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What was your favorite one of these?
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What was your favorite one of these?
Angel Boy
Hurricane by far. I like when Tim and Eric are only loosely tied to the story
The one with Jason Schwartzman was pretty great, and the one where Red Foreman tricks that guy into implanting his balls in himself
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bathroom boys
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The pilot. Angel Boy is a close second.
The one with John C. Reilly as the sad sack who gets scammed by T & E.
Bathroom Boys or Hole.
The wrap-up show for the pilot was one of the best things they ever did
That one had some great dialogue involving euphemisms for jacking off.
They were all pretty good. I think I liked Baby or Angel Boy the most, though.

Is there going to be a second season?
I thought this shit sucked but I loved the aftershow where they make fun of social network shilling
I loved Hole
The ending gave me chills and I am such a sucker for the dark-undertone suburban atmosphere that it had
Sauce Boy was golden.
Angel Boy and Roomates

Roommates really, really nailed that LA type
>Is there going to be a second season?

wasnt there already?

No just the Sauce Boy one-off, but yeah, there is
no further arguments
I liked tim's portrayal of vaping in Sauce Boy
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