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Cary Fukunaga to complete Kubrick's Napoleon film
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Pizzalottery on suicide watch.
Who? What?

Napoleon dynomite is getting a sequel?
dam, this could be great
He was the director for majority of True Detective season 1. He's pretty based.
meme director won't do it justice
Who gives a fuck about Kubrick's ideas? He did nothing but adapt others' works. The execution is his sole contribution.
sweet publicity stunt

He directed all the season 1 eps
Adapting other's work is what most directors do
What does a director even do? The writer creates the story, the photography guy does the shots, the actors play makebelieve, the costumers dress them up, the sound guys do the sound.

Directing = the Emperor's new clothes
I wish they'd hurry up and finish The Other Side of the Wind.
1. Tells the costume designers what he wants
2. Tells the sound guys what he wants
3. Tells the actors what he wants
4. Tells the cinematographer what he wants

You probably think Conductors do nothing since they don't play the instruments, right?
>What does a director even do?

babysits the vapid actors and tries to strangle some semblance of emotion and range out of them.
THe directors are "directly" involved in every single aspect of the film, overseeing all of the departments and giving the ultimate say on the decisions. They are also on set every day, often arriving early and staying late. Sometimes they even edit their own films like Soderbergh or the Coens.
damn this nigga is good looking af
>Touching Kurbick material
>After motherfucking Spielberg disappointed everyone with AI

Bad idea, when you touch Kubrick material you're setting a standard that's nearly impossible to reach. Kinda like claiming you're going to create a Monet.
AI is actually one of Spielberg best and most underrated films.
>hollywood out of original ideas

what else is new?
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