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>completely black outfit by ROTJ >Luke close to the dark
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>completely black outfit by ROTJ
>Luke close to the dark side
>but at the end, his outfit reveals it's white inside
>just like Luke was good inside all along
This is DEEP.
how much pottery can one starkino contain
Friendly reminder that Luke is best boy
>white in hope signifies purity and untaintedness by the dark
>empire has him in murky colors
Man, he made that outfit work
does this mean Luke is a virgin?
The way his outfit and green lightsaber compliment eachother in ROTJ is just so...perfect. Please do something cool in the new ones Luke, please.
Black outfit, green lightsaber Luke is GOAT.
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>could have had Luke in /fa/ as fuck black clothes in TFA
>instead give him basic shitty white robes

Why is JJ allowed to make movies?
Luke will never be /fa/ again.
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He may don a black outfit before fighting Snoke or some shit, there's still hope.
>Bespin Fatigues

Who the fuck rated these
Sorry I didn't want to start yet another Star Wars thread so I'm asking here: is there anything from the expanded universe besides Coruscant that ended up becoming/being used in canon?
Those are all 5/5 looks.
Bespin Fatigues > Jedi Threads > X-Wing Pilot > Farmboy Chic = Hoth Gear
g8 b8 m8

Bespin > Xwing > Jedi > hoth > farmboy
>no yellow jacket outfit
I like farm boy the best because it's when Luke was at his purest.
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The Hoth Gear is pretty shit desu.

Mein negro

>not 5 rebel emblems for every outfit
Shit magazine.
Farmboy Luke is basically Waifumode Luke.
>No picture of episode 5 flight suit with white gloves and improved fit
Worthless list, who the fuck wrote this
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Why did Lucas waste this outfit on one scene?
Did Yoda taint him?
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Yes, every night.
>No picture of episode 5 flight suit with white gloves and improved fit

Which one is that?
This bad mother fucker right here
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It's not actually that different, but it shows the clear jump in production quality between movies.
>father...help me

Not memeing here but I cry every time I see this and tear up just thinking about it.
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I don't cry, but the parts with Vader and Luke are objectively the feelsiest in all of SW.
The Throne Room scene is both the well edited scene in cinema and the most feelsiest in SW.

For all the shit ROTJ gets, this scene redeems it all.
>before fighting snoke
If only. If he does fight him he'll probably die in that because star wars
no idea but that outfit is fucking great. also luke apparently has a huge dick because dat bulge is killing his zipper
>Luke gets destroyed instantly like Ben Kenobi did in IV

I'd be fucking livid.
more like
>luke tries to give himself up
>too bad, villain kills rey instead
>luke does a vader nooooooooooo
>luke is the main character again
>If he does fight him he'll probably die in that because star wars

pls no, that would be such predictably bad writing.
His dick is bigger than Han's, by the looks of it.
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That would be great, but it'll never happen. The most we can hope for is Luke managing to survive alongside Rey.
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you know it
The love triangle in the OT should've been Leia and Han fighting over Luke desu
No way. Snoke was afraid of Luke, remember? Luke is > Yoda at this point.
They'll find some contrived way to make it so that Luke has to sacrifice himself because they're lazy hack writers.
>Luke fights Vader
>Luke cuts off Vader's robot hand
>Luke looks at his own robot hand
>He remembers how Vader chopped off his hand
Did anyone else notice this? Really deep. The original trilogy was just a masterpiece, unlike the shitty prequels.
Snoke's gonna be a manlet. Mark my words.

Only a dwarf would have his hologram be 20 feet tall. He's gonna be an absolute wimp.
>Luke is training with Kenobi
>He hits a small ball with a laser without looking
>Later, look hits a big ball (the Death Star) with a laser without working
Genius. Pure kino. The prequels can't compete!
d a m n
You may not know this, but Empire ends on a down ending because, traditionally, in a three-part story, the second part ends with the hero at his lowest point. This is art. Every frame a painting.
Snokes real height was confirmed to be 7ft.
>Luke fights Vader because he think Vader killed his dad
>Turns out Vader IS his dad
Shakespeare couldn't have wrote the original trilogy better. Empire is the best film ever.
>That fucking shitty grip

And he's supposed to be a Jedi Master?
Damn. How do I get one?
Did you guys ever notice that Yoda never ONCE teaches Luke to use a lightsaber? It's like the Force stuff was way more important than his dumb laser sword. Too bad the prequels fucked Yoda up by having him use a lightsaber.
Toys, anon.
>good guy jedi use blue lightsabers
>blue is the color of calm and jedi are calm

>bad guy sith use red lightsabers
>red is the color of angry and sith are angry

>all these feels between star wars characters
>all that music accompanying it

George is truly great
ITT: Good taste

you were right.... luke... you were right
>the LIGHT side of the Force is good
>the DARK side of the Force is evil
>light is usually considered good, while darkness is usually considered bad
Lucas isn't a filmmaker. He's an artist.
ITT: Gay4Luke? I guess I seen it all now...
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>yfw you realize that the blasters are oppositely colored.
your move lawman
You clearly didn't watch the movies
>Han saves Luke at the Death Star and on Hoth
>Tells Leia that Luke definitely escaped the Death Star
They WERE fighting for Luke's love
Leia tried to convince Luke to join Rebellion in NH, and Han tries to get him to join him in the smuggler life
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where does this hot look rank?
Obviously he had to at some point

A jedi is no jedi without his lightsaber

No, the power of movement

Yoda vs palps > dagobah training
Why didn't they end up giving Luke the tender loving he deserves then?
The commandos from the Republic Commando game are canon but the events of the game are not
he looks a bit like anakin here
>3 17

fun fact, the rebels used red and the empire used green lasers for starships because nazi artillery used a compound that made tracer bullets green and the allies used a compound that had a red tint
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>a jedi is no jedi without his lightsaber
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Lukefu is kind of hopeless, that's what makes him great. Even in the end of the OT, he's still that little farm boy at heart.
There were time skips.
Also, to keep the purity of Luke so fans wouldn't be upset
Visible hard nipples and nice arms/10
Lucas wanted to use Revan and someone else as force ghosts for TCW (which would have meant canonization)

but they didn't get around to it in time, because the ip was sold to disney and CW was cancelled

this would have basically probably meant stuff like this:

a nod of respect to said character(s) or idea while keeping its background blurred/lower-tier of canon to have some breathing room
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>A jedi is no jedi without his lightsaber
>A jedi is no jedi without his lightsaber
God you're so dumb! You don't even get the artistry of Star Wars. Yoda is more than that as a character. He's a magical mentor character and that gets TOTALLY FUCKED UP WHEN YOU HAVE HIM JUMPING AROUND WITH A LIGHTSABER. Prequelfag btfo!
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There have been 60+ Lukelust threads since TFA came out, anon, where have you been?
>Darth (In)Vader
Am I the only one who noticed this?
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well this is a pottery thread.
Is it not just different because they are on an ice planet? It looks like it would be a lot warmer to wear that than the other one.
>Vader is also "Father" in German or something
>Vader is Luke's father
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Huh, I never noticed the slight difference. Guess they made it bulkier for the colder climate.

Da fuq. Lol are you guys just being ironically gay now. Taking contrarianism to new heights?
>the first Star Wars film is actually the fourth in the series
Genius. Sheer genius.
nigga you gay
>Boba means father in arabic or some shit
>Boba is Jango's
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>implying /tv/ isn't filled with fags who love oggling at gorgeous boys
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>he doesn't know about the Lukefags

Way to be new.
As the other poster said, it's pretty common to have these threads. /wsg/ has an eternal thread as well
Not gay but just from that clip luke needs some loose pants. shit hurts man.
There's nothing gay about noticing Luke's prominent package, anon.
>german or something
>sandpeople in star wars are backwards, uneducated, violent terrorists
Whoa rich social commentary.
George didn't originally plan for Vader to be Luke's father though, right? What an amusing coincidence.
Here is the Luke thread
the name actually originates from the word 'invader'

George wanted to get across that he was the baddie
>those uneven pant legs and copious belts

It's like something out of my Japanese video games.
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>implying a genius like old george didn't have it all planned out
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>that one butthurt Hanfag
Man did Alec Guinness even like being in Star Wars? He looks absolutely miserable even though everyone else is having so much fun
>space scifi story
>"oh, this is set in the future"
>a long time ago
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>Alec Guinness

Why was he so miserable, bros?
No he hated star wars

It was his idea to kill Obi-Wan in IV
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He considered it beneath him, but there are times where he looks happy, pic related.
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The casting was spot on in this regard.
He outright said SW is nothing but a secondhand childish banality. It's safe to say he fucking didn't.
He is already dead. They couldn't let his body remain on the Death Star
Old gay British guys find fantasy films so detestable (see Gandalf). Yet it's their bread and butter financially and their only true chance at immortality.
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Kind of futile since he had to come back anyway.
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I heard he bought everyone beers when production finished and remained pretty nice to his co-workers despite hating the series.
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R-reylo confirmed?
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I thought McKellen liked LOTR and only had an issue with the Hobbit because it fucking sucked?
Lucas didn't plan it as a trilogy
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>ironically gay
Well yeah, makes sense. the fact he hated the film didn't stop him from forming attachments to his colleagues. He's not a dick.
but she is the clone of anakin dude
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StarKino I kek'd
>the only times Guinness looks happy is when he's with Hamill

Guinness confirmed for GOAT taste in men.
Kindly fuck off.
> black
> warm, embracing, the entirety and totality of all, emotions flourish in a passionate maelstrom of life

> white
> cold, sterile, absence of color and emotion, condescending and aloof, distant from humanity itself

Why do people still believe the jedi are good and right?
>He outright said SW is nothing but a secondhand childish banality

A glib facsimile, as it were?
It's called being old.

He liked doing Star Wars, he just didn't like all the manchildren it created. He specifically went for the role because he "always wanted to play a wizard in a children's story".
Now see. This is just super tryhard bait. Nobody is this gay4luke.
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>that cute genuine smile
So the stormtroopers are pure as fuck then, good to know.
Over 60 maxed gay threads about Luke and Mark Hamill that averaged 60-100 separate IP's, anon.

Stop being new.
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>Nobody is this gay4luke
Nigga did you even read the other posts itt?
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>because he "always wanted to play a wizard in a children's story".

But he made an actual child cry for liking Star Wars.
>le apocryphal story i wasn't there for but deeply believe as the one truth
The Jedi have to be cold and sterile for the good of mankind though. Barring Luke, the black clothed ones are all assholes.
>In the final volume of the book A Positively Final Appearance (1997), Guinness recounts grudgingly giving an autograph to a young fan who claimed to have watched Star Wars over 100 times, on the condition that the boy promise to stop watching the film, because, as Guinness told him, "this is going to be an ill effect on your life." The fan was stunned at first, but later thanked him (though some sources say it went differently). Guinness is quoted as saying: "'Well,' I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?' He burst into tears. His mother drew herself up to an immense height. 'What a dreadful thing to say to a child!' she barked, and dragged the poor kid away. Maybe she was right but I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities."
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Did you expect anything less from the genius poet George Lucas?
Reminder that George butchered this key moment by having Vader go.

"No....NOOOO!" When he tossed the Emperor.

The silence from Vader as he contemplated is what made that moment perfect.
yea he butchered it. lucas has autism though and the original ones still exist
Because the sith are edgy gaylords
Gray Jedi represent
Based Guinness. He deserved better.
Is lukelust the new bronies' and their clopping.
He would have been a nobody without Star Wars. In actuality his children and grandchildren will benefit from the money for years.
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Remember that time when Lucas added in Sheev's scream during the part where Luke falls in ESB?

The man is legitimately insane.
Lusting after based Hamill is nowhere near as degenerate as lusting after ponies
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Hang on a minute...
>mfw Sheev really only wanted the Skywalker boys for their bodies
Hello gray friend. I'm happy we can slaughter those who've twisted the force to their will; we will be the hands that slay the Jedi and Sith to restore the balance of the force.
Wasn't the space opera scene in RotS creepy like that. It's like they're on a date. Then the kneeling as Annie becomes Vader.
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It's why Sheev wanted to go after Luke, he couldn't do anything lewd with Anakin after he got burnt up. All that effort seducing Anakin was wasted.
Jedi are straight, Sith are gay af
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>Luke looks like a cute girl

Goddammit, Japan.
> .gif

I ain't clicking that
Stop being so new
>GOAT jedi killed by some deformed scrub
no chance m8, rest of the trilogy will be him going HAM on those clowns
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That looks so realistic, I feel like I'd go to jail for saving it.

Do you have more?
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I'm surprised this thread's still here, I thought mods just blindly deleted anything that had Luke in the OP.
The new janitors seem fucking gay. Deleting even decent threads.
>Did anyone else notice this?

Are you seriously asking this?
Fuck, I wish I was alive to be on that set, it seemed so comfy.
So everytime i put on a coloured shirt i express wheter or not i've joined the dark side
Are you a Jedi?
shota luke is best luke
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Don't worry anon, it's harmless.
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That would explain why Sheev is the gayest character in SW
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My shame is unknowable. I've never made this connection before.
Fuck, he's gonna tower over a manlet like Luke and womanlet like Rey.
So since he doesn't have a saber, we can come to the conclusion that anyone can use the lightsaber and using the force only enhances your lightsaber skills.
I'm sure this is a RLM parody, but it's still correct.
>Ben Kenobi
>Destroyed instantly
Dude wat, he sacrificed himself. Not because Vader was stronger wtf
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I know this is reddit or tumbler but I'm crying over here.
Either way, Luke should not die or sacrifice himself or some shit. He deserves a better conclusion than just "old sage who dies for Rey's """"development"""""

To compound the kino, the lightsaber represents a dick, and the proton torpedo represents a sperm with which he impregnates an explosion.
Or the Death Star hole represents his boypussy and the proton torpedos represent Force sperm, hence why Luke looks like he just came after making the shot and ends up getting pregnant with Rey.
hi redshit
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She's a clone of Anakin though
Poetry compilation

I saw the new one for TFA and the poetry felt so forced.
Copying scenes from your previous movies isn't poetry
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Abrahams just isn't good enough. I watched EP2 again last night and yeah, the dialogue is shit and so much time is wasted with pointless, overly long chase and action scenes but Lucas is still a better story teller than JJ could ever hope to be
the whole movie felt forced desu
they wanted the audience to love rey as much as we loved luke but lukelove is pure and cannot be forced
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You know nothing of poetry, rhyming or echo
Debbie Reynolds is prettier desu.
Stormtroopers were working with the Rebels. They purposely foiled all of the Empire's assaults by missing their targets purposefully.
>nothing without star wars
>literal oscar winning world renowned A-lister
Huh, never actually noticed that. Well spotted.
Ian loved playing Gandalf in LOTR. It was the soullessness of the Hobbit that broke him.
How do I get this /fa/?
>using parentheses instead of quotation marks
Cmon Hamill
it just makes him all the more adorable
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Force grip, if he did it any harder he'd crush it in his hand.
giving me ideas desu
You didn't notice the fact that the inner part of their armour is black?
it represents that they are pure only on the outside, but have darker intentions within.
How can you not sense such poetry undivided?
Yeah, it's definitely a cold weather update, but I think it's a lot better looking with the gloves and boots actually fitting instead of the giant ass cuffs and uneven pirate boots from episode 4. In the blue rays you can see the change in costume quality between movies pretty clearly, episode 4 looks like cheap shifty costume shop stuff, episode 5 looks like high quality flight suits.
>plus I had both pilot Luke as my favorite action figure growing up desu
If Anakin was a good friend, why did Obi-Wan leave him to die a painful, agonizing death on a volcano planet?
>Jedi Threads

they were clearly a very sleek officer's uniform, not some sort of TurboCanon(tm) Jedi Suit for $29.99
At first I thought this was lame, but as it went on I lost my shit at that facial expression of utter disgust and contempt.
Anakin was complicit in the death of everyone Obi-Wan had cared about for the last 30 years of his life. And he watched a holo tape of anakin personally murdering a room of young children. Would you have mercy killed him? Or just let him burn in almost literal hell.
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bespin outfit was cool as hell
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Thread images: 58

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