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Did Bateman try and kill him out of jealousy? Gold card is best card
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Did Bateman try and kill him out of jealousy?
Gold card is best card
Carruthers' card is gaudy as fuck. Bateman probably tried to kill him for having awful taste.
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fucking dubs.png
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Who's card is best?
Gold is ostentatious. It's for presidents, people at the top of the ladder who don't need to care about what other people think because definitively everyone they meet is beneath them. Gold on a vice-president's card is disgustingly presumptive, arrogant beyond the sleek, hungry arrogance you'd expect from a rising star in mergers & acquisitions.
Bale totally has dentures right?

He always has an overbite and in this you can see him sort of hold them in when talking.
Are you saying that because he's gay?
Why are they all vice president?
>Im a pleb and Im proud


Serif fonts are passé, and that texturing is divine.

The ultimate would be Bryce's type on Bateman's card stock.
Cos they were Investment Bankers if I remember correctly and the hierarchy in IBs is usually: Analyst->Associate->VP->Managing Director
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Bryce, hands down...

Now what about dinner?
Why did yuppies wear nonprescription glasses back then?
Best font. Best card stock.

Only downside is that it's not gold ink.
Im not going anywhere without a reservation
>Paul Allen is Jared Leto

what's up with that fucking guy
Bateman's font, on Van Patten's stock with Allen's layout.
Not even meming here, but Paul Allen's.
Bryce's card is clean as fuck
Thread replies: 24
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