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Dirty Diaries is a 2009 collection of thirteen pornographic short films made by Swedish feminists and produced by Mia Engberg. The individual films are highly diverse in content, although many of them feature humour and different forms of queer sex. The creative decisions were based on a manifesto with the aim to create pornography that is non-commercial and follows feminist ideals.

The film sparked controversy before and after its release because of sexually provocative content and the fact that it was mainly financed through PUBLIC FUNDS

Dirty Diaries Manifesto
1. Beautiful the way we are
2. Fight for your right to be horny
3. A good girl is a bad girl
4. Smash capitalism and patriarchy
5. As nasty as we wanna be
6. Legal and free abortion is a human right!

pic: one of the movies
seems interesting desu
>we celebrate the brown cock
Who cares?



>brown cock

what do xur mean by this?
Can I fap to it though?
>swedkuck detected

People with a spine.
you mean people who never leave their basement and whine about everything?
spine, sure..
I'm not swedish senpai but I don't think that complaining about this stuff is any better than what the tumblr landwhales are doing.

Would be fine if they just fucked up their own lives - sleep around irresponsibly until they are 35, quickly find someone to have a kid with, likely a cool immigrant so they can be progressive or some chad, either way they then end up a single mother with a borderline retarded baby.

They then demand money from the state to raise their child who they will ruin further with bad parenting and their undeveloped ethical understanding. The child will then either be another slut in turn or a criminal.

There's a reason you don't have endemic sluttiness in countries without vast social security networks.
>There's a reason you don't have endemic sluttiness in countries without vast social security networks.
Yeah you do, they just get a non-Chad to pay for their shit later on.
because america has a vast social security network?
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