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>I'm the first non-Brazilian person to travel backwards
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>I'm the first non-Brazilian person to travel backwards through time!

that jokes about as good as a prostitute on a bad wednesday
The Nazis moved to Brazil after WW2
Half as good as a red lobster in December
i always thought it was a pop culture reference but i dont think so
It means he is the first person to travel though time who is not from the country of brazil
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Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more movies with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions. I love time travel movies .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..
It's literally just a "lolsorandumb :-DD" joke that isn't supposed to make sense. Just ignore it, it's not even remotely funny.
paraphrasing comedy track:

"At first we had the first non-fictional person to travel backwards in time, but (*someone*) didn't like it, so we kept pitching. "

"The non-brazlian person joke is the kind of joke thats only funny when you've been pitching on the same joke for 3 hours"
Edge of tomorrow
Timecrimes (los cronocrimenes)

There's some good timetravel movies for ya anon
who didnt like the non-fictional person joke i wonder
Source Code, kinda
hold up i'll look
Boys From Brazil*

First sentence is right, second sentence is wrong. FTFY
Just checked commentary for Treeshoue of Horror V. Nobody explicitly says they didn't like it.

So initially Matt is sorta mad they changed the line "Ok now that, duhwhyhwayahta why'd you change that line? That was a great line, the original line. Non brazilian, what does that mean?"

david s cohen: "it was originially 'the first non-fictional character' . i think i remember we just pitched on that joke for like 3 hours one day, and things that dont necessarily make sense when you haven't pitched on the joke for three hours seem very funny after 3 hours of other jokes"

matt: "oh ok, so it was just arbitrary and weird"

david mirkin: "ya"

matt: "well i really like non-fictional. we should dig it up and change it"
It's called a non sequitur, you dunce.
i think i read it's a reference to an obscure brazilian philosopher, but i have to do some checking on it

Predestination was fucking awful.
you might want to google what phrases mean and are before you try to apply your superior intellect, sir
thats not non sequitur
That Jake Gylenhall one.
The one about the train, I saw it recently, quite a good flick.
>repeating the same day theme
Source Code

And it's really well done until the ending that goes too far and just asks more questions than it has time to answer.

If you end on the freeze frame you have an overall great little sci-fi story.
It's just another example of how terrible the early seasons of The Simpsons were. I'm amazed the network stuck with it for 13 seasons before it finally started living up to its potential.
>Lisa, in this house we obey the laws of Thermodynamics

>So I says to Mabel I says

what did they mean by these?
what did he says to mabel, he says?
This thread has been made before and there was a legit answer that made sense but I can't remember it.
what does it MEAN?
is this zombie simpsons?
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It's a Brazilian movie.
There is this kid who goes to a football (soccer) match, and at the last minute his team loses because a penalty.
So, he is obsessed his entirely life with this match, and he decides to travel back in time and warn the goalkeeper were will be the ball going.

He manages to do it, and in the end he yells at the goalkeeper, this one gets distracted and the team loses because of his fault
So in the end is like time machine with fuchibol
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Chucks feed and seed?

Doesn't make any sense.

ecks dee

Season 11 I think, that was the last good one.
Nice :)
>Doesn't make any sense.
that's why it's funny. comedy is all about breaking previously established patterns.

Have you ever laughed at anything that wasn't a picture of a cartoon frog?
What happened in your life that led you to be like this?

I found it

It was a liquor store named Chuck's before Sneed bought it.
i never thought it was chucks suck and fuck but it was just convenient that the now new owner coincidentally has a name that rhymes with seed and feed and chuck still named the place chucks seed and feed, it just didnt rhyme. the joke being that it looks like its the owner was clever to rhyme his name with seed and feed but the shop was already called seed and feed and it was just lucky.
I was touched as a child and my mom put out cigs on me

Is this the most risque simpsons gag?
Run Lola Run sort of fits. Not a whole day, but still repeating the same part of a day over and over.

You probably deserved it senpai
It's a reference to the movie Brazil you fuckwits!

Jesus fuck! What as /tv/ become?
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still haven't learnt to not use the no no word thats been filtering it for dumb dumbs like your self

oh no go go ga ga dumb dumb le text book 'le f am' reply

try harder SENPAI ;)

Don't worry, Matt Groening doesn't know it either

Nah, I actually meant to say senpai, senpai. In the end it's not more or less appropriate a term than fa m.

>his mom paid attention to him

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That there is a program
Then the program runs
And it keeps running?

I guess only one person in a million would find it funny.
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>This is /tv/'s humor these days
He's an idiot.

That line was a reference to monica's Gand, a really popular Brazilian comics/tv series that featured time travel on many occasions.

*Monica's Gang*
>wow a 50's nostalgia cafe

>Franklin (Franjinha) - The child prodigy of the gang. He is a scientist who creates formulas, time machines and several fantastic devices in his laboratory that often fall into the hands of their friends creating serious problems. Sometimes he comes to serve as minion of Jimmy Five using his inventions to defeat Monica. He owns of the puppy Blu. He is blond with a black bangs covering his forehead. His best friends are Bucky, Jeremiah and Manezinho.

I thought it was that she was so messed up from being spun around and thrown out of the building that she was walking in like it was the first time again.
Franklin builds so many time machines that many times characters lampshade how it's basically the only thing he does.
Forest run
Forest run forest
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>not Run Forest Run
>matt: "well i really like non-fictional. we should dig it up and change it"

Some said previously that it was a reference to this guy:

The joke is that Bart is ten and talking like a gossipy 1950s housewive
non-fictional would've been a perfect joke.
What a shitty decision.
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more movies with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions. I love time travel movies .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..
No, it's from


Do you have an image associated with this post?
It was a Terry Gilliam reference. Homer was confusing the movie Brazil and 12 Monkeys.
Edge of tomorrow
Timecrimes (los cronocrimenes)

There's some good timetravel movies for ya anon
by then the series was on intesive care
the movie is where they pulled the plugs
Shit taste detected.
No you idiot

See Jane
See Jane Run
Run Jane Run
Why would Jane run when she has a gun? What did her Daddy do?
that one episode of stargate
How is this thread still going? The answer is right here... >>69059752
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