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ITT: Celebrities that are actually addicts
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ITT: Celebrities that are actually addicts
are steroids an addiction
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>In 2014 he released his autobiography, Manhood: How To Be A Better Man Or Just Live With One.[11] The book included details about his marriage, along with his wife's response to his pornography addiction.
i admire him for speaking out and raising awareness. porn addiction is a very real threat to our society about which no one is speaking
nigga just turn your computer off
How can he have enough willpower to regularly cycle roids and hit the gym all the time but he can't just not wank for a few days?
what kind of porn do you think he was into?
Shemales, or something worse like fetishes. If you're addicted to porn, chances are you've gone beyond watching regular benis in punani

I should know, I have 10-20GB of Ladyboygold videos
for some reason i see him being into asians
He was an addict as in masturbating every day for hours or addict as in "oh no my wife caught me time to renounce my ways"?
Well Eddie Murphy had a thing for trannies
my wife is ADDICTED to Terry Crews

She literally likes every Instagram pic of his.

she prefers him over Leo DiCaprio
pretty good meme
Probs both
I would call you a cuck but I'm the same
all hours of the day.. constantly viewing not just at home. out in public, in the bathroom at work, driving, et cetera
I decided to acknowledge my addiction as well a couple days ago. I deleted all 200+ GB of porn I had saved on my PC and haven't masturbated in 5 days.

The moment I deleted my porn was like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. And since I'm not spending several hours a day veiwing and downloading and masturbating to pornography I've had a lot more time to get other things done.

Now, I've heard of other positives that come from stopping masturbation, but it has been long enough for me to have any of them. The longest I've ever gone before relapsing is about two weeks and so I do remember what it was like then. The temptation and pent up energy is tough to deal with but you become so much more active and confident. There is such a huge change in mentality. I plan to do this again and use the gains to help me get fit and get a job and eventually get some pussy.

Wish me luck. Maybe I should read this guys book.
i believe in you anon

Gonna make it mayne.
After well over a decade of porn addiction I can tell you it's not easy to narrow down what he could be into. After going so deep your typical porn just doesn't do it.

My guess is extreme bdsm stuff. like queensnake. Blood, crying, and shards of glass in vagina.
I'll just leave this here
desu i would be addicted to his BBC if you know with i mean
I prefer Crews over DiCaprio too
anyone who doesn't have shit taste would prefer Crews

just porn? I would think a guy like him would have a full blown sex addiction

good luck hiding that from the missus.
I don't think total renouncement of masturbation is necessary, it's fine if you wank every week or two. It's just cleaning the pipes, as long as it isn't controlling your life you're fine.

>It's just cleaning the pipes

I'm pretty sure the whole idea of being "backed up" only exists in anime
How can a man be so based.
I need to wank at least ever week or I get wet dreams. I hate waking up randomly in the middle of the night thinking I've pissed to the best, only to find my boxers wet with spunk and having to change. I thought you stopped getting wet dreams after 18ish but apparently not
I feel you bruh i was pretty deep into this kind of shit and even had several account on god awful shit.

When i erased them all i still had a month to go back and revalidate my accounts, it took me 5 tries but last week it finally happened.

Feels great my man.
Sounds like you just have a high fucking libido

I never get wet dreams. I mature between 4 to 7 times a week but even when I've stopped for a week or longer they just never happen
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