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I literally just realized today that Wallace from The Wire is
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I literally just realized today that Wallace from The Wire is Michael B Jordan
That tends to happen a lot after watching the wire
>mfw the white guy who hangs out with Bubs in Season 1 is the lead from the movie Kids
He's really been getting roles as of late. I would've missed that too if I hadn't already binge-watched it back in 2012.
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fucking hell I knew I recognized him from something

Is Treme any good? I've seen The Wire, Generation Kill and Show Me a Hero and they were all fantastic. The premise of Treme just doesn't seem interesting to me, but David Simon is great
This is me yo, right here

Creed was really, really good. I was expecting NOTHING from that movie, it sounded like another dumbass reboot, but my brothers dragged me to see it and I was seriously impressed. Not quite as good as "Rocky," but it blows all the other sequels out of the water
Treme is great, many of the actors from The Wire were cast in Treme. It focuses not so much on the rebuilding itself, but how the people cope with what happened and how the politics of a formerly flooded shithole change over about 4 years.
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