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File: trash.jpg (102 KB, 768x511) Image search: [Google]
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Why do people love this film?
It's just a tasteless revenge flick like a lot of Tarantino's other work.
>Nazi's are cartoonishly evil so let's kill them in horrifying ways. Now we are heroes!
every Tarantino movie is pleb-tier. They're good films (for the most part), but they're all pretty much the same shit and Tarantino is a retarded cuck hack.

Tarantion shit is babby's first "I have taste in movies" kind of shit you see on Reddit and in college.
>being this fucking pleb

you missed the entire point of the movie, faggot. None of the Nazis are depicted as cartoonishly evil except Hitler and Goebbels and the Basterds are genuine fucking sociopaths
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it's a jew apologist's wet dream
pic related was the only truly good character in the film
>thinking Tarantino wanted to make the Nazis out to be okay ppl in any way, there was no point other than muh dialogue and muh violence

Bretty enjoyable tho

jfc how can you miss the whole point of the film. How stupid are you? stick to capeshit please
>Zoller is a pretty nice guy besides getting angry when Shoshanna won't be nice to him
>That one nazi in the woods who got beaten by the bear jew
>that one father in the bar who is made to be likable as all hell before he gets murdered by Hammersmark

Hitler and co laughing at the american soldiers getting gunned down is meant to be a deliberate parallel to the audience. You've been watching Nazis get murdered, and it's all well and good, but when German people do it, it's horrible, right? It's a point showing that we glorify violence when it's against the "right' people
nah, pretty sure it's jew propaganda
dianne kruger
yeah ol quentin didn't have this in mind when he made it.

I would know, he's my uncle
In the original script, the basterds intentionally blow themselves up, so yeah.
Tarantino had a point instead of just tarantino-esque violence? Don't know what movie capeshit is supposed to be, but I just watched Laura (1944) and it was way better than this trash.

I would have believed that from some directors, but unless you can show me these same parallels in his other revenge films (Kill Bill, Django,..) I'm going to conclude Tarantino equates entertainement=bloodletting
(Well it was entertaining, just far from a masterpiece)
shit thread
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Ethan Hawke as Hans landa, apparently they really liked his performance, but i thought it was okay at best.
Pretty cool that he knows all those languages though.
This is the reason why nazis will never have a good taste for art.
IB is a very good movie for anyone who knows a little bit about cinema, but stormfags can't enjoy it because it goes against their """"""""ideology"""""" (if you can call hating the jews an ideology).
So there they are, posting insults against Tarantino on Japanese image boards. A caricature even worst than any representation of any nazi character on Inglorious Bastards. You people are jokes.
>Nazi's are cartoonishly evil
They were evil so why not? I don't like the theme about Jews and this film but killing Nazi Germans was in fact a heroic act.

Watch it again.

The theater terrorist attack scene was especially horrific. It certainly wasn't glorifying anything. No soundtrack except for flames and screams.

I think the idea was that you're watching this violent movie in a theater and probably cheering it on, then you see a scene of Nazis cheering on a Nazi in a theater who get rekt. It was pretty deep man.
>No new posts
lol most of us said we enjoyed it even tho it's Jewed, fuck off strawman nigger cunt
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Can somebody tell me wtf this means? It's on Hugos knife
It's a shit website, to be fair.
>argh! mayn läbn!
Google is your BFF.
Loyalty is my honor.
>tells to use google
>uses google for him anyway
I didn't tell him to use it though.
You'll have to do better than that.

You're a faggot

Killing Jews was in fact a heroic act
Thanks, Fritz.
it's fun
If only they stopped with Jews.
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