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ITT: Movies you like very much, although /tv/ doesn't probably
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ITT: Movies you like very much, although /tv/ doesn't probably like them.
>The Village
>Bridge to Terabithia
>Lord of War
I'm pretty sure Bridge to Terabithia is essential pedophile cinema around these parts.
/tv/ doesn't like Lord of War?

I have never met or heard of a person not liking Lord of War.
Big Trouble in Little China
Major League
don't think I've ever read anything negative about Lord of War here
Side Effects
I like mentally challenged girls.
inb4 lego

I love The Village. One of my all-time favorite films.

I just thought of it as a fairy tale with beautiful scenery and colorscapes.

Everyone I walked out of the theater with after just kept ranting "where's the famous TWIST ENDING?! I want my money back!"
ITT OP outs himself as a newfag

Everyone knows /tv/ loves Lord of War and like
said, Bridge has some prime cunny in it that we all appreciate
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>Mars Needs Moms
>War Horse
>The Hunger Games
>Peter Jackson's King Kong
>All of Marvel's Capeshits
>"where's the famous TWIST ENDING?! I want my money back!"
Why? How? The twist was right there for everyone to see, and it wasn't even that bad.
Need for Speed

Man of Steel

Yeah it had double twist even

kinda sucked the creature was just Brody in disguise but it fit the narrative
>not liking Lord of War
This is a joke right?
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>Lord of War - Kino

>The Village - Bretty Gud

>BvS - not seen yet
>Watchmen - Kino
>Man of Steel - Great and Original superhero movie
>Elysium - OK
>Chappie - Literally one ofthe worse movies i've ever seen
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>Big Trouble in Little China
I know /tv/ can be shit at times, but there is no way anyone here can hate these two perfect choices.
Ex Machina
>not likeing Chappie

Kill yourself m8. Chappie is GOAT. I fucking loved that guy.
>Bridge to Terabithia
Prefer Canuck PBS version.
>Bridge to Terabithia
I saw that in the cinema, a couple of girls were bawling their eyes out at the end.
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I quite like
>The Counselor
>Speed Racer
>Once Upon a Time in America

Lord of War and Port of Call: N.O. is maybe the only pair of Cage cinema /tv/ enjoys.
the village is great

i liked prometheus fuck you all
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Michelle Jenneke.
people like you rule the world, is the sad part.
everybody whos anybody loved ex machina

i liked it but i never left an impression on me, but thats bc i know the world is shit
or was it? I know this is Signs 'they were actually demons'-tier theorizing, but if you watch the Village again, there are a couple shots, after the twist nonetheless, where the creature is blurred.

there's enough room because of the way they filmed these shots for two creatures to be roaming the forest, the retard and the real one.
Lord Of War is the last good Nic Cage film

A History of Violence is great but its based on a graphic novel so there are probably plenty of lurkers that think its shit by default,
But I think Cronenburg is still going strong and putting out really great films consistently.

Also watched Call me Lucky and The Terminal which I both really enjoy.
I imagine everyone sees The Terminal especially badly as it could be construed as the epitome of Spielberg's sappiness but its just comfy as fuck to me.
Alien 3
Hana Bi
I always check with /tv/ before watching a movie. Otherwise I wouldn't know if I should enjoy it or not

The Village is a masterpiece OP. Other two are shit though. The Village is so good that it's completely inexplicable that shamalingdingydongy made it.
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I thinkI want to subscribe to your newsletter.
The Wicker Man remake with Nick Cage.
I lurve da village
You retard. The monster was all the parents until the very end when Adrian Jewey was chasing her.

Well I hoep you feel better about yourself about jumping up my ass about a post i made 3 hours ago.
I was at work you whiny peeface
lord of war is just really mediocre.

fucking wageslave
Salaryslave, actually. Doodoobrain

Lord of War is fucking awesome and I'll fight a nigga that says otherwise. Nic Cage at some of his more grounded yet great work.
It's All About Love
My Son, My Son What Have Ye Done
>The Village
>Bridge to Terabithia
Literally go fuck yourself
>Lord of War
C+, relied too heavy on voiceover instead of actual scenes
You're a child
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