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Does /tv/ like american beauty? I cant form my opinion so i have
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Thread replies: 12
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Does /tv/ like american beauty? I cant form my opinion so i have to know.

also, what did he mean by this?
Stop posting in capeshit for once, nerds.
Try marathoning it while drinking bleach you piece of shit
Look closer.
It's a good film. I liked it a lot.

Lester received a gift in the form of a cheating wife. That nigger had it made and he knew it.
I know it's DUDE WEED LMAO XD related, but the kid's business was booming. $2000 an oz for run of the mill medical.
medical marijuana didn't exist in the late 90s.
Good film
A bit pretentious with the flying bag
It did. That's what the kid was selling, but it wasn't so ubiquitous.
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68 KB, 400x300

holy shit dude thats funny
The 13 year old tits were cock eyed and weird.
Thread replies: 12
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