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Good: >Daredevil (TV) >Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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>Daredevil (TV)
>Captain America: The Winter Soldier
>The Dark Knight
>Iron Man
>Batman Begins
>Spider-Man 2
>X-Men: First Class
>X-Men 2

>Guardians of the Galaxy
>Batman Returns
>Superman 2
>Kingsman: The Secret Service
>The Incredible Hulk
>X-Men: Days of Future Past
>Blade II
>Constantine (TV)
>Avengers: Age of Ultron
>Flash (TV)
>The First Avenger
>Incredible Hulk
>Superman 3
>The Punisher (2004)
>Arrow (TV)
>Smallville (TV)
>Sin City
>Batman (TV)
>Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (TV)
>Sky High
So bad it’s good:
>Fantastic Four (1994)
>Captain America (1990)
>Batman and Robin
>Generation X
>Wolverine Origins
>Howard the Duck
>Ghost Rider

>Man of Steel
>Blade Trinity
>Wonder Woman (TV)
>The Dark Knight Rises
>Iron Man 3
>Scott Pilgrim
>KickAss 2
>Sin City 2
>The Punisher (1989)
>Hellboy 2
>The Amazing Spider-Man
>Iron Man 2
>Judge Dredd
>The Losers
>Mystery Men
>Spider-Man 3
>Superman Returns
>Punisher: War Zone
>Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (TV)
>Batman Forever
>Batman vs Superman
>Jessica Jones (TV)
>Red 2

>X-Men 3
>Thor 2
>Fantastic Four 2
>Fantastic Four
>Ghost Rider 2
>Superman 4
>Agent Carter (TV)
>Gotham (TV)
>The Amazing Spider-Man 2
>Green Lanthern
>Supergirl (TV)
>Hulk (2003)
>Doctor Strange (1978)

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7/10 very good movie
Some of this actually seems like a legitimate opinion OP
Proud of you.
Remember DCucks screaming:
>GotG will fail!
>Ant-Man will fail!
There was good reason to believe so since it had been in development since before the first Iron Man even but it turned out great. If you ask me, even as an Ant-Man fan some of the rumored Edgar Wright ideas were kinda dumb. Most of the movie is still really similar I think.

>please be trolling
>please be trolling
>please be trolling

>Marvel movies good
>BVS and Hellboy 2 "bad"

Holy fuck can you be more pathetic?
Marvel is objectively better than DC by any metric
>Scott Pilgrim
>DC cucks
>not the anti-capeshit fags.
Hell boy 1 and 2 are some of the best ones made.
There is literally nothing wrong with capefun, friend!
except the source material
You're right, BvS should be "Horrible".
When you think capelist fag is gone from /tv/ he always returns with a bigger list.

What a man
I love the "MoS is bad" meme.

It and BvS are on a whole different level.
it has its purpose, but Im getting really bored of the non stop discussions on /tv/

I dont even get it, what do you guys talk about all this time?
>Daredevil (TV)
wew lad
sage capeshit thread #12392181304
Contrarian, eh?
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It was genuinely horrible for the first season

Literally end your life
>Spider-Man 3 and Superman Returns under Bad
Those are the only things I disagree with.
>the first avenger
Marvel actually paid Joe Johnston to remake the Rocketeer with The First Avenger and actually gave him more money to do it. How can the cheaper version be better? I'd say they're at least on equal ground (and The First Avenger is still the best MCU movie to date).
>Arrow (TV)
Not anymore.
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>Thinking either hellboy film is bad.

Nice try
But I liked the second Ghost Rider.
>thinking that sin city and kingsman are capeshit
Why the fuck do you guys think that if it came from a comic it's capeshit? By that definition the walking dead and a history of violence are capeshit.
Im halfway through Flash s1 and enjoying it alot, but youve rated it so far down..is daredevil really that great?

Also I know Arrow shares the same universe because of some crossover episodes, whats the general opinion on the show? im thinking of watching it next so i can fill in the gaps of information i feel like im missing.

and does Gotham share the same universe? are there others shows that do?
>Also I know Arrow shares the same universe because of some crossover episodes, whats the general opinion on the show?
You gonna cry from dissapointment when you watch it till season 4.
Amazing list.
You mean after season 2
>jessica jews

no just no. its horrible.
>Spiderman 2
>spiderman 3
>man of steel
>anything but good
this is the worst tier list i've ever seen
this is a great video
Watchmen has the rare honor of completely subverting the source material's intention by being an honest, rote superhero movie.

Technically, it's OK capeshit. Conceptually, it's an unironic confirmation that Snyder doesn't understand comics, superheros, or sarcasm.

Watchmen is the culmination of the superhero genre - mindless, thoughtless commercialism designed as an attack on introspection and analysis.

Capelist fag is adapting!
S1+2 are great, then The Flash started and the lead writer moved there, and it's gone downhill since about halfway through S3. S4 is absolute garbage.
There's also Legends of Tomorrow and Constantine set in the same universe, and Supergirl exists in the multiverse.

theres maybe 4 good capeshit movies and 2 individual tv seasons
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>tfw love arrow season 1 and have enjoyed first half of s3 but havent watched past it yet

i guess i should just let the show go then
Wrong. Capefun is amazing!
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