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Better Call Saul
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Just watched the finale of season 2.

So was it shown who stopped Mike from taking the shot or is that just a cliffhanger teaser?

Also Chuck is a better con than Saul.
One of gus men put the note on mikes car. And yes, chuck a cuck
But is that fact or speculation?
When was that shown or indicated? I must have missed it.
Gloves Off
Bali Ha'i

something to do with the first letters of the titles of the episodes reearanged
damn you vince you sneaky bastard
Nothing happens: the show.
It's NICOLE IS DEAD all over again.
Damn you Vince.
i dont get it, where is he back from?
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>Better Call Saul finale of season 2.
Ernie is Gus in disguise. That's why he helped Saul, so he can use him later, and he's been following Saul and that's how he found Mike. Next he's going to "take care" of Chuck to ensure Saul can stay a lawyer in time for BB season 1.
>who stopped Mike from taking the shot
Didn't Nacho just teleport behind him and do it?
>nicole is dead
>the plot literally reveals it before you get all the letters

I never fucking got that
Gustavo fring from Breaking Bad
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Season 3 looking good so far
You're missing 1 letter when you find out she's dead.
There aren't many 4 letter words that start with dea.
You're just retarded.
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