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Is /tv/ ready for the return of the best modern capeshit franchise?
>we did a good job casting the main 2
>how do you want the rest of your cast?
whats that winged dudes superpower? does he just have wings? why is he chosen to be one of the 4 horsemen then if all he does is fly around like a lil birdy bitch
He's a fucking bird!
Apocalypse alters his wings and they shoot metal feathers that can explode and other shit.
While X-Men, X2 and First Class are actually good movies and Days of Future Past being excellent, the Wolverines and Last Stand are all more or less bad.
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Can't be worse than this guy, can it?
You can bet your sweet ass I am.
Isn't he the only one who can fly besides Magneto and maybe Storm?
>I must become bald to enhance my powers!

fucking stupid
I believe so. Besides Apoc I'm assuming
I'm hype, but I really fucking hope JLaw doesn't hog the screentime.
JLaw will probably be able to fly.
Most comic characters who can fly don't have wings, so what's even the point of having them?
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lol no

Maaaaybe i'll watch it on HBO in a year

X-Men is bottom of the barrel cape filler, Singer's gotta go
to look angelic and biblical.
>no Rogue

No thx.
I bet you enjoy the disney movies.

Because that's part of his mutation.
He was around before it was cool to fly.
Christ who's in charge of this shit.
Civil War>Jlaw
I bet you enjoy twinks and JLaw Mystique as Cyclops.
Jokes on you. She is moving to the MCU after this movie. And CW was way worse than FC and DofP
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She's a bit young to be in this

If the movies did her well, she'd be badass. But she was awful in all the ones she's been in
>he thinks Anne Paquin is a better actor than Jlaw
Better than disney kiddy shit and quipman.
Literally the same person for both
>Jokes on you. She is moving to the MCU after this movie
This, she's going to be team leader of the avengers.
>She's a bit young to be in this

So is Jubilee. They should stop pretending the timeline makes sense and just go with it.
oh look Cyclops the leader of the X-men that fucking becomes the leader of all mutants is in the fucking back. Fox and all you fox fags can go to hell.
Well memed
Everything is possible in the X-men universe.
Waifu nerd pandering: The movie
It's going to happen, fag.
>She's a bit young to be in this
the whole time line changed you faggot.
And the source is your ass, of course.
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I can't wait until Taylor Swift shows up to save the day.
Because it's made by a competent director and not by a puppet who doesn't know what he's doing.
I think he may have developed Alzheimers in the interim.
>And the source is your ass, of course.
My grandfather works for disney.
lol its almost like the target market for these films are small children
He was more in his element with the smaller, more human films that he did earlier. This big budget CGI super giant action crap isn't his forte. It was Vaughn's groundwork that really made DofP work.
How is Singer not a puppet?
He always makes the same movies anyway.

>shit happens
>X-Men beat the villain
>Magneto goes full retard
>they beat him
>Wolverine isn't a whiny manlet
And of course, JLaw Mystique keeps taking Cyclops' place.
I doubt he's in charge of casting this.
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>the best modern capeshit franchise?
X2 and Days of future past, that's it anon. Based McAvoy and Fassbender kept first class from being a made for sci-fi tier movie.
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>complaining about heroes beating the bad guy in movies

You don't watch many movies do you?
I've had bowel movements that were better actors than Jlaw.
Who cares, X-Men has always been filler.
Might pirate the bluray someday.
The pure calibre of the director shows how better his movies are, this isn't a question of the story being better or worse, it's a question of skill and artistic sensibility.
I'm not really knowledgeable on capeshit stuff.

Why the fuck is Storm helping apocalypse?
Why is Archangel helping apocalypse?

I thought they were "good" or at least morally light grey.
This is like when they put chubby Emilia Clarke in Terminator, what's with all these double chin women.
No one likes Cyclops anon, no one.
No, i'm complaining about the fact that the victory on the villain always ends with Magneto going full retard.

>he's good because I say so
He's not, his penis is.
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>tfw hate fatniss so fucking much that cant stand muh mystique oriented xmen shitfest even ironicaly
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>we want the game of throne's audience
I only care for X-men, avengers and co. are plebtier, I don't even bother.
They're helping him because they think he's cool.
McAvoy and fassbender wont save this. Jlaw, sansa and every other cast choise will make shure of that
Is that why every other character is fairly age appropriate? Whereas in the original movies rogue was a high schooler who probably wouldn't even have been more yet?
Based Peters will save the film. Singer had to top DofP's scene and he's super proud of this one. It also took 3 and a half goddamn months to film the one two minute scene.

I wish he was the star of the film though, sucks that we'll get way more J Law than him after he dies during the 2nd act
I am a huge fan of X-men, and this film looks fucking awful, from Jennifer Lawrence and her poor interpretation of Mystique, to Sophie Turners immense downgrade from Famke with Jean, I mean the cast looks fucking awful and the effects look really under par for 2016, it looks awful and it makes me sad that its probably going to be.
>it's a "waste 90% of the SFX budget on Quicksilver" episode
>Why is Archangel helping apocalypse?

He's the whole reason "Angel" became "Archangel"
Jlaw could probably be better than Paquin, but her acting in the x-men franchise is a goddamn joke. She was ok in first class, but then it nosedived.

You know, if it was just bad acting, then that's one thing, but she publicly stated she doesn't like the series, and doesn't like the make up. And her performance reflected this. It's not that she couldn't do the job, it's that she refused to do it well. That's the bullshit part. She can't even be mildly inspired by McAvoy or Fassbender? She's a fucking joke, and I can't wait for the meme that is her life to be over.
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Did Apocalypse rise because they changed the future with sentinels in last movie?Where is Apocalypse in that sentinel future?
The worst part is that she acts like she's too good for the movies. Yes JLaw, you're too good for capeshit, the series that has starred: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellan, Oscar Isaac, Michael Fassbender. Honestly, the acting pedigree that the franchise has is insane.
judging from the trailer it's literally him running in front of a 90's-tier greenscreen with fans blowing his face.

they filmed it from battlefield earth angles, so the /v/ audience may like it though
Probably still napping like he was for thousands of years before.
She doesn't take no crap.
I know that it's too early to say, but I have faith in Singer. He's shown in the past that he knows what he's doing, he knows that he has to surpass what he did in DofP, and he really went all out with time, effort, money, and new technology.
Would be funny if the sentinels detected a napping Apocalypse and just killed him in the background.
Oh, the director said it's good, must be nice then.
Hilarious. That would be a really nice twist.
why'd she take the job then?
>All mutations are super powers
He's proven himself in the past with hit after hit after hit. He deserves the benefit of the doubt.
especially when the only reason anyone knows who she is, besides being weinstein's cocksleve, is because she stared in a YA novel adaptation that wasn't the worst thing in the world.

I've never understood the appeal of her to be honest. Plenty of better actresses in hollywood that don't act like obnoxious cunts every opportunity they get.
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She just takes less pay.
The anti-Jlaw circle jerk here annoys me. I don't care about her one way or another but it's all anyone talks about here is how she's worst then Hitler because she's popular.
What is Apocalypse power anyway?
Could Phoenix beat him?
>because she's popular

More than just that my friend. She acts like a total cunt to those around her, and then has the audacity to play the victim.
He absorbs powers.
And according to the leaks in /co/, they beat him by building a Sentinel.
Lmao I forgot about this shit. What was the point of his subplot? Self acceptance?
I hope it's sentinel armor that somebody wears instead of the robots.
I thought Jennifer lawrence left the franchise or something. It took me a minute to find her bc she's so damned plain that she literally has no presence without her mystique makeup.
Hitler did nothing wrong and lifted his people out of poverty.
Energy and matter manipulator
phoenix rekts him so hard
She's the leader of the X-Men.
>leader of the xmen

Wait what? why
because the fox executives think she isn't taking a nose dive in popularity
>Mystique is the main leader and doesn't hardly wear the blue shit because JLAW SUPERSTAR DOES SHIT HER WAY OR NO WAY AT ALL

Fuck that. Already ruined by her ego. And throw in that insufferably untalented Munn, and it's gonna be just shit.
I don't think that 20 million is a small pay check.
exactly, what was Singer smoking when he casted Munn, I mean really she has no appeal and isn't even popular.

Singer has been fucking too many twinks because all the male casts look like complete effeminate faggots like nightcrawler.

Proof that pedophilia and gay pedoism at that is a mental illness.
No. I wonder how much Mcavoy or Fassbender are cashing in.
Probably less than her.
>Hugh Jackman
You know, he was no one before X-Men.

Otherwise a legit point, though. She's bitching just like Alec Guinness who publicly hated his turn in Star Wars which is beyond stupid.

Also am I only one who wants to fuck Nightcrawler's actor in his make-up?
No I'm sure Bryan Singer already did that.
>Also am I only one who wants to fuck Nightcrawler's actor in his make-up?
Are you gay?
Singer pls go.
Yes. Is this that shocking? You know, it's not like a straight dude would confess his wish to fuck a twink.
Didn't know singer posted on /tv/
Screw you, I'm not a pedo. McPhee is 19 yo and I'm just 21.
Holy shit, anon, calm down, I was just trying to know if you were a girl or a fetishist.
I don't care if you're gay.
He wasn't 19 when he was couch casted by singer though, you like him because he looks like a twink you pedo faggot degenerate.
So what? It's not like anyone says he would do this actor/actress he fancies romantic relationships with them.
Because he's a degenerate.
Stop that.
Then stop fucking replying to him, asshole. Do you not see your complicity when you enable him?
>DC movies are childish deep shit
>Marvel movies are sterile cut and paste scenario shit

Based fox gonna save capeshit ll over again
make me lib-cuck
Went to watch Civil War the other day and there was an advertisement for some ISP or something featuring the younger X-Men cast. Quicksilver ran around like a twat for no real reason to impress a girl by doing a bunch of random shit like bouncing cyclops' blasts off walls and lighting a candle with the beam. The audience groaned. They were clearly trying to milk his one big scene in DOFP and it was horrid. I really hope they tone it down for Apocalypse.
That ad was better than Civil War and BvS combined.
It's worse than I remembered.

I like that ad desu
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What is this?

Meme Magicâ„¢
Singer's X-men movies do their own thing and find that right balance of drama and action. My biggest gripe is that he and Kinberg focus too much on one character over multiple movies. And his next goal is to adapt Dark Phoenix his way, so it's gonna be the Jean Grey show now.
So how did he become bald in this movie?
Magneto accidentally deflected a razor his way?
Jesus would it kill them to make good costumes
What did you expect? Yellow spandex?
Next movie, I think that they are going to do it like in Deadpool, I mean why wouldn't they.
Only if Singer/Kinberg didn't like them, which is not the case. Both seem like willing to play ball.

Fox X-men could actually be the most like comic books. Singer does the main X-men team. Tim Miller and Ryan Reynolds does Deadpool and X-force. And another director/writer could do New Mutants and/or X-Factor.
/tv/ can't like this movie because they're full blown misogynists.
Who keeps casting these fat GoT women in Hollywood movies? The "Mother of the Resistance" was enough.
That's literally what is happening right now.

Seriously, X-Men keeps expanding and growing without falling into a stupid formula like the MCU and that's exactly what I love about them.
They should bring in Sam Raimi and Guillermo Del'toro.
This whole movie was a metaphor for homosexuality. This subplot especially.

Ian McKellan specifically took the role in Xmen because of the parallel
Hey Anita when will you ever learnth at name-calling to bully people into submission never works?

Or are you so retarded that you believe someone out there will read your shit and say "OH SHIT I GOT CALLED A NAME THEREFORE I HAVE TO BUY TEN TICKETS TO SEE THNS?"
It's Angel. They did the best they could with him.
Hugh Jackman is still a quadruple threat, the number of current working actors that have proven themselves great in: comedy, drama, action, and musicals is a very small list.
>so it's gonna be the Jean Grey show now
Just make it take place in current day. Famke, Marsden, and Berry aren't busy. Please Fox.
This Jackman is very talented actor
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