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literally JUST: the character?
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literally JUST: the character?
I may be a retard, but I never even understood his character arc.
Maybe he was supposed to be the contrasting fall to butterface's rise
Yeah. But he had so much... potential.
that's true. never really went anywhere interesting with his character
When they fired him I was confused as well, half expecting him straight up kill the guy who got his promotion.

We'll see what they'll do with him soon enough.
i think he's just supposed to be an american psycho-esque character. he's a guy trying to fill the role of a total corporate business shark with no feelings, but deep down he's kind of pathetic and emotionally unstable. (i know that's not totally "american psycho," but aside from that i get that kind of vibe from tyrell)
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My favorite character from the show, I have a feeling his days as a murder are just beginning, judging by his last scene, followed by disappearing.
I can't wait to see what he is up to. Really wanna see him in the same scene with the other psycho called Vera.
Is he one of Elliot's alter egos like mr robot? I've seen that theory floated out there but it seems unlikely to me.
no. how can elliot manage working 2 jobs, a marriage and a haxxor group?

if it was his alter ego, he wouldn't have been recognized when he broke into their headquarters. he would've been able to waltz in to the top floor
>implying hes not gonna return

you plebs, he's the Patrick Bateman of it all
This guy is terrifying, I'd fuck his wife though.
It is either that or he is dead. Yes it will be a stupid asspull that doesn't make sense, but this show already did that with the original alter ego twist.
the scene with elliot and his wife in the daytime was strange
I don't know, but it seems odd that he just showed up at Steel Mountain, and then again at Elliot's apartment just to disappear. Plus Elliott's interaction with Tyrell's wife. Seems like they are setting this up for another alter ego twist.
rewatch the first episode

hes like a ghost
There's only been one season m8, let's wait to see what happens to Tyrell in season 2
I should rewatched the season and see how the other actors interact with Tyrell, you are right about the first episode when he hangs back and talks to Elliott, it's like no one notices him. What throws me off is the whole interaction of Tyrell and Scott when he is trying to get the CTO job, as well as when he gets fired.
he fucked a gay dude for no reason
He did it to do something to the guys phone, which I don't think was ever explained, or I missed it.

>also, checked
whatever it is its pointless now, the company is already bankrupt its not and hes fired its because he killed the newest CFO's wife. The point of doing that is to tapped into the company just to get to the top.

Hes 100% dead. i've forgotten all the characters names but his sister left a gun in the popcorn machine, mr.robot / hacker guy saw it placed there.

so when tyrell and him were in their secret hacking place alone, he killed tyrel and went crazy for the next 3 days. ofc tyrell has no chance of success with the company and he murdereed that chick, so they killed him off.

he was my fave character as well, wanted to see more bdsm with his wife tbqh
>got to the top
>top of the building
>fucked it up

bravo mr roboto
I just want to know who is knocking on the door.
>inb4 opportunity to hack something else plot device/person
did you even watch the show

See >>68910680
I thought he fucked him because he wanted a power trip of dominating someone else
he fucked him to get through his phone and find an info to blackmail his competitor for the CFO position but he killed the wife which makes it impossible to be in that company again. Also the bankrupt it in the end.

Fucking that gay dude was pointless.
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