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What do ya'll fags think about this show?
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What do ya'll fags think about this show?

Three first seasons are very good. fourth is okay, then it's shit for three full seasons. The final season is good again, and the ending of the series is great.
It's very comfy, though everything went downhill after season 5.
a disturbing lack of Stephen Fry
S1-3: good procedural
S4: muh character development
S5: meh
S6 onwards: whatever
Night Manager is better.
It's a patient lies to House until the last 5 minutes episode
I think its Lupus.
>heyyy they managed to cure the patient only 20 minutes into the episode.
>finally we'll get to spend some comfy time with house as he's chilling back home/with wilson or cuddy and not having a case to solve
>patient gets sick again two minutes later because it's a procedural and there are 23 minutes left in the episode to fill in
the ending was shit
they tried so hard to redeem house

look at all his underlings doing great, even though most of them fled because they had enough of his shit and said house is corrupting them
appearantly working for house is a great stepping stone into a successful career, even though foreman couldn't find work outside the hospital, bacause he is so much like house
lets brush over all of his flaws, like the self destructive tendencies, addiction, antisocial behaviour and just say he was an ass

also look at the heart warming friendship between house and his dying enabler
Literally the entire show.
Good vehicle for Laurie for a few seasons, and decent tier banter with Wilson. That's about it, turned to shit quite fast.
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