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>character gets in a foreign situation >learns the language
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>character gets in a foreign situation

>learns the language perfectly in a week
Shut up.
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>White character goes to a foreign, homogeneous land
>Everyone is on their side
>character is American
>it's randomly shown that he speaks Chinese in one scene to make him look intelligent, even though speaking Chinese doesn't really benefit him in any way
>protagonists wife dies
>the protagonist doesn't immediately begin fucking his son, who looks just like his wife.

yes im talking about the walking dead
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>character can tell his mother he loves her without getting a panic attack
>character feels positive emotions towards his mother
>he doesn't cringe at the thought of hugging her or admitting he likes her
>he doesn't move at least 500 miles away from his parents house
Pacific Rim?
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this movie isn't guilty of that despite taking place in Japan. good flick 2bh.
>he doesn't learn entire languages in a week

smdh tbqh OP
name 3 films, 4 flicks and 1 kino where this happens

>call of the wind
>mother may eye
>sharknado 2
>every accurate adaption of macbeth
>cruel intentions
>the grudge 2
One of the best things I ever did was watch this without subtitles and before I was weeb enough to learn nip.

It makes the whole thing that much less shitty somehow.
Sie nicht verstehen mich?

Inch bin nicht sehr gut wit german arber spreakin yezt.

>theres german that i learnt in a week. Sorry for the misspellings.

Best way was listening to some audio cds that i rented at local library, voice guy told me to NOT write anything down and just listen to sentences and words and repeat after him.

Theres some advice if u wanna learn a language fast.
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