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ITT: films that women, plebs, millennials, cucks and shills will
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File: batman-v-superman.png (806 KB, 970x645) Image search: [Google]
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ITT: films that women, plebs, millennials, cucks and shills will NEVER undestand
ITT: DCucks accidentally imply that they don't understand BvS
So it's only for retards, then.
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is she sucking his cock or his belly button?
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The least autistic capeshit ever.
No-one gets this.
File: civil war.png (2 MB, 2529x1051) Image search: [Google]
civil war.png
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>I prefer watching big-screen superhero soap operas instead of actual superhero films

I unironically enjoy both, but you can't possibly argue that the MCU 'films' are better than the Snyder DC films
If your preferred movie is so obviously superior, the need for a comparison is rendered moot.
I like Marvel flicks for what they are: flicks, entertainment for kids.
DCEU is for adults, it's pure kinography.
I think this is why many fail to understand Zack Snyder, they put his films on the same level as Marvel's quipfests.
BvS should be compared with classics like Citizen Kane.
She's blowing raspberry
Do you ever get anyone at all with that? It's pretty much a hanging hook and nothing else.
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i thought this was the least autistic capeshit
>compared with classics like citizen kane

Probably the best satire of they typical pseudopatrician DCuck mindset I've yet seen. 10/10.
This film turned me into a Mysoginist mainly because everyone fucking slut I know didnt likeit, and I even tried to fucking make these bitches understand the depth but they just dont want to hear it, I had one girl literally say "she can do this anymore", why even talk about it then if you going to back out like a cock gobbling slut"? Fucking hores
it's 28% now
If the movie is so good, why do you need to defend it :^)
I was already a mysognist

I just hate that women are too stupid to even comprehend this


I got a straight boner when Grace Randolph loved the movie she is one based female!
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