand
she's literally retarded
she even sucks at scamming, a good scammer doesn't get caught
>what is the Dothraki Sea

if arya turned herself into a grown up and you banged her would it still be pedo?

if aman turned himself into a little girl and you fucked him would it still be gay? would it also be pedo?

>I'm a political "activist" who is literally incapable of separating politics and anything else I do in my life

kill yourself
Yeah, but now she has a controllable dragon, she literally cannot be stopped by anyone except Euron who will tame the other two.
can't wait for her to betray the usurper kinslayer in the books
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>there he is, there's Tom Brook!
>Tom no! NO!
and now for a 50 thousand word chapter about a girl locked in a tower
>good at his job
>saw things as they were
>great actor behind him
and the list goes on
sure he's not a good guy but he's certainly good at what he does
Drogon is not controllable yet, at least not in the books.

Was the ToJ as underwhelming in the books as it was in the show?
>I won't allow slavery!
>ok maybe just a bit of slavery!
>but no violence
>I won't marry some smelly old guy to help the city
>ok I will marry this other smelly old guy to solve the problems for me, while I bang a hot guy
>no, you can't have fighting pits, thats barbaric!
>ok, you can open the pits, but only with totally with civil rules!
As much as I hate Daenerys, you gotta admit that GURM got the mind of teenage girl pretending to be a capable ruler spot on. Dany being played by an adult in the show is what doubles the retard-factor
did anyone notice that the books go from strong, concise storytelling with clear direction to enormously bloated purple prose rambling about randomly introduced characters nobody cares about?
>I am a knight, I shall DIE a knight!

>A naked knight, apparently...

Who else bursted out laughing like crazy at this?
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It was a small scene in the books and it was generally vague. Which meant you could imagine it any way you particularly want. The fight was never seen.

I did get more of a sad note on Ned's part in the book though.
Ok guys enough of the pedo shit, iv reported the guy to that girls local police (the guy who was getting his kid to get pics of that young girl) and the other guy asking for the school etc can we now please cut out the pedo shit its getting out of hand and this isn't /b/
She bitchslapped him with a whip and the novel ends as he obeys her commands, I think its at least >implied that Drogon will be completely dog-like by the start of the next book
Its LITERALLY one page in the first book, blown by the fans out of proportion
It was in the first book and didn't go into detail besides the fact Ned didn't particularly want to fight seeing as he wanted to fug Ashara Dayne
>saw things as they were
>blamed his infant son for his wife's death
>refused to recognize his children's incestuous union
tywin was an edgy kevan lannister with 10000 years deep gold mines.
so well all know jon and Dany are two heads of thre dragon
Who is the last, /tv/?

tyrion obvs
>Ser Not Appearing In This Series
Her school website published a news about it faggot.
I thought she was too good for nudity now. This was a body double? The same CGI trick they used for Cersei last season?
Dany's mom died at child birth (Rhaella)

Jon's mom died at child birth (lyanna)

guess which other character had this same exact shit happening to them?

hint R+L=
Fuck off retard
the third one dies or goes feral.
Daily reminder that Quentyn survived
No, she just doesn't do nudity for the sake of doing nudity or some shit like that. It was actually her.
>head of a dragon

literally how are they going to exposition the blackfyres to the show normies in under 5 minutes

Lurk moar faggot, that was her body.
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still dont understand why more people supported renly he was younger

do westerosis not give a fuck about right of inheritance or buggery

She actually said in an interview that it was her.

My personal speculation is I think she was okay with it because she was nude in an empowering way unlike most of her nudity first season which was pure titillation or the character being humiliated.
How come Lena Headey required a body double? Does she think she's above showing her tits?
Because Renly had a personality that wasn't like having sandpaper rubbed on your cock
>child stalker detected

i hope you get raped in prison pedo
She was pregnant
She was pregnant at the time.
promise me, Ned.
>>69816274 >>69816275
Nice excuse. She also used body double in her S1EP1 scene, what now?
Did they CGI her baby bump from the other clothed scenes or what
alright, stop this bullshit. you realize by posting her info on /tv/ she's gonna get doxxed by pedos right? just stop talking about it and leave it alone.
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thinking she knows better as an actrice when a nude scene is necessary
the character really got to her head at least in season 2 commentary she admitted she was a shit actress
Probably just cleaver blocking and clothing etc
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Book Dany is unironically my favourite character.

Being a teenaged girl, actually attractive, and not such an obnoxious arrogant cow really redeems her.
What's going on?
Its just a news article. you can find it by just googling. stop being so paranoid
no body double but some shots were done in cgi. Some, not all, her tit department still outclasses other sluts in GoT.
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dany jon tyrion dragons.jpg
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It's obviously Tyrion.
Double Daggers has better nipples


It is clear that Shireen will burn somehow. Stannis will BTFO Bolton fucking shits and end up attacked by the Others or something.
tell us more personal speculation please
Stannis has been in multiple wars and is known for having an iron will, resisting the Tyrell's siege and starvation. Lyin' Ted cant even resist a donut.
it's late night here. i dont know about the other guy
The fatman's fingers coiled into a fist. "They murdered it! Murdered I say and may the Ds choke upon their fables! I drink with Cogsucker, Jape with GOLLUM, promise DABID the hand of my own beloved granddaughter...But never think that means I have forgotten. The fanbase remembers, lord Anon. The fanbase remembers and the mummer's farce is almost done. TWoW is home."
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I always used to think these were pronounced the same as "brassiere." It wasn't until Daenerys knocked a bunch of them over and people started talking about it did a realize I was wrong.
>Cordelia received high praise from the Directors and writers of the show who said how she was a natural actress who was not fazed by all the big name stars.
>all the big name stars

what ?
Tyrion being a targ is highly unlikely. and no non targ ever rode any dragon
I refuse to accept Sneks as part of the show
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monarchy isnt a popularity contest
>I thought keeping a man from his kidnapped sister, and trying to murder him instead of just letting him see her was the the right thing.

I also thought that, but apparently it's BRAY-zer.
How come the latest seasons are really bad in comparison to the first few seasons
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>Can't beat a culchie and a literal bogman
>Greatest swordsman ever

Pull the other one m8.

Everyone knows Darkstar is the greatest swordsman ever. In fact he's probably entering a solid 7 with his massive throbbing sword right now.
Then Tyrion will be the first.

It's pretty obvious, with all the talk in the books about how he always dreamed of it as a kid. And now in the show he's the one who freed them, which the dragons will remember, and will make him key in training them.
It is in a succession crisis, also
>Marrying a Florent
>Putting a Florent in charge of the fleet
>Letting Florents ever have a say in anything
Literally on the losing side in every civil war, kiss of death
Balon is Kasich because no one gave a fuck about him
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>tfw normies and reddit actually want this shit to happen
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turkfu+ maisie
Because you're not 13 anymore, everything seems shit now.
>no non targ ever rode any dragon
What about that bastard kid of house Velaryon?
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probably somebody dutch or flemish who posted that
Has to be someone with huge cock sucking nigger lips, yea? Tom Hardy.
kayafu + maisie

Mannis baratheon
But it is. A monarch needs the support of the people or nobody will follow him to war.
>Dany will ride BIG BLACK Dragon
Not even subtle anymore, damn jews
As someone that doesn't have English as the first language, reading AGOT in English was confusing af.

>inner/outer bailey
what about nettles?

And all the other Valyrians who rode dragons before the fall?
First day on /tv/?
It is though, even in the series there's several examples of this besides Stannis. If a king isn't wanted he's left behind or killed.
Post yfw when CIA's actor is autistic:



In the comments:

"GodlyBandit1 anno fa (modificato)
This guy is creepy
Rispondi4 "

"ana1sninja11 mesi fa
Is this guy just shy? Or does he suffer from social anxiety. He seems very diffident.
MmeDesgranges11 mesi fa
+ana1sninja Cultural differences, he's Irish.
Son Of Montreal
Son Of Montreal11 mesi fa
+ana1sninja He's just less charismatic than other actors during interviews.
Rispondi3 "

"Just sayin3 settimane fa
The guy who pkays little finger was drunk that's why he was weird
Rispondi82 "

"mero jr3 settimane fa (modificato)
little is so fucking creepy and high as fuck
Rispondi63 "
Sorry I meant non Valyrians. Obviously valyrians other than targs rode dragons before the doom
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>not wanting the dany is sauron shit happen
But I was 16-17 when watching the first season
somebody post DABID pastas, I love them

I already gave you all of it.
He killed his son's own uncle. It's practially kinslaying
When was the last time you rewatched Season 2, anon? Most people remember it fondly because it introduced Stannis and provided so many memorable "meme" scenes, but that's like saying the plane scene in TDKR was unironically good. Season 2 rivals 5 at being pretty fucking terrible, in fact i'd say its worse from a quality perspective but 5 trumps it at being boring.
Why did the most chivalrous knight go to strike down an unarmed nobleman? And then why did Ned, who throughout the show has been proven to be extremely honourable strike arthur down in anger AFTER he took a back stab already. Was he mad that he was about to be cut down without honour so he repaid in turn, or was it a coup de grace?
>First season came out in 2010
Jesus christ time flies
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caloreesi A CUTE.webm
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Caloreesi a cute. CUTE!!!!!
>One of the most depressed countries in the world calling people retarded for smiling all the time
He's just a happy person you sad fuck.
Or he showed mercy and ended the suffering of a man drowning in his own blood.
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>those arms

>fat cow gets stuck
Why are her triceps so fucking flabby. Cant the producers just tell her to do some exercises for those? It looks disgusting
somebody doesn't know what coup de grace means lmfao sat down kid
holy shit whats wrong with him
>telling an actress to lose fat for a role
Thats misogyny, onii-chan
I marathoned season 1-5 and didn't notice any quality drop until halfway through season 4. The dog war was when i realised the show has jumped the shark.
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>implying season 2 is bad
>theon arc
>arya and tywin scenes
>Alik Sakharov as director
>renly's camp set production
>tyrion as hand

kys plebian
since when?
fuck this gay-eartth
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>mfw bookfags gone full Jon Snow
Its not lose fat. Its literally raise some dumbells for those fucking triceps once a week. The rest of her body is alright
So why doesn't the show use good directors like in season 1 and 2 anymore?
dinkage seems kind of uptight
Women can't really gain muscle due to low test. Any muscular actress you see on screen either worked out for decades, or hopped on steroids
literally the only real way to view the series is as 4 seasons of solid adaptation followed by D&D just giving up on trying to set anything up properly and trying to get to the upcoming Dragonbattles as quickly as possible.
Why the fuck did D&D divide Gerold Hightower in two?
>gave his appearance to Arthur Dayne
>gave his name to Oswell Whent
Jesus what a clusterfuck
That is cute. She's still fucking cancer.
who is that even
who even cares except the most autistic bookfag
Tier List of Jon's Parents:
1. Ned and Lyanna
2. Tywin and Lyanna
3. Rhaegar and Lyanna
4. Ned and Ashara
5. Brandon and Ashara
6. Reed and Lyanna
7. Robert and a lowborn
8. Ned and the Fisherman's Daughter
9. Anyone Else
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D&D probably didnt see that coming so they didnt put it in the contract
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Who the fook that is?
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Yeah! Fucking, ugh, AUTISTS wanting an adaptation to respect the source material it's profiting off.
No see Gerold IS the Tower of Joy in the show
>season 6 finale
>the white walkers are attacking the wall
>castle black is on the brink of being overwhelmed
>swords clashing everywhere
>men being ripped in half by the mindless snow zombies
>Khaleesi is riding her dragon around while it breathes fire on the walkers
>close up shot of walker commander with an ice spear looking up at the dragon
>360 no scope
>khaleesi falls to the ground
>dragon crashes with no survivors
>jon is flailing around in a circle with two swords
>sam is complimenting his impressive rpm while his wifes son crawls around
>tyrion tries to throw an axe at a walker
>it bounces off it's leg and looks at tryion
>close up of tyrions face
>all the surivors get surrounded
hold hands and close eyes in unison
>the walkers begin to approach
>this suddenly starts playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1mlCPMYtPk
>everyones eyes shoot open
>all the walkers look behind them as a shadow looms over
>Oh shit nigger it's the fucking US air force
>white walkers fart
>Napalm bombs start exploding everywhere engulfing the walkers in fire
>F-35s fly over head
>Marines bust down the door to castle black with their dicks out
>accidentally grenade an iraqi classroom
>start throwing landmines at the walkers
>littlefinger walks through the door flanked by two knights
>they're big
>"Daenerys Stormborn, I'm Vale"
>Cut to black
>...and who are you
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How Daenerys should have been
Hold up.

Book AND the show, why are the Karstarks supporting the Boltons rather than claiming Winterfell for themselves?

Sure the Stark lineage is like a thousand years back, but they still maintain the connection as being Stark kin culturally and the North seems to accept it. Everybody hates the Boltons, but the Karstarks don't seem in on the conspiracy. Why wouldn't they make a grab instead? They have the men and they are more likely to gain support.

I don't get it.
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>Gerold High Tower
>Wall der Frey
>Rodrik Casstle
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pycelle and joffrey even mentions him in the show how thick are you showfag
>littlefinger walks through the door flanked by two knights
>they're big
>"Daenerys Stormborn, I'm Vale"
>Cut to black
>...and who are you
>"It ain't me" starts playing

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Because Robb killed their lord
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>some nobody gets mentioned by a tertiary grade character thats sole contribution to the show right now is flatulence
>this is supposedly important material in a bookfags mind
>this bookfag rage

Because nobody cares, bookpleb, and he's irrelevant to the story.
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The Eternal Maester v2.jpg
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The source material is shit, nothing more than bad teenager fantasy. D&D have made it a success, maybe one of the biggest in TV history. One thing that they have made is remove useless filler crap that serves no purpose.
>tfw she looks so good you cant even be attracted to her because of your low self steem
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>not marathoning every season before new season starts

nice thumbnail faglord
In the books it's because Harrion is in prison and Cregan wants him to die so he gets Karhold and figures siding with Stannis will make them execute him, in the show I have no fucking idea, I thought Karstark would knife Ramsay right after he killed his dad because why not?
I'm a goodtelivisionfag actually. I ain't gonna read a fucking overlong book series that a fat fuck is never going to finish.


They don't want to be Lords Paramount of the North and take Winterfell because Robb killed their Lord?

How does that even make sense? If anything it should motivate them to take over Winterfell even more.
100% fucking /this
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